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6 thoughts on “The Eight Mandates of Succat Hallel | 20th Anniversary”

  1. I want to thank you for all of your teaching all over this years. You have touched many hearts over this time. We have shared our hearts with our Nation to multiply Gods love……….even we had expected his wrath. If the world would know him better, we all would be on our knees immediately. My special Thanks goes to Yeshua who has made a way for true reconciliation between HIS Father and us. Thankyou for Your great grace and mercy. I dont have the words to give him all honor. Please give us the strenght to stay faithfull until the end……or better: Your coming back?
    I will never forget that the light is much stronger than all darkness! Resurrectionlife will be forever. Please forgive this simple english, it is not my motherlanguage. I am a german. HE said to me: Those who are making my people breatheless, I will make breatheless, those who persecute my people, I will persecute them! So it is up to us to do his will with trembling.

  2. Dear frieds in Sccat Hallel,
    I would like to un-subscribe. Please remove my name from your list. I wish you many blessings as you continue to listen to the Commander in Chief.

  3. Rick and Patricia, you are truly a wonderful blessing to the body of Christ. Thank you so much for being faithful to the call to build the tabernacle of David. I am so thankful that I was able to be apart of it and look forward to all the breakthroughs that will result in these trying times. Much love from Germany!

  4. I love to hear (here in Canada on the remote west Coast)
    what the Spirit is saying to you there
    at the House of Prayer in Jerusalem.

    As we all seek to know what ‘time and season’ we are in
    and what to do….
    for some reason it makes me feel so grounded to hear you share.
    We are all definitely pillars of a Habitation being built
    for Him and His glory to dwell in
    but somehow you help us ‘hear’ and ‘see’ in the Spirit a ‘global picture’.

    Thankyou for ‘standing’ there, and for sharing what He is putting in your hearts/in your spirits with us all over this world.


  5. As a 75yrs young new-comer with a heart to see the natural branches bud & blossom, I’ m inspired by your vision & practice.
    This was inherited from my mother who had a heart for the Jewish people.
    We also have a heart for Arab peoples, to see them grafted in as part of the one new man of Ephesians 2:14. Shalom in Yeshua ian

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