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Rick Ridings: So we’re going to share right now. This will be videoed and it’s going to, we’re going to share a little bit about the kind of prophetic things of the eight mandates that we feel God gave for Succat Hallel, at the beginning of Succat Hallel. Just a quick snapshot of something God is doing in each one of those mandates.
Gonna ask Patricia to come up and share about on the day on the mount, on Mount Zion, actually 21 years ago when God gave us the vision and spoke to us about what He was calling us to Israel to do.
Patrica Ridings: Well, we had been, like Rick said, we were praying. Just being part of what Tom Hess was doing, of having prayer all throughout the city and we were just taking the 12:00 to 2:00 time as a family for months. And fasting and praying at the end of that time, trying to decide and trying to hear what the Lord was saying to us about Israel.
And we had been coming into Israel for six, seven years at that point. And falling more and more and more in love with Israel and we found that this last time when we were praying during that time, we felt like, “Oh, we just can’t leave this place. But Father, what do you want?” And we went up to Mount Zion right by JUC. You all know where JUC is? It’s on Mount Zion.
And we were looking over the valley and down into the Pool of Siloam where there were bleachers down there, there are many times bleachers down there, but this time it was filled with young people and they were women in different colored T-shirts.
And so we asked a guy who was coming by, we said, “Who are these women?” And he said, “Oh, they’re beautiful women of Israel.” And I said, “But who are they?” And he said, “They are graduating from the Army.” Or, you know, being inducted into the Army, can’t remember which one.
Rick Ridings: I think it was graduation.
Patricia Ridings: Graduation? And so, as we were watching these women, the Lord said, “I want you to move here, and if you move here, it will be easier for your daughters to move here, and I want to use your daughters in the coming revival.”
And so, we knew that we had these mandates, the youth and the prayer. And so, we didn’t have the money to rent a place within walking distance of the original Tabernacle of David. We learned that that’s like the most expensive part of town. But God provided and I won’t go into that because it’s a long, long story, but we’re so grateful that He did what He said He would do.
And we had one daughter who was in Argentina and one who was in California, and then we had our youngest with us. And the Lord, and we, knew that it had to be God to bring them back to Israel. One thought she was called to the Spanish world and the other was praying about what to do.
She said, “Oh, Israel’s your thing. It’s not my thing.” And she ended up marrying an Israeli that she met in the States.
And so, God brought them back miraculously in His way, and used them all in the youth little mini-revivals we’ve seen in the last 20 years. But there’s so much more.
And so we believe that Esther’s cheering us on from where she is and really, she, her life and her death, has brought so much revelation and nearness of Heaven to us. And so, we just wanna see that Heaven come down to Earth.
And so, that’s what revival is it’s Heaven coming to Earth. And so, we’re praying for that to happen. And we know that all three girls are gonna be involved in it and all of you are gonna be involved in it, all those who want to, who long for His appearing.
We’re all gonna see a major revival with the youth of Israel ’cause the Lord said that. And so, that was the beginning. And we praise the Lord that He brought us here .
Rick Ridings: Yes, yes. And I thank the Lord for an amazing, wonderful wife who has carried this vision so deeply in her heart. And many of you know that you get WhatsApp messages from her about your watches sometimes at 6:00 in the afternoon, sometimes at midnight, sometimes at 3:00 in the morning, sometimes at 8:00 in the morning, sometimes.
This is like she keeps waking up and, “Oh, I’ve gotta do that.” That this would remind, this would reply to this one. But thank the Lord for a wife who’s not only loves to worship, but is a worship leader and could just, you know, look at that as her only thing.
But her heart’s desire was to prepare a dwelling place for the Lord and thank the Lord for so many. And I, in a special way, wanna recognize Martin and Norma who have been with us from the very, very beginning. And we just thank the Lord so much for you and your faithfulness through all these years.
And like I said, there are many, many others in the room who have been here years at a time and have invested such a blessing. But in a special way they’ve carried a lot of the weight of the vision with us for these 20 years and we are so thankful.
So I’d like to just quickly share on the eight mandates that the Lord gave us over the development of time of Succat Hallel, and tell something that God has done in each thing but not telling it as a this is, you know, what we’ve done, but this is what God has done. This is a night of thanksgiving. These three days of the 20th anniversary are a time to thank God for His faithfulness and thank Him for what all He has done during these years.
Mandate #1: The Restoration of the Tabernacle of David
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So, of course, the first mandate is the restoration of the Tabernacle of David, as Patricia shared the Lord had spoken so strongly. I actually started teaching on the Tabernacle of David, this really gives my age away, in 1973. And I remember describing it, different places over the years, but God would never let us, it wasn’t time yet. It wasn’t time yet, and we would start prayer things like when we were in Belgium.
We had early morning prayer meetings every morning and things like that but never 24-7 until we came here. And by that time, that had been from 1973 up to 1999 that I had to say someday God is going to restore the Tabernacle of David. And part of that is going to be 24-7 worship and prayer day and night, night and day.
Vision of 24-7 Prayer
And I talk about how I could just picture the people coming and coming with their lunch or what and saying, how, how was it? Oh, it was amazing. God came, and we all ended up on the floor before the Lord in His presence. And the next watch coming in, how was it? Oh, we had this amazing time, and joy broke out, and we were just dancing and rejoicing in the Lord and just watch after watch.
And little did I know that someday we would be experiencing those kinds of things, and it’s quite an amazing thing. I’m not going to go into all the scriptures tonight ’cause basically all of you who are in the room and the kind that will watch this video know these scriptures, but in Amos 9:11-15, of course it talks about the restoration of the Tabernacle of David. And part of that is the house of David, the throne of David. The other part is how that throne, how that house was established, which was through a tent of 24-7 worship and prayer. The first throne of David, the first kingdom in Jerusalem was established through the prayer and through the worship.
When David became king, he was facing an unbelievable challenge. I mean, they had enemies on every side, armies on every side that would come. Philistines would come flooding through the land, and after they’d worked all year preparing their crops, they would just take away the crops. And he was coming into a situation where there was a lot of division after King Saul and a people that were divided rather than united.
And he was coming into a city where there were ancient spiritual evils, strongholds in this city, and God called him in. But God. And so, what do you do in the middle of all of that? You just set up a little tent, and you start worshiping and you start praying. And it became day and night, night and day. And the presence of the Lord was brought back. God said, “Bring back the ark of the presence and put it in that little tent, and I will dwell here.”
God Dwells Among The People
And when this became a dwelling place for God, suddenly they, not suddenly, but over a period of years, his throne was established. They had peace with all of their enemies. They had enemies who were beginning to bring tribute rather than stealing from them.
When we first moved here, the first place where we started to Succat Hallel was over on Aminadav. Some of you were there. Our landlord is a famous archeologist. And she told us the story one day how archeologists all said there could never have been a king as great as the Bible describes King David to be. There could never have been a King David like that. The Bible must be wrong because if he was such a great king, we would find evidence written in stone about this king. And all we have are the parchments, are the scrolls, the written things about King David in the Bible. But we don’t have any physical proof written in stone as it would have been at that time.
Archeological Proof of King David
And our landlord, who was not a believer in God, was leading a team up north in Galilee, and guess what they discovered? They discovered a special stone, marble stone, that had inscribed, “Bringing tribute to the great King David in Jerusalem.” I mean, it wasn’t just his name happened to be on a stone. It was bringing tribute from another nation to the great King David in Jerusalem.
So that kind of settled that argument after that. That that was clear. So the Tabernacle of David, he said in Amos 9, would be restored. And he gives us a very clear clue as to when it would be restored and that there will be a great harvest, he talks about. But at the end of that, those few verses, he says, “And in that day, I will bring my people back in Israel, back into their own land, never again to be uprooted.”
And some of you will remember dear Michael Cohen, who was part of us and who had a revelation from the Lord to look up one day about what happened on Independence Day, which was two weeks earlier than it was originally scheduled to be because they knew there were armies planning to attack, and they wanted to quickly make this statement. And it was on a Friday. He looked up the date, and he found out it was a Friday. When he looked that up, you can find out what was the Parashah, what was the reading read in synagogues on any Friday way in the future or any Friday way back, as Martin continually reminds us in a wonderful way like tonight.
And at it’s so prophetic. So it was on a Friday after they signed the Declaration of Independence in what’s now called Independence Hall in Tel Aviv, many of them would have gone to synagogue because it was Friday afternoon. And when they came, Michael Cohen said, “I wonder what they would have heard when they came in.” And he found out it was not just a yearly Parashah, but it was a passage that was read only on certain special years. And when they came in, here’s what they would have heard: “In that day, I will restore the fallen Tabernacle of David,” and then going on through about how they possessed the remnant of Edom, which I believe is a picture of great revival among the Edomites. It’s a picture of Middle East outpouring of God in many ways and the nations that are called by my name. And then he says the hills would drip with new wine. It’s just a great harvest. The plowman will overtake the harvest, or no longer do you wait a long time for a harvest.
God Pours Out His Spirit on Arabs
So we’re gonna see, Milad, we’re gonna see great harvest in Bethlehem where we’re not just waiting for one every few months to come to the Lord. We’re gonna see great harvest here in Jerusalem, where we’re not just waiting every few months for someone to come to the Lord. But we won’t be able to keep up is what will happen from what he says in Amos 9 when that tabernacle of David is restored. And then he gives us the clue. It will happen in the time when I bring my people back from the nations, from exile, planting them once again in their own land, never again to be uprooted. Now, if we can look at the next slide here, this is obviously the prayer room, and I just want to thank the Lord. In November, we celebrated 15 years of 24-7, day and night, night and day 365 days a year, 168 hours in every week that need to be filled by a human being worshiping and lighting the menorahs over here.
Menorah Reflects Our Spirit
One of the things the Lord spoke early on to Patricia was this menorah and lighting it by hand, not getting one of these electric ones or something, but lighting it by hand as a symbol that the fire on the altar should never go out. That were people who walked up with their hand, lit that menorah, lit that candle. How many have lit a candle here at some time? Okay, almost everyone in the room has lit a candle at one time or another here. We’re part of the fire on the altar. It’s just a beautiful, prophetic picture of that. So we thank the Lord for that. Another thing is the encouraging and training of other altars of worship in the land, teams that are going out.
Youth Worship Teams
At the top here is a team of kids who were 11, 12, 13, and 14 years old and helped me. I think it was two years ago, no three now, 2017. This was in Rishon LeZion. Some of you know Pastor Mickey from there. He’d come up here, and somehow he found out about the kids watch. And he saw the middle-school-age watch, the 11, 12, 13, 14-year-old kids.
And he saw how they were worshiping the Lord, and he said, “Is there any way you can bring those kids to Rishon LeZion? I want them to teach our kids that our kids can worship now. They don’t have to just play games. They could actually worship the Lord.” They could learn to lead worship. And so we got down there, and how can I say it? We were thinking that it was just a group of his kids to hear a group of our kids, and when we got there, they had the whole congregation, the adults there. And here were these 11, 12, 13, 14-year-old kids thinking, you know, we’ll lead 30 minutes of worship and prayer with these other kids and then be with them. And then they asked them if they could go on, I think it was like an hour and a half or two hours.
And then these little kids did it. I mean, it was amazing. But it’s wonderful that as the generations go on, actually we were there Friday morning in Rishon LeZion. They have had pastors meeting together now, about 11 pastors have been meeting every week at 5:30 in the morning on Thursdays to pray together for their city and their area. And now they rented a facility, and Patricia and I were able to pray over the prayer room and dedicate the prayer room this last Friday morning in Rishon LeZion with vision for 24-7 in Rishon. So it’s grown out of that little group there. And then on Saturday, it was such a blessing. I think the one down here is with Arab young people. It may have been in the city of Jerusalem and a team of many of the young adults here together with Bethany who were ministering to Arab young people in worship.
Arabs touched by 24-7 Praise and Worship
So Saturday, you know this right before the, it’s just interesting how this worked out timing-wise. Let’s see, Friday from Rishon in the morning, we drove in the afternoon and ministered to Arab women that Ranya had gathered, about 80 women or so, 80 or 90 women. And then the next day, it was about 50 young people. And it was so exciting when that team got up, they were quite young, and they really worshiped, and it was just so powerful. And then the young lady who had led the worship came up to me, and she says, “I just want you to know, I know Bethany, I know Tal.” And she said, “I thought I could not sing.” She said, “I didn’t know I could sing until I went to Dor Haba to the youth training.” And she said, “There, I found out that I could sing.” She has this gorgeous voice. It was like, how did you not know this? And then she said, “And I didn’t know I could write a song, and there was a little workshop on writing songs. And I realized I could write a song.” And she sang a song there, led a song that she’d written that was just so anointed in Arabic about the arrow of the Lord and the Lord fashioning us as his arrows. And the kids were just really responding to the song she’d written.
So we’re so thankful for these teams of some of young adults who’ve been going out different places and strengthening altars of worship, not only in other countries, but here in the land. It’s really important. And so we’re thankful that they’d been able to go to places like Jerusalem in the old city and Bethlehem and help me, Nazareth, and there’s one coming up at Haifa I know. Yeah, there are places one after the other that are opening up. And so we thank the Lord for that.
Mandate #2: A Move of the Holy Spirit Among the Youth of Israel
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Yeah, they are opening up. And so, we thank the Lord for that. Number two, second mandate, was for a move of the Holy Spirit among the youth of Israel. And if we can look at the slide on that, you’re all very aware, so we won’t spend time on that.
But by God’s grace, the various ELAV and Dor Haba events and conferences, and camps and all of this ministered to hundreds of Jewish and Arab and Palestinian young people since 2007.
And, I love that picture in the middle, the one guy with the kippah and the one next to him. The one with the kippah actually comes from an orthodox family, but they allow him to come to the camp.
Actually, they were very happy he came to the camp. And there he is, with an Arab guy, they’re praying for each other. Palestinian guy, I think, it was in there praying for each other.
And it’s wonderful to see the generations, you see Shiloh praying over the youth there, and it’s just wonderful that the generations have ministered to the next generation.
Mandate #3: Reconciliation and Unity in the Body of the Messiah
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Number three, is reconciliation and unity in the body of Messiah. The Lord spoke early on that we were to pray much for unity in the body here in the land, that there should be a focus of prayer. And we’ve prayed that often, for the Jewish messianic body, for the Arab church, Christian body. And we’ve prayed a lot into that. And it’s been something that we feel is important to still be a focus. It’s so important there was a real breakthrough.
A week ago there’s a group of Jerusalem pastors and leaders that meet once a month now here in the back room at Succat Hallel. And we share… Reuven Berger was the one that had the vision for this. And we have a specific passage of prophecy in the scripture about Jerusalem.
And we read through that scripture about Jerusalem. Like this week, last time is Isaiah 60. And this week was 60… Was Isaiah 61. We read through the passage we share what we feel God has shown us. And we pray then and say, “Lord, how do we as leaders in Jerusalem, prepare ourselves for what you’re going to do.” I told them, in some other cities, you have to guess which scriptures are for your city, but we know which ones are for Jerusalem.
So it’s not too hard to know, the hard thing is mighty, you know, for all there are so many promises about Jerusalem it’s so we pray into that. And there’s a it’s Jewish and Arab together and there’s just a unity and a love of praying for each other and praying for this city together. And so we thank the Lord for that.
We thank the Lord for different staff that are ministering in different congregations as worship or youth leaders. Every few months, there’s a meeting in the houses of prayer together. Tom Hess called me to, you know, bless us for the… This anniversary gathering and I… We had explained that we weren’t getting together leaders of houses of prayer, or pastors in the land.
We just thought it was more of an in-house type of thing. And he fully understood that, but he said, “I just want you to know we’re with you and we bless you. And we thank the Lord for what He’s done in Succat Hallel, through Succat Hallel.”
So we thank the Lord for that. Maybe you can… Yeah. There’s also been reconciliation, not only in the land, but in the region, various things have happened in that one picture at the bottom, it’s a time of washing feet that happened in one of the conferences in Haifa. And Jeremy Laud had that vision from the Lord that we were… We actually, there was a lot of tension going on right then with Gaza and Israel.
And here we had kids coming, you know, Palestinian youth, as well as Israeli-Arab youth and Israeli Jewish messianic youth. And it was like, how do you start a youth conference when there may be a war in two days? And we were crying out to God saying, “Lord, show us the way it is.” I remember it was me Lord.
God Says To Wash Each Other’s Feet
I believe who felt that we should wash each other’s feet. Is that right? And that was a real step of faith in that situation. ‘Cause we set up chairs across the front and on one side we said, let’s have some Jewish young people come and sit here.
And on this side, some of the Arab and Palestinian young people, and then a Jewish person come and wash the feet of the Arab or the Palestinian, an Arab or Palestinian come and wash the feet of the Jewish person.
And you know, it could have been that we made the call and no one came. Would have been pretty hard, all these pails of water across the front of that no one comes, but they did come and the Holy spirit, more importantly, the Holy spirit came and he blessed that.
And as they washed each other’s feet, there were tears rolling and hugs and praying for each other. And the tension that you could feel in the air just melted. And we remembered who we are that we’re one body of Christ. We are one body in Messiah together. It doesn’t matter what’s going on in the tensions outside.
I mean, the day after the conference, one or two days after that conference, one or two of the Israeli guys who were there were actually in tunnels in Gaza dismantling bombs. I mean, it’s not your average youth conference at another country, what they do after the youth conference. But God was strengthening and preparing them.
And God was strengthening, you know, Milad to be praying for his family, people that were praying for his family and Gaza at that time. And we were one body together. And so we thank the Lord.
Hezbollah Terrorist Comes to the Lord
The other picture there, the guy under the red flag was actually a Hezbollah terrorist who came to the Lord like a Saul of Tarsus kind of thing, and totally turned around. Miraculously escaped out of Iran and out from Hezbollah, went to Canada and was in a very comfortable lifestyle that God said, “I want you to go back into the Middle East. I want you to go to Israel. And I want you to ask forgiveness for the bitterness and hardness of heart that you had toward them.”
And so he came and then somebody put that red flag over him representing the blood of Yeshua. And we prayed over him, just a prayer of blessing as a Jewish believer.
This is just so many things through the years like this have happened in the various gatherings in here, in the house, you’d never know when you come in, you know what may be happening? He came back a year later and brought… I’m trying to remember something like 36 or something Iranians.
And one of the Jewish believers in the house said, “I believe we need to wash their feet.” And so it get… So we got all these pails and were washing their feet and they were weeping. One guy from Iran had spent six years in prison for the name of Jesus. And he said, “You people are so different than they told us in Iran about Israel. It’s been so different. My experience here.” He was just melted by the love that was shown.
Mandate #4: The Isaiah 19 Highway and Multiplication of Houses of Prayer in the Region
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Number four, the Isaiah 19 Highway, the Multiplication of Houses of Prayer in the Region. If you’re not familiar with this, look up Isaiah 19, especially verses 23 through 25 where God says He’s gonna build a highway between Egypt and Assyria and the Egyptians will worship with the Assyrians and the Assyrians means that green part.
That’s the whole Assyrian Empire and so He said, “And then Israel will become a third with them.” It doesn’t mean third place, it’s more the idea of a third voice joining in unity. It’s like the word you would use of a third part at a tree or it’s like, they’re worshiping the Lord together and the countries that this will affect, they’re amazing if you think, it’s Western Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, much parts of Saudi Arabia, all of Jordan, Syria, all of Lebanon, Armenia, Turkey, Cyprus.
In all of that area was the Assyrian Empire and they will worship and God will make this amazing highway but He said, it will be a highway of worship. That’s why the Beirut house of prayer. That’s why the Izmir house of prayer. That’s why Alexandria house of prayer. Asyut house of prayer, different places, all of these and some have been going out.
Virginia’s been going actually different times now as a single woman, which is I think very, very brave in this region and going to places like Iraq and ministering to them there and we’re just blessed as we see the Lord working in the region of the next slide.
Quickly, the upper left-hand corner is me, 20 years ago with hair. Actually it was much longer before that. I still had hair at least and in the year 2000, the Lord said, I want you to go to Iraq and I want you to go to ancient Nineveh, ancient Ur, and ancient Babylon and I want you to proclaim that the door is opening up for the fulfillment of Isaiah 19. That it’s the beginning, the very beginnings but I am beginning and I’m going to move and I am going to establish my Isaiah 19 highway.
Now I said, Lord, it’d be much easier to proclaim that from Jerusalem because Saddam Hussein was in power and the Americans weren’t exactly the most welcomed people in Iraq at the time. Long story short, through a friend from Lebanon, I got into Iraq and I’m there at a hotel in Baghdad and I’m sitting at the table, only men in the hotels there, living in that particular hotel, the way that the culture is there and I realized this man speaks English.
We start talking, I realized he’s a pastor from Egypt. I said, “Can we go outside?” ‘Cause I knew it was bugged. So we went outside and I said I’ve got to tell you a secret. I said, “I’m not only an American but I live in Israel.” He looked at me like, you live in Israel? He said, don’t you know it’s dangerous here? I said, yeah, but God said to come here. I said, do you know what Isaiah 19 is? He said, am I Egyptian? Of course, I know what Isaiah 19 is.
God Sends Rick to Babylon, Ur and Nineveh to Proclaim Isaiah 19
Egypt will be my people, you know, is part of Isaiah 19 and so I said, well, the Lord told me go to Babylon and go to Ur and go to Nineveh which was the capital of the Assyrian empire. And Nineveh is now in what is now called Mosul where ISIS had their caliphate and the Lord said, go in those three places and announce I’m going to begin my Isaiah 19 highway.
Then his eyes got really big and he said, “God told me the exact same thing.” First time we ever met in our life. Some of you know him, I won’t say his name because it’s on video here, from Egypt, a major leader in Egypt now.
And so we went to those three cities and him from Egypt, me for Israel and there we are in Assyria going to Nineveh, the center of those gates. Those are the reconstructed gates of Nineveh there. Now, you know, ISIS came in and there was all of this stuff but recently, they’ve been able to start a youth center now from Erbil in Iraq, they’ve gone into Mosul and they’ve started a youth center with a house of prayer.
So God has his house of prayer, ISIS is gone and God is there with his Isaiah 19. The beginnings of his worship. The picture on the right is the dedication of the Istanbul house of prayer and the lady on the left is Egyptian from the Alexandria house of prayer.
The guy in the middle, some of you may recognize, our son-in-law, Adam who was not very subtle about the fact he was coming from Israel, wearing a t-shirt with tallit and a shofar in Istanbul.
Turkish Muslim Meets Yeshua on Hajj
That’s Adam and next to him is a guy named Vidad. He’s Turkish and his father was a Muslim who came to the Lord through an encounter with Jesus while he was doing the pilgrimage, the Hajj in Mecca, met Jesus in Mecca. I mean, this is a phenomenal, amazing story. He said, Jesus literally came into the room and told him, “I am the way the truth and the life. You will never get free from the things you’re dealing with unless you come to me. If you will leave the hajj, go home, follow me, I will set you free.” And He put His hand on his chest and he said, “It burned like fire.” He said, “I felt fire in His hand.”
And then he said, and I heard this firsthand from him, this is not secondhand, I heard it from the father himself. He said it burnt like this. He said, “The next morning when I got up, I thought, did I imagine that? Did Jesus really come into the room and talk to me?” And he said, I looked in the mirror and there, you know, Turkish men did have lots of dark hair here on their chest. He said there was a white hand print, literally where Jesus had put his hand it had turned white. The hair had turned white, I saw it actually. Now there’s a gray around it , he showed me the hand print.
I mean, this is phenomenal, what God is doing is we’re praying for dreams and visions and visitations of the Lord all over this region, the Lord is doing it. But there needs to be a next step and that’s the house of prayer, the worship of the prayer to break through in that region.
So in the lower right-hand corner there was one of our first, I believe it was the first one of the birthing houses of prayer in one of those countries. There in Antioch in Turkey, and you could see Gary’s head a little bit over there, Woody and Kim, Patricia. There’s Reuben and Melissa, I’m sorry. I just went blank there. Reuben and Melissa and it was a wonderful, wonderful start.
After that, there were birthing houses of prayer, seminars in Antioch, in Izmir and Ankara and Gaziantep and Beirut the house of prayer. Alexandria, Asyut, Egypt, Cairo, Dubai, actually not in Cairo, it was in Asyut and in Alexandria. The last picture down there in the corner is in Gaziantep, Turkey and this is a house of prayer with mainly Kurdish and Iranian believers.
And you know sitting on the floor there, most of all of them saw Muslims who had come to Yeshua. And one of them actually got healed that night, physically healed and it was a very powerful, encouraging time. And in that picture also in the very background, you can see a Korean with a camera. There’s always a Korean with a camera there to film what God is doing, next.
Mandate #5: Comfort His People, Israel, to Prepare the Way of the Lord
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Number five mandate, God said we were to comfort his people, Israel, to prepare the way of the Lord. In Isaiah chapter 40, it talks about preparing a highway for the Lord’s glory and most preachers and teachers start down in two, three verses down that I will make the crooked places straight. I will make the rugged places smooth. I will make the, bring down mountains and raise up valleys, but they don’t go to the beginning.
It says at the beginning, “Comfort ye my people, declare that their time of heart service has ended.” And then you make straight the pathways, then you level out the rugged, then you bring down the mountains and raise up the valleys.
And then it says, and then the glory of the Lord will be revealed in all the earth, we’ll see it together. So I just, love this picture. You know, the comfort that God has brought through many believers who have come into the nations here to comfort people here. Next, yeah that was.
Mandate #6: Watch in a Special Way Over This Geographic Area: The Temple Mount, the City of David, and the Ben Hinnom Valley (Jeremiah 31)
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Next is watching over an area in Jeremiah chapter 31 verses 38 through 40. We’ll read this quickly because this one some may not be familiar with but Jeremiah, God spoke to us very, very clearly. And He said, “Within Jerusalem, there’s a particular area that you are to cover in prayer in a special way.” It is like an assignment from the Lord.
So if we start at verse 38 there. Jeremiah 31, starting at verse eight, “The days are coming, declares the Lord, when this city will be rebuilt for Me from the tower of Hananel to the corner gate. The measuring line was stretched from there straight to the Hill of Gareb, and then through to Goath. The whole valley, this is Ben Hinnom Valley, where dead bodies and ashes are thrown, all the terraces out to the Kidron Valley on the east as far as the corner of the Horse Gate will be holy to the Lord.”
Even the Ben Hinnom Valley, holy to the Lord. This city will never again be uprooted or demolished. And basically if you draw a line that saying just north of the Temple Mount, if you draw a straight line across over the southern part of what’s now called Mount Zion there, if you do a line from the Temple Mount, basically over almost to the Jaffa Gate, you go from there over to part of Sultan’s Pool and all of that area, and the train station, and then you come up here and it includes all of this area, Abu Tor, which we found out was actually the place where the priest stayed when they came to serve in the temple.
Like John the Baptist’s father would have stayed in a tent on this hill when he came to serve in the temple. This was the Hill of the Priests. It was called the Hill of the Priests. This was the place for the priests to dwell.
We didn’t know that when God said, “Live here.” But how exciting to do that? And then it would go down through lower Abu Tor, back up through Silwan, through the City of David, to the Temple Mount. That’s the area God said we were to watch over it in a particular way, No time tonight for all the stories, but God did some amazing things in the Ben Hinnom Valley.
When we first came, we saw witches down there, doing witchcraft. It was very easy to discern that valley when you went down there, and by God’s grace, and prayer, and worship, and teams, and things.
Over about a four-year period, there was a shift, and God gave us this scripture. One day the valley of dry bones, which Jeremiah had said earlier is cursed because of the worship of Moloch, giving babies to Moloch will be holy to the Lord. So it’s holy to the Lord.
Now, instead of a garbage dump down there, there’s green grass, and you see different ones praying here. And then in the lower right-hand corner, the City of David Prayer Room, which is a part of us faithfully continuing to hold in this area and proclaiming the Lord over this area.
Terrorist Cell Discovered
Next. I wanna share one more story about just watching over the area. One time, some of the young guys were in a watch here and they felt the Lord said, “Pray that a terrorist cell will be exposed in this neighborhood.”
First of all, that was a shock. Like, they’re in our neighborhood, right here, but they felt like the Lord said, “Pray for this to be exposed.” As I remember, it was in December. In March, it came out in the newspapers that in December the secret police had discovered a terrorist cell, an Al-Qaeda terrorist cell, just right over here very close by in our neighborhood.
And they had everything ready to make three bombs. They had planned to blow up a Jewish apartment building, to blow up a bus in Ma’ale Adumim, and to blow up the American Embassy to top it all off. They had all the materials gathered together.
So by God’s grace, we’ve been watching over this area. It was really a wonderful testimony that.
Mandate #7: Making Room for the Work of the Holy Spirit Through the Prophetic and Healing
Watch the video, or read the transcription below:
Number seven, making room for the work of the Holy Spirit through the prophetic and healing. All through the years, we’ve had guests who’ve come in. Much of the time we’ve had a healing watch, such as the one that Michael and Lucy led, and there’ve been different, you know, watches to pray for healing, teams that have come in from places where God is moving and healing, and even just last Monday night in this room, several people were physically healed.
Ken Fish, who was very closely associated with John Wimber for years was ministering here and some wonderful prophetic words and words of knowledge, and several people were very visible, clear, physical healings that happened.
One lady, quite serious injuries from many years ago, when she was hit by a car, and God healed her. So we wanted to see more of that. We haven’t seen yet what we want to see, but we believe that well’s gonna be reopened of healing in Jerusalem, and that this – Jerusalem become a center for healing.
Another area, the prophetic is, what is God’s saying. And in the month of September, in the Monday morning watch, Patricia got it at a time, that was just kind of spontaneously just saying, “Holy, holy, holy, glory, glory, glory to the Lord.”
But His presence was such that we just kept going quite a long time. And I felt like the Lord said, “Just kneel down.” I knelt down, and suddenly I had a vision, and in the vision, I saw God wrapped in dark storm clouds above the Temple Mount, and suddenly out from these dark clouds went three lightning bolts, and one went to a demonic thrown over Iran, the capital of Iran, one over the capital of Russia, one over the capital of Turkey, in this vision.
And when the lightning bolt hit the demonic throne, the demonic throne started shaking and it started… Pieces of it started falling off and the demonic plans were severely delayed, severely set back. That was on September 9th. September 14th, the headline in the “Jerusalem Post” said that leaders of Iran and Russia and Turkey are meeting in Ankara today.
Now, they’re traditional enemies, and they were meeting together, and we felt like, okay, this shows the Lord was in this. There’s some kind of a demonic throne thing that’s affecting these earthly leaders, and we need to keep praying into this. On October 14th… Leon, if can you help us make sure we have the sound on for that little video, if you can have that video clip, yeah.
– [Announcer] Now this is.
– Can we maybe take this slide off or just put up the, sorry, if we can put up just the video, this is on October 14th.
– [Man] First of all the direction of Turkey candle lights.
– [Preacher] See the lightning.
– This makes the east turn.
So who says prayer has to be boring? All right? Pretty exciting when God puts on a light show, so and for any of you from the nations, we only have lightning two or three times a year. In Jerusalem, it’s not a common thing to have lightning storms here.
And that went on for, I think it was like 20 minutes or so that night, as I remember, about 20 minutes, just think of the things that we pray and proclaim and yeah, they were flat.
God Brings Lightning
You know, like you see that big one up there. I mean, these are actual photos from that night. All of those photos are from that night. God answered, and struck with lightning. Now, the lightning means something quick.
The demonic throne was suddenly hit quickly. It was shaken, and it came out of a place of secrecy, out of darkness. And I personally feel the successful assassination of General Soleimani was part of God’s lightning strike against the demonic thrown over Iran.
This man was responsible for much of the killing and terrorism for many, many years, all over the Middle East. I believe God gave him an opportunity to repent, just like God gave Pharaoh an opportunity to repent.
But at a certain point, God said, “Pharaoh, you’ve hardened your heart too hard. And you’re out of here.” And I believe the lightning strike was taking out this evil man, and I believe it’s set back plans, I believe, for a major Middle Eastern war.
Now, why would God set that back? A lot of people in the West were saying, “Well, this fits prophecy. There’s Iran and Turkey and Russia coming together. And this fits prophecy.”
Just because it fits prophecy, doesn’t mean it’s God’s time for that. Sometimes Satan tries to push something ahead of God’s timing. So as intercessors, we’re not just called to know prophecy, and what God will do.
We’re called to know the times and seasons, what is God doing right now? And I felt, God said, “It is not time.” It was kinda going to limit the time ’cause a lot of prophecy people were saying, “You know, there’s gonna be a major Middle Eastern war quickly between Iran and Russia and Turkey.”
And I felt like God wanted me to go out publicly and say, “There will not be, at this time, a major, middle Eastern war. There will be quick lightning strikes against demonic thrones, and God will stop this war.” Now, why did He do that?
The end of the vision was the clouds went away, and Jesus was there. Yeshua was there as the Lamb of God, bright and shining like the sun. And I felt like He said this, “I am going to reveal the lamb to Israel and to the Middle East in a greater way than ever before.”
So I believe we need to be praying into that. God has held back a major Middle Eastern war.
Great Shaking in Iran
I believe there’s more to come. I believe that we’re gonna see more in this next period of time concerning Russia and Turkey, but already Iran is being shaken tremendously.
You know, the demonstrations that are happening in the streets of Iran and what is happening, there’s a great shaking going on there, and believe that there will be greater shaking yet in Russia and in Turkey. So part of the prophetic is that we hear and discern the times and seasons of the Lord.
Mandate #8: Intercession for Government and the Other “Mountains of Society”
Watch the video, or read the transcription below:
And then the last one, number 8, is Intercession for Government and other “Mountains of Society.” Now I’m gonna just share quickly about the Government Mountain because that’s what God has been breathing upon in a very special way since 2017.
Many in the room here, we have known Steve Hansen and Steve was back here in 2017, and he gave a prophetic word in one of the watches. He said God is going to start opening incredible doors in the government for Succat Hallel. He said there’s gonna be greater level of anointing in praying for governments and for nations and God is going to open some incredible doors.
God Uses Succat Hallel to Reach Governments
You were there weren’t you? Yeah. Sorry? Yeah, it was when we were downstairs next door in the room, all the way down the stairs next door in 2017. And he said just these incredible doors are gonna be opening government. And I just want to show quickly two or three of the things on that.
This is just three weeks ago, Patricia and I met with the President of Bolivia and long story short when we got to Bolivia they told us that word about the shakings that I mentioned earlier had really helped them because they said we went into a time of major shaking. They said our president was very evil and he was trying to manipulate the election and was obviously fraudulently doing things in the election and then he was trying to change the constitution so he could stay in as a long-term dictator.
His close friends were the leaders of Venezuela and Cuba, if that tells you something about him and he said we need to go the same direction as they’ve gone, but then he went further and he said we need to get rid basically of all of our Christian stuff here in this nation and we need to go back to the true Bolivia, which is the ancient pagan religions.
And he said they needed to worship mother earth. They have a name for her there. I can’t remember the name right now but anyway, he built a new palace basically for her and all kinds of artwork in there, and all kinds of witches and pagan priests come in and dedicate the new presidential palace to be a place where mother earth would be worshiped. And I mean, this country was in bad shape.
The Christians had gone to the streets and they were praying in the streets and it suddenly grew from hundreds to thousands of Christians in the streets saying 2 Chronicles 7:14, “Lord forgive the sins of our land. We humble ourselves, we pray, we seek your face, we turn from our wicked ways. God have mercy on Bolivia.”
And it began growing and growing and there were only two major television newscasters in the country, one of whom who had become a spirit-filled Christian, we met her there. She had actually been Miss Bolivia, one of the top 10 for Miss Universe, came back to Bolivia as a star but realized life was pretty empty and ended up coming to the Lord and getting in a spirit-filled church and being trained as an intercessor in this church and she was the two major news presenters.
The hundreds, I think by this time it had grown maybe into thousands that were praying in the streets, and the government was making threats against them and she was on her morning television program with one of the top leaders of the government and suddenly God told her “Now is your Esther moment, do it now.”
This is state-controlled television, the only two media/television things are controlled by the evil president who’s basically a dictator there, it’s a state-controlled media. She says what you are saying is all lies, this is not the truth and this government has got to change. The people that are meeting in the streets are right. And she said she could hear the producer in her ear saying stop now! Stop now! Stop now!
And she just kept going and went after him like a bulldog after this government leader on government state television and people poured into the streets and it filled up until it was a million people in the streets.
Prayer Changes a Nation
And as they began to cry out to God, it was basically a prayer time and it was amazing and in the streets there of Santa Cruz, which has only 1.5 million people in the city and a million are in the streets, they blocked all the streets to the airport for 21 days, they just blocked the streets and stayed out there and said we’re not going to leave till the government leaves.
Well the government tried to do things against them, they sent people to burn a church, to burn houses of some of the leaders and they started crying out to God and God sent a rain and hail storm and it put out all the fires, miraculously. I mean, there were several fires at the same time. It put them all out.
One of the main leaders who we met, he was abducted and should have been killed but God miraculously delivered him and long story short at the end of these 21 days, he got up in front of the million people and he said I’m going to take a plane to La Paz, to the Capital. I’m going to go into this evil president with a Bible in one hand and a letter of resignation in the other hand and I’m gonna tell him you have to go.
I mean this sounds so crazy. But the problem was the guy controlled the police and controlled the army and so during these prayer meetings, God had shown them start going to every police station and start praying for the police station and the police and they had pictures of policemen coming out.
The power of God would come, so that they would kneel down and weep and repent come to the Lord, these policemen. So the police at a certain point, so many had come to the Lord that they announced we’re with the people in the streets, and not with the president anymore.
But then he still had the military, and long story short, when this guy got to La Paz, knowing he would probably be shot and killed and started in toward the palace, 15 minutes before he got there, the military decided they were gonna turn against the evil president and go with the people. So he walks in 15 minutes later with a Bible in one hand and a letter of resignation on the other hand saying you have to go.
But by this time, the guy knows that he’s lost his military, he’s lost his police. He gets in a plane with his vice president and I think another leader under him, they went down the succession. The only person left in this succession for president was a spirit filled Christian, this lady Jeanine Áñez.
And there she is holding up a Bible on her inauguration. I mean, what a switch from pagans and witch doctors and priests and pagan religion and suddenly you’ve got a spirit-filled Christian holding up her Bible and said, we’re coming back to the Bible in Bolivia.
And one of the first things she did as president was to reestablish diplomatic relationship with Israel that had been broken. And she told us the day we met with her and prayed for her there, she said if I’m elected in the election coming up, one of the first things I’m gonna do is move the embassy to Jerusalem.
And she said please be praying for me so let’s be praying. Lord we do pray for the right person, whether it’s Jeanine or somebody else or some other Christians who are possibilities.
Lord, we pray for the right person to be put into power in Bolivia to solidify this great miracle you did in the overturning of this government. We pray tonight for President Jeanine, Lord, this Christian who loves you, would you strengthen her heart Lord, would you strengthen her.
You told me Lord that she would yet face a David and Goliath moment and the David anointing would come upon her when she faced that Goliath, would you help her Lord to be ready when she has to face that Goliath, whatever this evil dictators tried to do from outside now to come back in and take over.
We believe You Lord that that spider is going to be stopped, that spider web is gonna be wiped out. We believe You Lord that this is gonna be a lasting change in Bolivia and the kingdom of God is going to go out in power from Bolivia, a mighty move of God in that country that will affect the nation’s roundabout. We pray in the mighty name of Jesus.
Now one more quickly. Most of you know this so I’ll go quickly, but some have not seen this. Last year the Lord gave Nigel, Nigel stand up for those that don’t know you, most of you know Nigel but Nigel said he very very evolved in the beginning times in Succat Hallel and then for various health and family things, had to go back to the States for a time but he established a house of prayer in Michigan and now they’re basing back out of here into the nations but also into this nation.
And we’re so glad to have you back and I just wanna say to you you’re such a blessing, such an honor to have you back. And Nigel had a vision. One night, the head of the Jerusalem prayer breakfast, Albert Veksler, was supposed to share here. Nothing had been said about Africa, it was only about other countries that they were gonna be in and he’d ask for prayer.
And so he came during the worship Nigel gets a vision of Uganda and sees this key going in, and it has the names of different African countries written on the teeth of the key and when it turns in Uganda it begins to turn one country after another in Africa.
Is that the gist of the vision Nigel that I have it right there? I’m trying to save time here. So he’s going, why am I having a vision about Uganda whether he’s here to pray about Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast, or about one they’re having in America and all this. And Albert gets up and he said we were scheduled to have a Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast in Uganda in a couple of months, two or three months I think at that time and… Sorry? About three weeks or so, it was even closer than that. And he said all the funding fell through and we need to know from God should we go or not.
So Nigel comes up and says well, if I can humbly share, God gave me a vision Uganda is the key to many African nations and shared the whole vision. Albert starts crying. Long story short, Albert met the president in Uganda at the prayer breakfast. The wife was there and she called her husband, you’ve got to meet this guy from Jerusalem.
They fly the helicopter down and Albert and Michelle Bachmann who was speaking there and who’d also come here just before going down there. Congresswoman, former Congresswoman who’d run for president in America and she asked for prayer, they both spoke very boldly to the president.
And so she texted me afterwards and she said we had this amazing time with the president about reestablishing diplomatic relations with Israel that had been broken years ago, they’ve got tremendous Islamic oppression against them, many Muslims in high levels of government. But this president is a man of conviction and she said we had an amazing time with him.
She said it was just God did something and it needs to be followed up, would you please pray for this in Succat Hallel. I wrote back in and said we’re not only praying, I said I’ve never been to Uganda in my whole life and I’ve been invited there in about two months to Uganda to speak at a church there that’s experiencing a great revival.
We have like 3000 people a night and all kinds of Muslims coming to the Lord and healings and I was so excited to go speak at this church, but I said they realize I’m going to do Uganda.
So she and Albert wrote to the president and said, we really think you need to meet with Rick and Patricia while they’re here. Well, that doesn’t guarantee anything but he decided to and so there we are, we went in with a whole delegation of people and some parliamentarians and a minister in the government and the various pastors and spiritual leaders. One of them gave him that tallit that he has on and when she did that I kind of thought I hope this isn’t blowing the whole thing as I said too much, too quickly.
But he actually put it on which was amazing. Yeah she was a friend, she’d done a lot for Uganda and he really trusted her as a pastor because of that. But still, it was pretty radical in that context to put this on.
And we had felt the Lord said bring an Old City key from Jerusalem, one of those hundred-year-old keys for the big gate and Hadar, who is a Muslim background believer here, found me this key, about this long and we put it on there and we said, “This placard was presented to His Excellency President Museveni to honor his role as a key, coming back to the vision, to help Uganda and other African nations come under the blessings of the covenant of Abraham, by blessing Israel.”
Now, we believe that God will bless every nation that the key of blessings for the Arab peoples is learning to bless the Jewish people. And the key for the Jewish people for a blessing is learning to bless the sons of Ishmael and there’s something about blessing each other that breaks all kinds of things.
But this covenant of Abraham described in Genesis 17, and in other places, is something that is to bring blessing to the nations if they will come into that covenant. So we gave this, trusting that God would work in his heart.
Long story short, let’s go to the next slide, too many in-betweens here but President Museveni brought together, on 3rd of February, brought together the Prime Minister Netanyahu and Sudan’s General Burhan who’s the leading guy in the government, the temporary government of Sudan until they have elections.
Many of you in this room have prayed for Sudan, and God, you remember he told us to pray that a spider would be taken out and spider web and the next day the New York Times headline said the evil spider Al-Bashir has been removed from his spider web in Sudan, the next day.
And so this is the guy who’s replaced him on a temporary basis until they have elections and he secretly, through President Museveni… it was right here, the President of Uganda, there is Prime Minister Netanyahu and Sarah with him and with his wife Janet, she’s a spirit-filled intercessor, his wife.
So he used the key to help Sudan, which has been one of the most radical terrorist countries in the world to come out and say publicly, “We will now normalize relationships with Israel.”
I mean, that’s exactly what Nigel saw in the vision. That Uganda would be the key for other African nations and already President Museveni was the one who did this highly secretive meeting and brought this leader of Uganda to meet Prime Minister Netanyahu, that they could just make this announcement as a surprise.
African Kings Visit Succat Hallel
I mean, he got roasted as you can imagine, in the Islamic world for this, but it’s shifting. Again God, we are in a season of God’s shifting nations in amazing ways and we’re part of it, as we pray. God allows us, a little group of people, and we just worship, we just pray, God shifts nations.
And the next one, I wanna close with this slide. A few months ago, we came in here and we were having a worship and prayer time with a group of African leaders and they did not tell us that they had three African kings, tribal kings but they’re a tribal king. It means like in Nigeria, some of their kingdoms are larger than Israel.
You know what I mean? There are vast areas of land in Nigeria that are under these tribal traditional kings and they didn’t tell us, the African friends, that they had invited the three kings to come to Succat Hallel.
So we walk in, and for some reason we just felt we shouldn’t sit at the front where we would only have the leaders that were gonna speak and we didn’t have them sit there. We didn’t sit here, these rows were just empty, and suddenly in come these three kings in their beautiful robes, and their crowns are kind of a crocheted type of crown.
And they come to the front here and they all three kneel down and just take off their crown and lay it before the Lord in worship. And afterwards, when we got to know them and speak with them, they said when we became a king they told us, you are never to bow the knee in front of a human being again.
But they all came and bowed their knee in front of the whole room, but it was in front of The King. Sorry? One of them yeah. One was a very, very pagan, witch doctor, I mean, it was just an amazing story of deliverance of what God did.
And when he came to the Lord, he cut down the tree that had been there for hundreds of years that people worshiped the evil being in that tree. And he said we don’t have to be afraid of that evil being anymore, we’re gonna cut it down and use the wood to help the people. And he did and they helped the people and they saw a breakthrough of the witchcraft there and amazing guys but what I wanna stress is that ultimately it’s all about Him.
It’s about His worship and they will come, kings will come to the brightness of your risings, Jerusalem. Presidents will come, prime ministers will come. They’re gonna come, one after another, they’re gonna just lay down their crowns before the Lord in worship.
It’s not a political decision, it’s a spiritual decision of saying I recognize You Jesus as the King who will reign from Jerusalem from Your holy mountain and I now make relationship with the God of Abraham for my nation to come under covenant and to recognize Your kingship.
And the last thing I just want to mention, I’d like to ask prayer. Some of you may know that we’ve just finally put out a book that we’ve worked on for years and years and years and it finally got finished and it’s called Shifting Nations through Houses of Prayer.
We’ll have it available on Wednesday morning here for sale but we’d like you to pray that the Lord helps us to get into the right hands and the right people that it will affect. And already we’ve been getting some very encouraging things from like the Beirut House of Prayer.
Michelle Nunan said oh we’re so thankful for the book, it is really helping us on how to go forward with the house of prayer here and so we want to pray that the Lord will use this to help inspire people that they can see a breakthrough in their nations through their houses of prayer there.
The last slide we’re gonna put up is actually for those watching the video that want to know more about getting in contact with Succat Hallel to come and spend a time in worship or prayer here that you can be part of being a watchman on the wall for a period of time.
But there’s an application and all of that to that and internships, different things but the website is there but it also gives prayer alerts, such as the vision we shared tonight about the lightning, that is on that website. And when those kinds of things happen we put that up on the website and you’re welcome. Those of you watching on the video are welcome too and those in the room are welcome to go there and kind of keep track as we… when we feel the Lord is showing something to pray or proclaim. Let’s stand together.
I want to thank you for all of your teaching all over this years. You have touched many hearts over this time. We have shared our hearts with our Nation to multiply Gods love……….even we had expected his wrath. If the world would know him better, we all would be on our knees immediately. My special Thanks goes to Yeshua who has made a way for true reconciliation between HIS Father and us. Thankyou for Your great grace and mercy. I dont have the words to give him all honor. Please give us the strenght to stay faithfull until the end……or better: Your coming back?
I will never forget that the light is much stronger than all darkness! Resurrectionlife will be forever. Please forgive this simple english, it is not my motherlanguage. I am a german. HE said to me: Those who are making my people breatheless, I will make breatheless, those who persecute my people, I will persecute them! So it is up to us to do his will with trembling.
Shalom. What are the 8 mandates? This clip cuts off before we can hear them.
Dear frieds in Sccat Hallel,
I would like to un-subscribe. Please remove my name from your list. I wish you many blessings as you continue to listen to the Commander in Chief.
Rick and Patricia, you are truly a wonderful blessing to the body of Christ. Thank you so much for being faithful to the call to build the tabernacle of David. I am so thankful that I was able to be apart of it and look forward to all the breakthroughs that will result in these trying times. Much love from Germany!
I love to hear (here in Canada on the remote west Coast)
what the Spirit is saying to you there
at the House of Prayer in Jerusalem.
As we all seek to know what ‘time and season’ we are in
and what to do….
for some reason it makes me feel so grounded to hear you share.
We are all definitely pillars of a Habitation being built
for Him and His glory to dwell in
but somehow you help us ‘hear’ and ‘see’ in the Spirit a ‘global picture’.
Thankyou for ‘standing’ there, and for sharing what He is putting in your hearts/in your spirits with us all over this world.
As a 75yrs young new-comer with a heart to see the natural branches bud & blossom, I’ m inspired by your vision & practice.
This was inherited from my mother who had a heart for the Jewish people.
We also have a heart for Arab peoples, to see them grafted in as part of the one new man of Ephesians 2:14. Shalom in Yeshua ian