Part 1
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So what I’d like to share tonight is a prophetic perspective for 2020. It’s not just my own personal perspective. Actually, they’re a group of different prophetic people who meet together once a year called the Council of Prophetic Elders and as I was at that in in November and they come from many, many nations. Actually the Global Prophetic Council, there were over 50 nations represented with people of a national or international prophetic ministry and we’re sharing together what we felt the Lord was saying.
Out of a lot of things, I mean there were a lot of things, but I’m gonna kind of focus in on three things tonight that I feel the Lord is saying will be very key for this year and especially for us as intercessors and what what is God doing right now. So the number one that I’d like to share. I believe this will be a year of a clash of kingdoms between truths and lies.
A year of a clash of kingdoms between truths and lies.
I think we’re going to see increasing shakings. I shared this at Rosh Hashanah, that I felt many nations were going to see much, much more shaking and it was really important to realize that God is doing the shaking, not the devil. God says I will shake all things that can be shaken so that the things that cannot be shaken will remain.
So what is God doing? And I believe we shared you know, I shared that word about the shakings in Hong Kong actually in end of July, and it’s the end of July as I remember, yeah and the next day after I flew out, demonstrators took over the airport in Hong Kong. So it was definitely a type of shaking, but I felt the Lord wanted to forewarn the people the believers in Hong Kong and the believers in China that what God wanted to bring forth in the shakings was his unshakable Kingdom in Hong Kong and in China.
Now only God can do that. In the world, it’s kind of like, who’s gonna win China? Or Hong Kong, which is part of China, but has the special status that was being jeopardized by legal things that were going on. Demonstrators took to the streets and I felt like the Lord said at that time the shakings will be severe and then they will seem less strong and then they’ll start again and then they will be less strong almost like birth pangs.
Like a woman giving birth as this moment of travail and birth pangs and then she has a little bit of a break in between and then another birth pang comes, and so they’re things that God is birthing through the shakings and that’s what we need to realize. What is the thing that’s going to come out of the shakings? The unshakable kingdom of God, amen?
It’s that which cannot be shaken that will emerge and so I felt the Lord was saying in Rosh Hashanah that it was very important in the shakings not to allow ourselves to get worried and fearful, but to realize it’s not the devil who’s doing the shaking of the nations, it’s God shaking the nations to bring forth his unshakable Kingdom.
That somehow in the midst of this shakings, more of the kingdom of God will come forth in mainland China and more of the kingdom of God will come forth in Hong Kong. You know that God is big enough to do both. He does not like sides. He’s able to do, He’s at work in both places and so I felt as praying about 2020, the key phrase that came to me was clash of kingdoms.
This will be a year of great polarization.
That this will be a year of great polarization, even greater polarization. We’ve seen a lot of polarization already. Back in 2016, I had a vision of the Lord sitting above the Temple Mount on a throne and in front of Him, it was like a bar and at one end was darkness and at the other end was light, but most of it was gray and kind of in between and suddenly, He took His hands and He just went like this they went, and suddenly it was either really light or really dark and there was very little gray left in between and so that’s the season we’re in.
It’s a time yeah you know, we want to be “sons of Issachar” who discern the times in the seasons, what is going on. We’re not dismayed by the polarizations that are happening. Now we can pray for healing you know, but not a healing that is just a compromise of gray in the middle, but that there will be healing as more and more truth comes forth. As more and more light comes forth in the midst of the darkness.
So we shouldn’t be surprised that there will be increasing polarization. Again the phrase I received was there will be a clash of kingdoms all over the earth and many, many nations, it will be very very strong between the kingdom of light and the kingdom of darkness. So we don’t need to be caught by surprise, but we need to say Lord, what are You doing in the midst of this?
And how do I pray into this and I felt one major part of that clash of kingdoms this year will be the clash between truth and lies. It’s getting harder and harder to know the truth. How many feel that at times? You know, you see, hear this, you see that all the internet, you get to hear this news source and then you hear this news source and everything seems to to be conflicting with each other.
It just seems like each one is saying, well this is the truth and they’re only giving you you know, lies and it’s all misinformation, you know, and there are all these claims. So where do we find our way in all of that? We find our way in prayer and in worship and in the Word of God and there we, in the seated in the heavenly places in Yeshua, He can begin to show us how to pray.
He can begin to show us what is truth and what are lies and when we’re not sure, we can pray that His truth will come forth. That His truth will prevail. That the truth will not be snuffed out by the lies. The light will not be snuffed out by the darkness, but that the light would become even clearer and in the midst of times of confusion between what is the truth and what is not the truth, we are to be a people who say God, we are standing in Your kingdom.
You know, we’re not belonging to a political party. We’re belonging to the kingdom of God and we are a prophetic voice to every political party. We are a prophetic voice to every politician. Daniel kept prophesying through king after king after king after king. They were very different from one another, but God raised up Daniel to be a prophetic voice.
God, raise up prophetic voices to those in authority.
You know, Esther, Joseph could speak to the leaders, the word of the Lord. They would hear what God was saying and speak it in and this is a season where God is not just raising up, He is multiplying prophetic voices into governments. He is multiplying prophetic voices who will just suddenly, out of a place of worship, out of a place of prayer.
We had a guest here last week who God suddenly raised up. He was a pastor and suddenly finds himself in the White House as a trusted adviser and as a prophetic voice and he said, I didn’t want it, let alone, I wasn’t trying, I wasn’t seeking to be a voice into the government. I just wanted to you know, enjoy pastoring my church and suddenly God just you know, sovereignly plucked him up and he said I feel there, he felt there were many others in the room that God would do that.
Now it’s not everyone he was called to that, but there are more called to that than what they’re used to be and all of us are called to pray for that. All of us are called to pray that there will be prophetic voices that hear God and hear God’s Word, not just come with political opinions. If you’re a politician, you don’t need more political opinions. Sure you get plenty all day long of political opinions.
You need to hear a word from God and even ones who are not believers, God is faithful to raise up a Daniel to them, you know. Now how can I say, different people responded in different ways. Some really listened to Daniel and what he said and showed a fear of God, but others did not. It didn’t matter, the important thing was they all heard the truth through a prophet of God and that’s something God is restoring in our time and that we need to be praying for.
God would you restore true prophetic voices to governmental leaders that will speak the word of the Lord into their heart. Nothing more, nothing less. No, not tacking on opinions, but we’ll just speak what You give them and so this is a year of clash of kingdoms between truths and lies and if we can look at the next slide here. I think it’s very important to realize that biblical righteousness and justice can only be established on truth.
Biblical righteousness and justice can only be established on truth.
Now I hear a lot of people say, oh I’m really into justice issues and the question they need to ask themselves, are you into biblical justice issues or are you just into your own idea of what is just? Did you hear what I’m saying?
There’s a humanistic fairness that thinks somehow I know what’s right, just because I read this one or listen to this one on the internet and they must be right. We think we know , we think we know what’s right and what’s just, but biblical justice can only be established on truth.
It isn’t a matter that I have a desire to see justice come forth. I need to have a desire to see biblical justice come forth that’s based on truth. Not just people’s thinking this or they heard this, they heard that and they form their own judgment.
In fact the Bible says, a wicked man cannot, it’s in Proverbs, I don’t have the verse here, but it says in the book of Proverbs, a wicked man can never understand justice. It is for the man who fears the Lord. Only a man who fears God can really understand justice. Only a man who really seeks God. A man or woman who are seeking after God and fearing God can really understand justice.
So biblical righteousness and justice, it’s not just humanistic fairness or you know, I feel sorry for this one or I heard this story and I think this is what needs to be done. It’s the truth come forth and that’s where we as intercessors are the ones who can begin to call forth truth on the earth.
Let your kingdom come, let your will be done, where? On earth as it is in heaven. Are there lies in heaven? No, there’s only truth in heaven. Is there unrighteousness? No, is there injustice? No, so we’re praying for justice and righteousness, the pillars of His throne, but those have to be based on truth and I believe this year, even more than ever, there’s going to be a huge thing about truth.
In the media, you are guilty until proven innocent.
Now this particular drawing that I chose here, it shows that, you look at a judge with his gavel who is just controlling someone. Now not every situation is that true, but we need to realize that we live in a world where there’s less and less respect for the ways in which you bring forth truths. Even in courts and justice and especially in the media, now a person, if the media decides to judge you, they judge you and you are guilty until proven innocent.
Do you hear what I’m saying in this? What I’m saying is the media will come out against leaders and say this and say that, according to their political opinion and they will judge them and they’re, how could I say, when there’s really been corruption, when there’s really been legal wrongdoing, we want a legal system that can deal with that, amen? That’s based on the Bible.
You know, if even a president, even a prime minister is not above the law, but the problem is that it’s so hard now through media and other political parties in nation after nation, there’s just confusion. Is this man guilty or not guilty and I just wanna give one example of a situation we know firsthand. This was back several years ago, so I know the end of the story. It could help us to understand maybe a little better.
We had a friend. We had actually a young woman who came to the Lord when we were pastoring in Brussels. We lived in Brussels for 13 years before we came here to Israel 20 years ago, and while we were there in Brussels, a young woman working in the European Commission, the press spokesperson’s office came to the Lord through another lady in our church who led her to the Lord.
Well she said, I really wanna grow in the Lord and I also would like to learn English and she said could I live with you for a while and I’ll help take care of like your little children in return for you know, speaking English all the time, but also, I’ll primarily be asking questions about the Bible and about Jesus and I want to grow in the Lord and so she moved in with us and her mother, we did not know at the time that her mother was the Minister of Health in France and was being considered one of the two or top three candidates for Prime Minister France and this lady as the Minister of Health had come to Jesus.
She had a radical born again experience with Jesus and in France, you’re not supposed to be public about those things, but she was very public and it was in the magazines and the newspapers and people started coming against her. They really wanted her out because she was talking about the Bible and about Jesus and they said, we don’t want that in our government. We don’t want anything, anyone like that in our government.
And long story short, there was a situation because she was not a medical doctor. She was not a professor, an expert of medicine. She was a political figure who was able to bring people together and they would give advice and they would give counsel. She would bring doctors and professors and get opinion and then right under her was a man who was a medical professor, a doctor who was her main advisor.
This is all in the time when everything started coming out about AIDS and about contaminated blood. That people could could get AIDS through a blood transfusion from someone else who had, from someone who had AIDS and the medical world wasn’t sure yet. There were some tests that seemed to say yes, others seemed to say no, and there was a lot of questioning.
So this woman was not an expert and all she could do is ask an expert about it. So she asked her Deputy Minister of Health, can you investigate this and then you make a recommendation. Should we stop blood transfusions till we get final results or is all of this just hearsay and all of this.
Long story short, this man advised her that they could wait many more months before they stopped using the supply of blood that they already had on hand. By the time that this came out, it was found and proven absolutely that contaminated blood could give AIDS to other people who received a blood transfusion, but the media, because they were after her, they put headlines, Minister of Health guilty for the death of dozens of people because she did not stop the blood supply earlier and she had done nothing wrong.
And she said on television, I take responsibility, but not guilt. I’m not guilty, I did nothing. I only acted upon the advice of experts that I had, but the media judged her and in headlines they said, she must be removed. This woman is against, they made it out that she was against the homosexual community, she was against all kinds of things because of this blood issue of AIDS.
People started demonstrating outside her house. They would come out and be harassed by people yelling and screaming at her. The family would be harassed and it was in headlines day after day after day how she should be removed from office, what a terrible person she was and she was absolutely guilty of people dying because they said in the newspapers, the drug companies, the pharmaceutical companies had paid her to, had bribed her to make this decision so they would not lose all the money from the blood that they had collected, these companies had collected, they judged her.
She had to resign and it ruined her political career. She had no hope again. She was you know, considered almost, one or two or three for prime minister and suddenly had no political career at all. This went on for years in the courts and it went up to the Supreme Court. After several years, the Supreme Court of France found that she was absolutely not guilty of the least little thing. They said she absolutely had done what was right.
She had to depend upon the expert advice given to her and they found out it was her deputy health minister who had been bribed by the companies that own the blood in order to to keep giving the blood longer to people, even though it was questionable and she was simply relying on his counsel, but do you hear what I’m saying? She was judged guilty in the newspapers. Her political career was over.
I really believe the main reason she was judged guilty in the newspapers was because she was a Christian believer now who was open about her faith in Jesus Christ and she was just judged. Do you know when the Supreme Court ruling came out? Guess where they put it in the newspapers? In a small article near the back of the paper.
No more headlines saying, the Supreme Court finds her not guilty at all. The Supreme Court finds that she did nothing wrong. There’s just a little small article, unimportant article saying oh, we were wrong and Supreme Court says she was right.
Did you hear what I’m saying? There can be a judgment where you’re assumed guilty by the media until you’re proven innocent by the courts which can take years and so there’s something wrong with that kind of a shifting that’s happened in modern society where the media can actually just judge, they can manipulate by making charges against people.
Now please understand, when someone has done something against the law, they need to go to prison. Her deputy minister of health went to prison. He you know, he was judged for this and proved, but only once it was proven by truth in the courts. Do you hear what I’m saying there?
And too much in modern countries, media and even sometimes court systems that don’t follow proper legal you know, legal guidelines, decisions are made and there was never really a true ability of the person to defend themselves and have lawyers to defend themselves and present all the facts and go through a normal court type thing and so we need to pray, especially right now.
“Truth has fallen in the street.”
How many of us are praying, Lord, what do You want to do? Those of us who are American are praying, Lord, what do You want to do in terms of the impeachment and I think one of the ways we need to pray is that truth will prevail, it’s very simple in a way, but that it would quickly prevail. That it would quickly come forth and not take years and years in court before the truth comes forth.
That the truth could come forth and righteousness and justice could come forth. I think it’s the same thing in this nation with Prime Minister Netanyahu. It’s not the exact same situation, but it is a situation where there’s questions about the media, questions about the court, especially about the Attorney General in this and we need to pray not as, well I’ve read this and so I know what’s right and he’s gotta go, he must resign because I’ve read this article or you know, or he must stay because I read this article. Do you hear what I’m saying?
If we went to the next slide here. This verse is the amplified translation of Isaiah 59 verse 14. It says, justice is turned away backwards and righteousness, uprightness and right standing with God stands far away or far off for why is justice not there? Why is righteousness? It says, for truth has fallen in the street.
Now in the ancient, when they use that term in the Hebrew there, it was more for the place in the street where the judges of the city sat. The elders of the city sat in judgment. So it’s the city’s forum. The place where the elders sat to listen to cases. Yes, no, for, against. You know, listen to things and determine and say well, then we believe this is the truth and we make a judgment.
So it says for truth has fallen in the streets, the city’s forum. Uprightness cannot enter into the Courts of Justice. So we need to pray, God, here in Israel, would You give us godly judges again. I think it’s when the major things we need to be praying. He said it’s a promise in the Old Testament. He said I will restore true judges to you, Israel, as in the days of old.
So God, we pray for Israel. We pray for a restoration of godly judges. We pray for judges and attorney generals and these in places Lord of of decisions that will not be influenced by rumors, not be influenced by stories, not be influenced by media, but will search out the facts.Let the truth prevail. May truth begin to come forth. Lord, we call for this in nation after nation. So many leaders that You have raised up are being attacked and yet, Lord, if what they done something wrong and they really need to go to prison or to lose their career because they’ve done something that was unjust or unrighteous and wrong, would You cause that to come forth.
Let the truth come forth.
Let the truth come forth. We’re not trying to hide anything. We’re not trying to believe things that may be hid, lies and we’re saying God, let truth prevail, let righteousness prevail, let justice prevail. Restore true judges again in Israel. Restore godly judges in the Supreme Court of Israel.
Lord, on the whole issue about Messianic believers here in Israel. Lord there’s been a lie that said a Jew who believes in Jesus is no longer a Jew. Would that lie be struck down in the Supreme Court this year. We pray that that lie will be struck down in the Supreme Court this year. We pray Lord that no longer will that lie be able to keep Jewish believers in Jesus from making Aliyah back to Israel.
That it will no longer keep them out. That that line will be exposed as a lie and the truth will come forth that you can be a Jew and believe in Jesus and still be Jewish. Just as Jewish, many are more Jewish than they were before even.
You know I know many believers that never even circumcise their children before they became a believer in Jesus. Many Jewish people that I know that did not, you wouldn’t celebrate Sukkot or Passover anything until they began to realize oh, it’s all about Jesus.
Passover is all about Jesus, the Passover lamb and sometimes they become even more Jewish in one sense, because they understand the, now I’m not talking about legalistic kind of you know, that kind of thing. I’m not talking about legalism. I’m talking about true Jewish identity that’s based on the Bible. Biblical Judaism, biblical Jewish identity.
Part 2
Watch the video, or read the transcription below:
Now, I’d like to mention one other. There is country after country where what I’m talking about is applicable. But I’d especially like to talk about Korea right now. If we can go to the next photo.
God’s Plan for North Korea
Last August, no, two years ago August, in August 2017. I was in Korea to speak for a conference. And, let me kind of go backwards here. I’ve been in Korea many, many times, I don’t know, 10 or 12 times at least, speaking in the years before that. And God never allowed me to go into the Demilitarized Zone, to the DMZ.
Now, there’s nothing wrong with going to the DMZ, but God said “Because of the calling on your life, you’re not allowed to go there as a tourist.” He said, “You can’t go there till I say to go there.” And I wanted to go, every time people say, “Hey, would you like to go up to the DMZ, and you can step over the line and get your picture taken? You know, you are in North Korea.” And all this stuff, you stepped over the line. And, you know, oh, it’s a big tourist thing about that in Korean and I would love to have done that.
But God said, “Because of your calling, you’re not allowed to go as a tourist.” He said, “Don’t you go until I say to go, and it will be on a prophetic assignment.” Did you hear what I’m saying? It’s not that it’s wrong. It’s just, we need to know our calling. and we don’t just assume things, you know, and we say, Lord, you know, what?
So anyway, when I was invited to this conference in August 2017, the Lord said, “Now is it time, I am going to begin doing something very strong concerning North Korea and the healing of Korea, the Reunification of Korea.” And He said, “I want you to go to the DMZ, to Demilitarized Zone, the line between North and South Korea.”
But then He was very specific. He said, “I want you to proclaim a specific scripture from Isaiah 28.” It’s a scripture that talks about the Lord coming like a flood of rains, and the flood will wash away lies and break a covenant with death, and then will begin to bring forth. It says, “Yeshua, Jesus, is the chief cornerstone.”
And the Lord said, “I want you to go to the DMZ.” Sorry, the verse is Isaiah 28. Let’s, show the next there. Nigel, the next slide has the verse. Isaiah 28. Actually, it’s verses 14 through 19. And we’ll proclaim this in just a moment, we’ll proclaim it together. But I just wanna share this story first, so we understand what we’re proclaiming here.
So if we can go back to the picture before. So these verses say that, a flood from the Lord, waters will come, overflow lies and wash away the lies that evil leaders had been depending on, and had been used to oppress the people.
And He says, “I’ll wash away the lies, and I will set Jesus as the chief cornerstone.” So I felt the Lord said, “Take a little piece of the Berlin Wall with you, it shows how old I am. I was there.”
So I took a little piece of the Berlin Wall, and He said, “I want you to go up, and I want you to go to the barbed wire, and I want you to throw that little piece of the Berlin Wall over the barbed wire, and I want you to proclaim, ‘thus says Lord “even as I brought down the Berlin Wall, I am going to bring down the barrier between North and South Korea, to bring a true healing between North and South Korea.”’”
But then He said, “Proclaim, it will not be a false healing. It will not be a counterfeit peace that is based on lies, but it will be a true healing, truth will come forth.”
And because the truth will be revealed, somehow God will work in such a way that North Korea will not remain under the bondage where it’s so, we say where, you know, so dangerous for the Christians, where you’re put in prison and tortured, and all these things, for being a believer in North Korea. That it not be a false peace, but it’d be a true peace based on truth.
And so He said, “Throw it over the fence and declare that I’m going to do a work that will wash away lies, that will reveal lies, and that will sweep away evil rulers, and that will bring freedom, and will bring healing to Korea.”
Now that was, you know, it’s quite a thing to proclaim. Now, there was only one problem. You can’t normally do that. I got there and I found out this place where all the tourists go is nowhere near the barbed wire. There’s– you get through a little stone over the line and all of this stuff and, you could never do that, people are watching every move, it’s all a camera there, you know, you can’t do that where the tourists are allowed to go.
And so I shared with a Korean friend and he said, “I think I know someone who may be able to help us.” And the someone was a North Korean, who had escaped from North Korea, had been tortured in North Korea, or at least imprisoned in North Korea, for the faith, and had escaped, gotten to South Korea.
And he says, “This man ministers up near the DMZ. Let’s ask him.” So we asked him and he said, “Oh, yes, don’t go to the tourist place. They’re watching, there’s no way you could ever do that there.” But he says, “I think I know a place.”
And so he took us to a place out. You know, very far, the countryside, a little outpost. And when we got there, there were only two soldiers. And he said, “Just what I hoped, I led these two soldiers to Jesus last year.” He said, “They were both Buddhists, and they both gave their life to Jesus.”
And he said, “These two soldiers understand what you want to do, and so that’s why there’s a black over the eyes of the solders, so it can’t be identified.” But, we took communion with the soldiers.
Then we went to the actual, right up to the barbed wire. Which you’re not supposed to be allowed to do, but they knew we were safe, we weren’t going, you know, we weren’t there for some terrorist activity, at least not physical terrorism. We went there to terrorize the devil, we hope.
So we were able to go, I was able to take, we started praying, and as we started praying, for five weeks they had not had one drop of rain, five weeks. And as we started proclaiming the scripture, we were proclaim about water, floods of water overflowing and lies and sweeping away lies. You see the umbrellas, it started raining and raining.
And we took this stone, and I threw it over, and I said “Thus says the Lord, ‘Even as I brought down the Berlin Wall, because My intercessors in Germany confess the sins of Germany, and I was able to heal Germany and bring East and West together again, but without the the bondage of communism that was in East Germany, so I will heal Korea.’”
“‘But I will do it in a way that’s based on truth and not on lies. A true peace and not a counterfeit peace.’” And we proclaimed this and threw this stone over, and just had a wonderful time worshiping the Lord until it started raining too heavy and too strongly to stay outside. And it kept raining and raining and raining all through the night. The next morning, the headline said, “Major flooding at the DMZ.”
God is washing away lies from the nations.
And there was a scripture that we prayed. Now, it’s interesting. Before we proclaim this scripture, I want to tell one more story about this scripture. A year and a half before that, in January 2016, America was, how can you say it? A very decisive moment, there were all kinds of accusations and things coming up in the news and the television and everything, about the elections that were to be held the following November.
This was in January 2016. And God said to go, for Patricia and I to go to Washington DC, to a house of prayer that we helped dedicate, that’s called David’s Tent. And they have a tent right at the base of the Washington Monument, at that time at the base of the Washington Monument, is still very close to that, close to the Capitol, close to the White House.
And God said, “Proclaim that scripture from Isaiah 28, that I will come like a flood, I will wash away lies, I will expose lies, and I will begin to cause truth to come forth.” And again, it started raining and raining and raining. Over the night it rained, and the next morning in the headlines in Washington DC it said, “Major flooding in Washington DC this morning.”
And so when God, you know, when God wants to say something, He could make it very clear, He can put an exclamation point. So both times He sent rains all through the night till the next morning. In Korea, it did not rain for five weeks, and it rained all night long.
So would you stand together? We’re going to proclaim this scripture, there’s a little more, we’re going to share some more teaching, but I want us to proclaim this scripture right now while we’re on this.
So we proclaim this over Korea, we proclaim this over every country where there are issues going on. Whether here in Israel, whether in America, whether in Guatemala, in Brazil, in Bolivia, in all kinds of nations where there’s a big issue in the media about what is truth and what is a lie.
We believe you, Lord, for the truth to prevail, we believe you, Lord, for justice to come forth. We believe you for righteousness to come forth.
Now, this verse was at the time made to rulers, evil rulers in Jerusalem. But we’ll just say when we get to that part, you scoffers who rule the people in these nations in all of these nations including Israel, but in all the nations. So any scoffers that are ruling by lies, by manipulating media, that God will expose it, that God will arise and come like a flood and begin to wash away and expose the lies and begin to bring for truth.
You know, in Korea, like I said, there could be a true healing of the land, like (what) took place in Germany, or there could be a false peace, that’s a counterfeit that will only lead to greater problems. If what is evil and lies in the North is not exposed for what it is. And then the government of the South as well.
Whatever lies, we just want to see truth come forth. His kingdom is a kingdom of truth, of righteousness, of justice. So let’s proclaim, Lord, cover by the blood of Jesus.
Now we proclaim the scriptures over nations that are in question right now. What is the truth and what is a lie? What is fake news? What is true news? And we thank You God that Your kingdom is a kingdom of truth. We thank You Lord Jesus, that You are truth.
And we proclaim Your Lordship over these nations, we proclaim Your lordship over these situations in places like Israel, like America, like Bolivia, like Brazil, like Guatemala, like the United Kingdom, Lord, in Korea, Lord, in place after place.
As we proclaim this, will You come with Your waters? Your flood that will reveal lies and sweep away lies?
Lord, in Poland Lord, we pray that for Poland as well. There’s a lot of question right now, what is truth and not truth on certain issues concerning Israel and Poland’s history with the Jews.
Would You bring forth the truth Lord in Poland, Lord, the truth sets us free. You say, “You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free.” We want freedom and the nations, freedom to worship You, freedom for Your kingdom to progress more quickly, freedom for righteousness and justice to prevail.
So let’s proclaim these, we proclaim these over all these nations where there are big battles this year concerning truth and lies:
“Therefore hear the word of the Lord, you scoffers who rule this people in Jerusalem. You boast, ‘We have entered into a covenant with death, with the realm of the dead we have made an agreement. When an overwhelming scourge sweeps by, it cannot touch us, for we have made a lie our refuge and falsehood our hiding place.’ So this is what the Sovereign Lord says: ‘See, I lay a stone in Zion, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone for a sure foundation; the one who relies on it will never be stricken with panic. I will make justice the measuring line and righteousness the plumb line; hail will sweep away your refuge, the lie, and water will overflow your hiding place. Your covenant with death will be annulled; your agreement with the realm of the dead will not stand. When the overwhelming scourge sweeps by, you will be beaten down by it. As often as it comes it will carry you away…’” – Isaiah 28:14-19a [NIV]
Hallelujah. Lord, we thank You for Your word. Thank You, Lord, Your word is true. Your word is truth. We believe You Lord that as we continue to proclaim these scriptures over the nations that You put in our hearts, that in each of those nations, Your flood of truth will reveal and sweep away lies, will break covenants with death.
In the mighty name of Jesus. And you may be seated.
Part 3
Watch the video, or read the transcription below:
Praying Over The Nations
I would just encourage you to ask the Lord when to pray this, let the Lord show you when to pray this, when to proclaim this, in many, many nations, I didn’t name them all tonight, but this is major, like I said, the clash of kingdoms this year is very much over truth versus lies. So I think this is a very, very key scripture to proclaim. In fact, I’m going to Korea in a little over a week and we’re going to proclaim it again.
So, proclaim this as the Lord shows you nations that you’re praying for, that you’re interceding for. I’m blessed tonight to see Virginia here. Who’s from England?
Prayer Overcomes Corbyn’s Hatred of Jews
The Sunday before the elections in England, there was so much danger of the man Jeremy Corbyn winning who is clearly the outright anti-Semite that they say he is. The polls showed that two thirds of the Jews of England were saying, “We will leave England if he wins. It will be so bad in England that we will just have to leave.”
Now, at some point they do need to leave and come back to Israel. But in the meantime, God has mercy on England. If they understand what I’m saying. So, the Sunday before the elections, we were in London and proclaiming some scriptures like these that truth would come out. And certain things came out in the media so that his antisemitism was clearly seen.
Many of the media had been saying, “Well, it’s not really true,” and it came out with regard to many, many recordings that were proven to be absolutely true, of other leaders in his party, saying very, very anti-Jewish things, very hateful toward Jewish people. And he lost the election by a landslide. Praise God.
Intercessor Gets Thank You Text From Boris Johnson
So, the Lord is working. In fact, one of the intercessors who was there got a personal WhatsApp message for Boris Johnson afterwards, and he said, “Thank you for praying for me, I know that the prayers made a difference,” and this is a man who is far away from God.
He makes no profession to believe in Jesus or to follow Jesus, but he texted the intercessor, took the time to write a WhatsApp message after he won the election and said, “Thank you for praying for me for this election.” So he knows the prayers had an effect. You know, God obviously is working in his heart, So pray for him to come to Jesus, that’d be the best thing.
Demonic Attack Against the Youth
Nigel, if we can get the next one, uh, major point number two, we won’t take as much time on this major point number two, I believe this will be a year of a clash of kingdoms, of the clash of kingdoms over the youth.
I believe so strongly. Those who I am talking to and listening to in many, many different nations that I believe are hearing from the Lord, are saying there is a major attack on the youth, a major attack upon the youth that many major demons have been unleashed against young people in this generation. Why?
All these prophetic voices agree. We are on the edge of the greatest harvest, the world has ever seen and it will primarily be the young people that will be in the midst of this great new Jesus movement worldwide.
Millions of Young People to Come to Jesus
And we will see millions and millions of young people set free from Satan’s bondage and coming to Jesus. I really believe we’re at the point where this could happen soon, but there’s this huge battle because in Revelation 12 it talks about a great end times battle, and it says that Satan will come down to you very angry because he knows his time is short.
Now I’m not saying we’re in that specific moment of Revelation 12, what I am saying is that we are at a moment when the devil is angry, the devil is mad and I’m glad, as someone put it.
We Need to Stand Against the Enemy
You know, we need to be thankful that he’s angry. It’s a good sign that he is coming with an onslaught, but we as intercessors have got to protect the children and the young people. We have to battle on behalf of them. We need to stand with the Lord for their freedom, for their protection, for their healing, for their deliverance.
Right now there’s a major battle going on for this generation. And I really believe we could see this as a year of harvest. Greater than the church has seen in 2000 years. I really believe where there’s the potential for that, but I believe it will be primarily through the youth.
There’s a Battle Going On in the Heavenlies
And I believe the battle is still going on in the heavenlies. It’s like Daniel, you know, where there was a delay and he asked why the delay and God sent the angel, the Archangel Michael who said, well, there was a battle going on in the heavenlies. I was sent the very first day you started praying.
And the implication is because Daniel fasted and prayed, those three weeks, there was a total breakthrough in the heavenlies and the angel was able to come and they, the children of Israel were released from exile to come back to the land.
And so I believe there’s a major heavenly battle going on right now. And I believe, how can I say it, we don’t need to come into some, like somehow I’ve got to make it all happen, but we are a part, if we’re intercessors, we are part of standing with God for His purposes, to prevail in battle.
Like Daniel, we are there to confess our sins and the sins of our forefathers and to call on the Lord according to his great mercies to answer and to see a breakthrough, and I believe it’s the battle for this generation. Now, I won’t take a long time, this is a whole subject and maybe we’ll take another Monday evening to just go into this with scriptures and a lot about youth, what the Bible says.
But I would like to share a vision that I shared at this prophetic summit in Dallas, a couple of months ago.
If we can put the next slide up, Nigel. I saw in a vision, in this particular vision, it was concerning the East coast of the United States, where many of you would know, the major universities that prepare leaders are on the East coast.
Ivy League Universities Under Attack
They’re places like Harvard or Yale or Princeton that are on the East coast. And, it’s this area with these major universities, preparing leaders for government, for every area of society, and in this vision but I believe it applies in this nation, I believe it applies in your nation. I believe it applies all over the world.
What I saw, I saw a huge snake, down the Eastern coastline of the United States, over these areas of the universities. And this snake had swallowed up, most of a generation of young people. The belly of the snake was huge with university students, with young people, teenagers, that Satan had swallowed and they were under his control, they were in the belly of the snake. There was just this huge belly of this snake and it was just lying there down the whole East coast of the United States in the vision that I saw.
But again, I said, I believe this vision applies in every nation. And then I saw as the intercessors began to cry out to the Lord, God came like a huge Eagle and He, a snake has a lot of power when it’s on the ground. It has a lot of ways to escape. But the eagle takes the snake out of its comfort zone, it’s war zone, and takes it into a different place where the snake can’t do anything.
It doesn’t have wings.
And the eagle took this snake up into the heavenlies and he had one claw near the tail of the snake, he had another claw near the head of the snake. And when that Eagle representing God got up in the air, He took that snake and you could see this huge belly that was full of all these young people that he had swallowed alive.
Young People Freed – Start Revival
And the eagle went. And what it did, the belly of this snake split, it just, it tore just like, like He took a knife and tore and suddenly all these young people started parachuting out.
They were set free from the snake’s control, and they started parachuting down and then when the parachute would come down to the earth, they would start a fire wherever they were.
It was a fire of revival and they would start a fire here. And I saw here and I saw all over the East coast of the United States, I saw in these major Ivy League universities, I saw fires of revival of God beginning to move, started by young people who had been set free, who at one time were totally under the control of the devil, but had now been set free and were rejoicing in their freedom and sharing with other young people. Saying, “I was so bound, but I was set so free.”
Young Man Overcomes an Idol in His Life
And may this generation be set free from Satan’s control. I know of a young man here in Jerusalem this week. The Lord spoke to me that he’d been dealing with some really heavy spiritual attack against him and he now felt that he should take, this doesn’t mean it’s wrong for all kids or whatever, but that he should take away what’s called the Xbox with all his video games and he felt like he was addicted to that and that he should just throw it away and it’s like tearing down an idol in his life.
He felt he was like tearing down an idol and I believe the Lord wants us to pray that young people will be set free from idolatry, in whatever form. That we may be set free from idolatry, that we as parents and grandparents can ask forgiveness of the Lord, wherever we have opened doors for this generation, for Satan to swallow them, but that we can pray that this generation gets set free.
I would like to ask you to stand up right now. Stand up right now. I believe we need to pray this right now, then we have a third area that we’re going to pray briefly on.
So the snake had swallowed young people, had swallowed them up and had them under his control, but the eagle tore the snake open. So father, we agree together right now, in the name and by the blood of Jesus may this generation of young people that have been swallowed up, oh, any of them that have been swallowed alive by the snake, by Satan, by his deceptions, by his addictions, by whatever has happened that has swallowed up young people.
May they be set free in the name and by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. We call on you oh Lord, arise as an Eagle. Arise as a mighty Eagle and take this snake and just pull the snake apart, open its belly and let these young people be set free.
We say, let my people go. “Let my young people go that they may worship me,” says the Lord. Let’s say it out loud. “Let my young people go that they may worship me,” says the Lord. “Let my young people go, that they may worship me,” says the Lord.
Hallelujah, Lord, we believe you to let this be the year. Let this be the year that a generation is set free from Satan’s addictions, from the worshiping of false gods. Let them be set free from bondage to lies. Let them be set free and let them know the truth and let the truth set them free.
So again, in this year of a clash of kingdoms, God bring forth a great harvest among the youth, greater than we’ve ever seen. A Jesus movement greater than the previous Jesus movement, as something that will sweep the nations and a great harvest will come forth in the name of Jesus. Amen, Amen.
You may be seated. One last thing, and again, these are each areas that we could just spend a lot of time praying over, but we’re 24 seven, so you have a lot of time to pray about these things. But I really believe that it is key here to pray for the youth and for this move of God among young people.
Part 4
Watch the video, or read the transcription below:
Popular Rap Singer Accepts Jesus
Let me throw one more thing about the youth. When I was in America, in November, there was a lot of talk about one of the probably two best known pop music singers.
It’s actually more in the areas of rap, but says a man named Kanye West, had come out with a new recording called, ‘Jesus is King.’ I thought, “I’m gonna listen to this.” So I got a hold of it and I was just amazed. I mean it was absolutely clear about repentance.
It was absolutely clear about totally turning your life over to Jesus and Jesus being king. It was no, no, beating around the bush or generalizations. He was very, very, very clear.
We need to pray for him. That he will stay strong in Jesus. He’s really committed his life to the Lord. He’s going now and they’re having, they’re filling up major venues, and they call it, “Sunday Service on a Roll”. and they sing all these songs about Jesus and young people by the hundreds are giving their lives to Jesus in these meetings.
True Repentance
But he’s very radical about Jesus and totally changed. I was on an Uber ride there in Dallas and it was a young African American man who was driving. He had on hip hop and rap and so I said, “Have you heard of Kanye West?” He said, “Of course I’ve heard of Kanye West. He’s only the most famous person.”
I said, “Well you know, I’m from overseas, and I’ve been hearing that Kanye West ‘really changed his life and that he believes in Jesus now.’ Do you think that’s true? Is it just a ‘gimmick?’” He said, “It’s not a gimmick.” He said, “I’ve been listening to it.” And he said, “I can tell it’s real. He’s really changed.” I said, “Well what about you?” He said, “Well, my grandmother has been praying for me.” And we ended up praying together, that God, that Jesus would reveal Himself to him. That if this was true for Kanye West, could it be true for this young guy?
So you know, the influence these people have through their music, is just phenomenal. It could be part of seeing this, but it’s a battle’s going on and so that’s why we need to pray for him, for protection, other big names that, Justin Bieber has come to Jesus, in a very true way now. We need to pray for him, that protection and that they will be bold and share with the young people about Jesus.
Spiritual Battle Over the Nations
Now the last thing, number three, is a year of the clash of kingdom over nations that are shifting. Now we’ve spoken a lot about this in recent months. So I’m not going to take a long time. But just to, for those who have not heard this teaching.
God spoke to us about a year and a half ago, two years ago now, probably. About showing nations, almost like on a chess board and God began moving and changing nations. We won’t go into the whole vision, you can look at it on the website, on and you can see the whole vision. But basically, what the Lord I felt said was this, on the next slide.
– [Man] Amen.
No nation. In fact in that vision, I saw that some of the nations he began shifting around, moving around and changing, were ones we would never expect. Even like Saudi Arabia. I really believe God is at work in Saudi Arabia, in a major way right now. Things are happening.
Actually, we know of a group in the Far East, who has trained over 2,000 people who have gone as servants to Saudis and live in their homes and clean their homes and make their food and take care of their children and pray in their house, all day long. As the Lord gives opportunity, they’re sharing the Lord.
2,000, from the Far East, in Saudi homes. I mean you have some things, I believe we’re gonna see breakthroughs in nations that will surprise us. He said, “No nation, is hopeless.”
A Vision of Spiderwebs Over the Nations
Let’s go on to the next one here, time flies. Many of you know we had a vision of evil systems of control that were like spiderwebs and there were spiders that would take world leaders and bring them into deception and blind them and the Lord showed us that the Lion of Judah, took his paw and he began wiping out whole systems of evil.
Spiderwebs, not just, you know, how many know it’s not enough just to elect a Christian President or Prime Minister in your country? Did you hear what I’m saying? There are systems of evil that will stop them. But there have to be systems of evil that are destroyed and God is starting to do that in many nations, right now.
Power of the Blood Destroys Unrepentant World Leaders
The next part of that vision, the next slide. The power of the blood of the lamb. In this vision, the Lion of Judah would take out a system of evil and then the intercessors, the angels would bring the blood of Jesus down. We would take one drop of the blood of Jesus and put it over an evil ruler and they would either repent and come to the Lord, or they would be removed.
God is into changing nations and he wants to use us as intercessors, to change those nations. Now, some of you know we proclaimed that in different places and one of the places is on Mount Carmel at Carmel Assembly and they had people there from many, many nations, but included in the group were many from Sudan, because they minister to the Sudanese refugees, there at Carmel Assembly.
Prayer Brings Down Evil Sudanese Ruler
There was a very, very evil ruler in place, in Sudan, who had been in place for 30 years. They had tried to overthrow him. They could never overthrow him. Let’s see the next slide. The day after we proclaimed this, we proclaimed it on April 11th. On April 12th, the New York Times headlines says, “Sudan’s Spider is Finally Cast Out of His Web.” Now that’s clear enough, isn’t it ?
You know, that’s encouraging when God makes it so clear, because you feel kind of crazy praying these things. They said for 30 years, they had tried to overthrow him. Let’s look at the next slide. This is the sub headline. It says, “Al-Bashir, Sudan’s Spider, Is Finally Cast Out of His Web.”
Hallelujah, our God reigns. Our God can shift nations. He can change nations.
No More Dictators
This was the day after we proclaimed that, with those Sudanese refugees there, at Mount Carmel. The next day, he was overthrown and he’s out of power and we’ve been praying since then, “Lord, no more spiders.” Amen. Let’s keep praying for Sudan and every time a military person has tried to take over as a dictator, the young people have gone into the streets, made big demonstrations, and they’ve stopped it and they have now guaranteed, the military has said, “No more dictators. We’re going to move into true elections, in Sudan.”
So something is shifting and changing in that nation. If you wanna read the full vision, you can go to the website, take a picture of the website and you get it from the website. So God is shifting nations.
Next, some of you know about the night the Lord had given us a vision of the Lord, in dark clouds and lightning going out from the Lord and striking demonic thrones, over Turkey, over Russia, and over Iran. That night, we felt the Lord said, “To also pray it over Lebanon.” Nigel, are we able to show the video of there? Can you click on that video? Are we able to get the start? This is the night as we proclaimed that in this room.
– [Man] First of all the direction of Turkey, three blasts.
– [Man] This way is the east from Turkey, Iran three blasts.
– Now, for those from the nations, we only have lightning, about two times a year, in Jerusalem. We’re at the edge of the desert. We can go four months with no rain and we have maybe two or three times in the whole year where we have a lightning storm.
God Answers Prayers with Lightning
And as we proclaimed that God was striking, not people, but demonic thrones, over Iran, over Russia, over Turkey, over Lebanon. You saw what happened as we blew the trumpets, the lightning would flash.
We felt particularly to proclaim from Psalm 29, is where it says, “The word of the Lord will go forth as lightning.” There’s another verse that says, “It will strike the cedars of Lebanon.” That’s those great big trees in Lebanon. Some of them are 2,000 years old and we felt the Lord said, “It will splinter the cedars of Lebanon.”
Prayer Directed Against Hezbollah
In other words, we felt a proclaim over Hezbollah, the Islamic terrorist group that controls Lebanon, that they would splinter. They would begin to fall apart and that there would be division in the government of Lebanon. Now if we can show the next slide, Nigel. This is a picture of demonstrations, three nights later, demonstrations started in the streets of Beirut.
On the 14th of October, we proclaimed that the Lord, confirmed with lightning, as we proclaimed toward Lebanon, that it would strike the cedars of Lebanon. It would begin to splinter the government and splinter Hezbollah and that God would begin to move in Lebanon.
People Rise Up in Lebanon
On the 14th of October, we proclaimed that. The lightning came. On the 17th of October, they started demonstrating in the streets of Lebanon and against the government. The Prime Minister, you see a lady with a Lebanese flag of a cedar of Lebanon. The Prime Minister resigned.
So far, Hezbollah, has not been able to agree to make, they could just shut it down. They have the military power like Iran, where they could kill hundreds of people, like Iran has done. But they haven’t done it so far. Something I believe, is shifting in Lebanon.I believe God is bringing disagreement and division between the Islamic leaders of the terrorist group Hezbollah.
So Father, we thank you for what you’ve been doing. We thank you for demonstrations that are going on even now, in Lebanon. Night after night after night, the demonstrations all over the country, calling for a government free from the control of this Islamic terrorist group. We pray mercy on Lebanon tonight. We pray mercy on Lebanon tonight.
Lord, protect the believers in Lebanon, who have from the House of Prayer, in Beirut, that have a tent downtown in Beirut where they’re giving out food and ministering to the demonstrators and praying and worshiping boldly and openly. Would you protect them, oh God?
And God, we pray that somehow Hezbollah will not be able to stop this movement of freedom in Lebanon. We claim your Word, “I have called my bride out of Lebanon.” We continue to pray for the shifting of Lebanon and that there will be great breakthrough in that nation, Lord and that the hold of radical Islam would be broken over Lebanon and there would be a great harvest of people coming to the Lord.
In the name of Jesus, in the name of Yeshua, Amen. Next, next slide. Before this slide, I just wanna mention, I’m sorry. Well yeah, no, we’re okay. It’ll be next. Okay, quickly. Moving really quickly, gotta hit some of these. There’s so many places shifting, that there just isn’t time to go into all of it.
But I wanna mention the UK. Like I said, it was amazing that this man who was so openly anti-Jewish and saying horrible things about the Jewish people, was not just defeated, they said it would be very close, but he was defeated by a landslide. A huge victory and a huge turn, so much that the newspaper headline in the UK said, “The Election Results Signifies a Re-alignment of UK Politics.” In other words, they’re saying it was not just an election, it’s actually changed the course of politics from now on.
– Amen!
– In the UK. That’s one of the newspaper headlines. Yeah, praise the Lord. Thank you, Lord. A lot of you were praying that. A lot of you in this room were praying that.
– [Man] Amen.
– there we go, Amen! So we bless England tonight, we bless the UK tonight, the further shifting into the purposes of the Lord.
Part 5
Watch the video, or read the transcription below:
Now I want to quickly mention, this next other photo at the bottom here is the acting president of Bolivia. A lady named Jeanine Anez. It’s too long of a story for all the detail, but there was a very evil ruler in power in Bolivia, who was encouraging that the nation should leave Christianity, and go back to the Pagan religions that they used to, you know, used to the worship of idols and demons that they used to do was in Korea, and that some still do, and he was encouraging the nation that everything that had come with Christianity was bad and they needed to, to come back to the ancient kind of worship.
Evil Bolivian Leader Thrown From Office
And he was on every issue like he hated Israel, and hated the Jewish people. Anything that was in the Bible he hated basically, and he was a very evil, evil ruler. And long story short, he manipulated an election, so that he could stay in power, and the people took to the streets, the military turned against him, the police turned against him, The Parliament turned against him, and the Organization of American States, that’s like all of South America.
Election Declared a Fraud
The vast majority said that election was an illegal election. He should not be ruling he did not win that election. There need to be new elections. Long story short, the only ones that stood with him and supported him were Cuba, Venezuela, and CNN. They all supported him.
President Flees Bolivia
The, you know, the United States, and the European Union, and even Russia came out against him, and said he needs to leave, he stole this election. This is not right, and all of this. Long story short, he got so afraid that he fled the country.
Christian Opposition Leader Takes Over
And he took with him, the next vice president, and the next two who were with him in power for people that, you know, were in succession to take over his president. They all fled, they all left the country. Afraid of what might happen, that they might be put in prison, and they left Bolivia, and this woman, was number five in line.
She was from the opposition party, and she’s a Christian holding up her Bible, saying we believe in Jesus, and we want to see Jesus lifted up in Bolivia, and this is an amazing woman. Very, very bold stand for the Lord, and for, righteousness, and for justice, and for the word of God and, you know, family values, and also Israel.
She wants to move the embassy to Jerusalem. I mean, she’s like night and day. It’s like a total turn-around in Bolivia, but we need to pray that it continues. And this is the third thing, the clashes still going on, on the nations that are shifting, and we need to agree together, that these nations will fully shift.
Rick and Patti Invited to Visit New Bolivian Leader
Now please pray as well in this for Patricia and I, we’ve been invited to come and meet with her, at the end of the month. The schedule is so full, that it seems crazy, but we’re praying about it, and if God, if we can encourage her some way, we want to encourage her. She just really loves the Lord, and wants to see her nation shifted, and turned around.
And so we were invited there to meet with her at the end of the month. Pray we’ll know for sure. I didn’t want to do something just to do it, but if it’s God, we want to trust for the funds, and the health and strength to go and do that. We want to encourage her.
Prayer For Bolivia and its Leader
So we want to pray for this turnaround in Bolivia to stay in place, that it will not be stolen away. But it will be protected, we need to pray special protection over her, Father. We pray for protection over acting president Jeanine Anya who is in Bolivia right now. Lord, we know there’s a lot of witchcraft, and sorcery that’s been aimed against her, and we declare over her, because she wants to stand biblically with Israel.
We proclaim Numbers 23:23, there is no witchcraft or sorcery, that will prosper against Israel. And because she’s standing with Israel, we proclaim this over her, over her government, over her cabinet over these Christian leaders, that are surrounding her, and with her and believing for the lasting change in their country.
God, we pray protection of the blood of Jesus, of the blood of the Lamb, and that she will continue Lord to boldly lift up the Word of God in Bolivia, Lord. And that, that nation will be one that will become a sheep nation, and not a goat nation. Before you, we thank you in the name of Jesus, in the name of Yeshua.
Albert Veksler of Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast
One last one that we want to pray for. Uganda. Many of you are aware that Nigel, I’m gonna to ask Nigel to come up here. Nigel had a vision here in Succat Hallel. About, I think it was about, two months before the Jerusalem prayer breakfast was to take place in Uganda, the leader of the Jerusalem prayer breakfast was here, Albert Veksler, and he was not, we’d put out.
He’d asked to come and pray about the Jerusalem prayer breakfast, but in other places, we didn’t say a word about Uganda. And during the worship, Nigel had a vision of Uganda, and when he got up to speak, Albert Veksler said I know I asked about some other places where we’re going with tonight, with the Jerusalem prayer breakfast, but he said, we just found out that we were going to Uganda in two months, and we found out that all the finances fell through.
Can you pray that if God wants us to go to Uganda, God will make it clear? And so Nigel, come in here, the Lord had shown you. Nigel didn’t know anything about Uganda that they were to give in Uganda. Here, share the vision.
Vision Regarding Africa
Nigel: So this is…, Albert was standing here speaking. I’m sitting in the back, and suddenly I just see this vision I see, right in front of him, right in front of his chest, this old fashioned key, big, like a giant key.
And, immediately my question is, Lord, what does this key unlock? And, the Lord’s answer was to show me the continent of Africa, and I saw the whole continent of Africa, and then I saw Lake Victoria, on the north side of Lake Victoria, Kampala, which is the capital of Uganda, and that’s where the keyhole was.
That’s when the key fit, and then I saw… saw written on the key, the names of other nations in the continent of Africa, and then I saw the key turn, and as the key turned, I saw certain governments, the governments of certain nations in Africa.
Like they were laying down flat, And as the key turned they were standing up, right. And I understood that to mean that they were coming into alignment with Jerusalem. They was standing with Jerusalem, as the governments of nations.
And I saw specifically I saw South Africa, and Mozambique, and Zimbabwe and Zambia, and I had the sense there were other nations as well, that were impacted the same way. But I saw specifically those four nations impacted by, something going on in Uganda.
But Uganda hadn’t even been mentioned at that point. So I’m just sitting in my seat thinking, I have a feeling this guy needs to go, Albert needs to go to Uganda. There’s something going on there, that he needs to be a part of. So that was the, that was the vision.
So yeah. So, at the end of his speech, Rick said, okay, we’ll pray for you. And by the leading of the Lord Rick said, “Nigel, will you come up and pray for him?” Because he’s going to Uganda, and so I was able to share that vision, and he just expressed how important that was.
Rick: That was really a confirmation from the Lord, for him to go ahead with it. God did release the finances. They were, it was all covered, and amazing miracles, that took place beyond that, but it was it was God’s timing for us.
– Stay a moment.
Prayer For Ugandan President Museveni
– Thank you, Lord, for your hand upon President Museveni. We thank you for the shifting that’s already taking place. That you brought forth that vision, in order to touch his heart, because you’re moving in law, just like it says in Proverbs 21:1. That the heart of the king is like water, in your hands. That you turn it the way you want to go.
And Father, we believe that your hand is upon president Museveni to turn him, the way you want him to go. To turn his heart, and his vision towards your purpose. So to bring Uganda into alignment, not only with Israel not only with the Government of Israel, but with the government of God, the Kingdom of Heaven.
To turn into alignment with the God of Israel. Thank you, Lord, that you are bringing Uganda into alignment you’re bringing the government into alignment. Father, we asked for the tearing down of any, of these evil structures. These webs alone that are still remaining that are trying to hold him back, from making this strategic alignment with Israel and with your kingdom.
Father, we ask that nothing would hinder them. Nothing would hinder them. We say, nothing will hinder them. From committing fully to this alignment with Israel, alignment with Jerusalem, and alignment most importantly, with your kingdom and your purpose.
We pray Father for substantial signs, to confirm Lord, in Uganda, the blessing of Abraham, the blessing of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, on Uganda for coming into this alignment, for agreeing with heaven, for agreeing with your purpose of blessing Israel.
Father, would you turn this around for your purposes, not only in Uganda, but in in all of the continent of Africa. You’re touching the nation, calling the nation to stand up. We call South Africa, Mozambique and Zimbabwe, Zambia, we call the nations of Africa.
The governance of those nations come into alignment, come into alignment, come into alignment with Jerusalem, come into alignment with Israel, come into alignment with the God of Israel. Now is the time, this is the year, now is the time!
This is the year that it will happen! Come into alignment while the mercy of God is upon you to do it. Come, now is the time. You have that we declare it, in Jesus name, and we call forth the nations of Africa, to come into alignment, come into alignment with your kingdom, come into alignment with your purpose. In the name of Yeshua, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. preach, thank you.
Prayer for New Book
– Stay here just a moment Nigel. I’d just like to ask as well a selfish prayer over on this subject. If we can show that last slide, could you get it over, do you know how to do that, Nigel could you do that? Patricia, and I’ve, written a book that’s just come out called Shifting Nations Through Houses of Prayer. I’m sorry, we don’t have them for sale here.
We are going around and around with the customs and UPS trade idea, but a book sit here, so that could we’d have the physical books. You can get it online, you know through You can get the book online, or tell others about it.
And what I’d like to ask prayer for, is that God would get this book into the right hands. To the right people. We believe there are houses of prayer all over the earth. That are ready to move into governmental, and greater governmental anointing.
Interceding for the Nations
That God wants to use them in a greater way, to pray for governments, and to pray for the shifting of their nation. And and we believe that houses of prayer, are very key to this, and many nations have houses of prayer that love the Lord, that worship, that pray good things, but that shy away from this area of governmental intercession, and the Esther Prayer Movement there in, in Korea’s wanting to move in this. Who we’ll go speak to in a week here.
There are prayer groups, and prayer houses, that want to move in this direction, and we need to just pray that the book will get into the right hands and other tools. Not just not just this, but whatever will help them to have the boldness and the courage to pray.
Third heaven prayers seated in heavenly places with Jesus, to hear what God is saying, and pray it into their governments. They’re so afraid. Well, I’m just praying political opinion. I’m afraid of that too. I don’t want to pray my political opinion.
I wanna pray according to what the Holy Spirit reveals, and what the word is confirmed by the word of God. We want to pray like we prayed tonight. That truth will prevail, the righteous will prevail and justice. We’re not taking political parties out.
We’re taking up the kingdom of God as our political party. And we want to declare the kingdom of God into every government of the earth and be prophetic voices.
I’m gonna ask Nigel if he would just pray for us as we have opportunities that we may really like, if we’re to be with, accept this invitation with the president Bolivia. That we really have a word from God. I don’t wanna go if I don’t have a word from God.
He’s just you know, photo or whatever, it’s got to be a word from God. So if you could pray that that we’ll know and if we are to go that we’ll have a word from the Lord. And then also just pray that that this message will get into the right, to the right people.
Prayer for Rick’s Trip
Nigel: Do you open the doors, and culture, and you close the doors that no man can open? And Lord, we ask, I ask him right now, for Rick, and Patricia, Lord, if this is a door that you are opening, and only if this is a door that you are opening, would you give them clear confirmation to go through it?
But we know that if it is your plan, for them to pass through this door, to make this connection at this time. Lord that you will put clearly in their mouths, and in their hearts, your words for them, your prophetic words, for this new leader.
Holy One, I pray, I pray for, first of all for clarity. If this is the door that you’re opening. Will you please confirm it? I pray that you confirm it quickly, and supernaturally, I just ask for that Father, even in the next 24 hours, a supernatural confirmation.
That will settle, let it be settled, and father, if it is settled that they should go, I pray Father that you would download, what you want to say yes to this new leader. What you want what you want to speak over the the new government in Bolivia. What you want spoken!
Lord, I know you have something to say over that nation, and over that government. I pray Father that you would clearly, speak, through Rick and Patricia. This is the moment, even if this is not the moment to pursue this, I still pray Father, that you would give clear prophetic words, to speak over Bolivia, and over them, as her as a leader, and over the government of Bolivia. What you want, when you’re saying. What you are saying Father.
Prayer For Rick and Patricia’s New Book
And, Father, we thank you for this this new book, we thank you for shifting nations through houses of prayer, we believe it though, we really believe it! I pray Father, for this to reach to the right people. Lord to be handed off, to be passed, to be purchased to be given, even to people that have no idea about houses of prayer, and Father but also for those, in leadership in houses of prayer.
Father for their, for their vision to be raised, for their eyes to be open, for that eye salve. This book will bring eye salve, to the eyes, of the leadership in your prayer movement.
To Give Vision to Prayer Movement Leaders
God to see, to see what’s going on at a bigger level. To see what’s going on at 50 thousand feet, looking down on the Earth. To see what’s going on. To see what’s happening in the Earth and to partner with you Lord to seek political change, to see nations, becoming sheep nations. Turning from goat nations, to sheep nations, in that season while that grace, is still being extended by your hand. For that to happen, we ask, Father, for this book to go forth, and to touch many hearts, and lives, and for eye salve as they read.
To their eyes to be open to see what you’re doing in the earth and to embrace it Father. Not to be afraid, not to be fearful of it, not to shy away from it or feel that they’re not important enough to be involved with this. But Lord, to just embrace what you are saying, Lord, that you would speak prophetically through this book.
Many, many artists, we ask Father in the name of Yeshua, and I ask father also for an opening of the way, quickly now, open up the way, opening up the door, Lord, that no man can shut for these books to come into Israel. We need them here. Show me a shoe. Thank you Lord.
– [Nigel] Rick has asked for help, and strength, and finances. Your will, your word, be set straight forward in the end. Patricia’s mind knows counseling, around him, and, Give him good good health and direction.
– Thank you, Lord, Amen. We receive that, I receive that. Amen, Yeah. The strength of a young man. One last thing I just want to pray over you a blessing. Yesterday was the beginning of the Hebrew month of Tevet. And one of the things that happened in the month of Tevet was that Queen Esther went into the palace, during the month of Tevet. So this is a month for people to go into palaces.
You know, whether or not we physically go into a president or prime minister, we go into something a lot more important than any president. We go to the President of presidents, the Prime Minister of prime ministers, the King of kings, the Queen of queens. He’s above all, the King of queens.
Rick: He’s over all, he is over everyone and everything, they are all under his rule. So Lord, we thank you every leader of the earth, every prime minister, every president, every king, every queen, they are are answerable to you, and we pray, Lord, that you would use us, I pray for the intercessors in this room.
I thank you, Lord, for these wonderful intercessors, who come day and night, night and day to stand before you, to believe you for the shifting of nations. And I pray protection of the blood of Jesus, of the blood of Yeshua over everyone in this room.
Everyone that was here tonight, even those that will watch the video on the website. Over all the intercessors who were called into this realm. We say, during this month of Tevet, may you, like, Esther, enter into a place of the palace of the King of kings.
May you know that you’re before the Throne of thrones, you’re before the King himself, and and Lord, we do pray that you will raise up more, and more intercessors. That you will just sovereignly open doors that they can give them. They can hear your word to leaders of nations that need to hear a word from God.
So thank you, Lord, for your protection. Thank you for your blessing over everyone day and night, night and day. Let incense arise, and bless you the king, in the name of Yeshua. Amen, amen. God bless you, all of you, with this Queen Esther anointing.
Thank you, Rick, for this call for Biblical truth to be re-established in order that justice and righteousness may prevail again. The truth has indeed fallen in the streets and our media holds sway through the propagation of lies and half-truths.
Let God arise and scatter His enemies, and speedily.
To Succat Hallel Family and Pastor Rick: Thank you so much for the insight about the shakings and the Truth coming out. Many people around where I live are in fear and the don!t know what is going on. I see the olive tree coming forth strong and healthy and the leaves shiny. As a grafted in branch I am very thankful! Shalom! Barbara Atlanta Ga.
Toda raba for hearing Yeshua’s heart. Shalom.
Thank you for your faithfulness to pray and declare the word of the LORD from Zion. The LORD is with you mighty warriors and I stand with you until all Israel is saved and Yeshua returns to set up his kingdom.
May Your Kingdom come, Jehovah, may Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Toda raba, Rick for sharing. As the scripture says; Just a little while longer, and He who is coming will come; He will not delay.
Thank you so much for this Biblical teaching and guides to how to pray at this time. It is also completely in line with what other godly men are saying, which only confirms the way God is speaking. How I pray for my own youth who went to universities with good solid Christian teaching behind them and who came out atheistic or agnostic. I stand with with you in these prayers, as do many others, I am sure.. Hallelujah for it is the Lord who is In control and we live to reflect Him.
Thank you for this excellent teaching Rick. I really miss my Monday night teaching sessions in Succat Hallel so have signed up to receive them in the UK. Much love and prayers for you and Patricia. I miss you SO much! Ruth
I was blessed to visit Succat Hallel when in Jerusalem 2 years ago and have longed to return, yet our Faithful Abba has seen my heart and has put me in touch through media.
I praise Him for obedient intercessors like you who are being given prophetic pictures to cause you to decree Truth and see the evidence of His answers.
May you continue to hear what the Spirit is saying as you stand as Watchman on the wall, teaching, proclaiming and inspiring us to stand with you.
Toda raba and until He opens the door for me to return, or He returns, I stand with you to the glory and praise of His Name.
This so encouraging!! Thank you for sharing all these things!!
I pray for “occupying angels”of YHVH….Luke 19. in Bolivia, to displace the evil ones, and the Bolivian leaders bless Israel and Jerusalem, the key to their right alignment! Witchcraft,poverty,fear, we bind you in the Name of Jesus Christ, let the Bolivian people go!
Thank you papa Rick.
Rick you and Patricia are a gift to
the Body….Blessings,
I have received all of these prophesies as well – within the past few years even unto now I’m seeing more still – but all of this going together as one big thing – a deeper message – not just huge breakthroughs in countries and people being the result in different ways – but as everyone being freed from this evil power and a complete revolution of all of this evil and bondage to be removed from the whole world in a moment. I have seen every thing you wrote specifically, but with more depth and detail! It’s so amazing to see other prophets receiving my message – Gods message!! I wish I could meet with you and discuss the details if you dont know them. I am so eager to see this prophecy pass!!! For the time of redemption and peace on earth!!
Thrilled to hear about Uganda and Bolivia and pray that alignment with Kingdom purposes will come to each and every nation at this time.
As I read these messages, and as you spoke, the “KNOWING” in me finally had “WORDS”. All that was shared, unraveled within me & so much.
This was how Jesus said I would know you… your fruit & He said, “what has been written in your heart will be revealed & unraveled through hearing. Then you will find that which is mine.”
I have enquired of Jesus many times…..
“where are they? your Intersessors?”
& am delighted to find you at last.
Yes, Hoshiana
As I read these messages, and as you spoke, the “KNOWING” in me finally had “WORDS”. All that was shared, unraveled within me & so much more.
This was how Jesus said I would know you… your fruit & He said, “what has been written in your heart will be revealed & unraveled through hearing. Then you will find that which is mine.”
I have enquired of Jesus many times…..
“where are they? Your Intersessors?”
& am delighted to find you at last.
Yes, Hoshiana