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16 thoughts on “A Prophetic Direction for 2020”

  1. Thank you, Rick, for this call for Biblical truth to be re-established in order that justice and righteousness may prevail again. The truth has indeed fallen in the streets and our media holds sway through the propagation of lies and half-truths.
    Let God arise and scatter His enemies, and speedily.

  2. Barbara Glasner

    To Succat Hallel Family and Pastor Rick: Thank you so much for the insight about the shakings and the Truth coming out. Many people around where I live are in fear and the don!t know what is going on. I see the olive tree coming forth strong and healthy and the leaves shiny. As a grafted in branch I am very thankful! Shalom! Barbara Atlanta Ga.

  3. Thank you for your faithfulness to pray and declare the word of the LORD from Zion. The LORD is with you mighty warriors and I stand with you until all Israel is saved and Yeshua returns to set up his kingdom.

  4. May Your Kingdom come, Jehovah, may Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

    Toda raba, Rick for sharing. As the scripture says; Just a little while longer, and He who is coming will come; He will not delay.

  5. Thank you so much for this Biblical teaching and guides to how to pray at this time. It is also completely in line with what other godly men are saying, which only confirms the way God is speaking. How I pray for my own youth who went to universities with good solid Christian teaching behind them and who came out atheistic or agnostic. I stand with with you in these prayers, as do many others, I am sure.. Hallelujah for it is the Lord who is In control and we live to reflect Him.

  6. Thank you for this excellent teaching Rick. I really miss my Monday night teaching sessions in Succat Hallel so have signed up to receive them in the UK. Much love and prayers for you and Patricia. I miss you SO much! Ruth

  7. I was blessed to visit Succat Hallel when in Jerusalem 2 years ago and have longed to return, yet our Faithful Abba has seen my heart and has put me in touch through media.
    I praise Him for obedient intercessors like you who are being given prophetic pictures to cause you to decree Truth and see the evidence of His answers.
    May you continue to hear what the Spirit is saying as you stand as Watchman on the wall, teaching, proclaiming and inspiring us to stand with you.
    Toda raba and until He opens the door for me to return, or He returns, I stand with you to the glory and praise of His Name.

  8. I pray for “occupying angels”of YHVH….Luke 19. in Bolivia, to displace the evil ones, and the Bolivian leaders bless Israel and Jerusalem, the key to their right alignment! Witchcraft,poverty,fear, we bind you in the Name of Jesus Christ, let the Bolivian people go!

  9. I have received all of these prophesies as well – within the past few years even unto now I’m seeing more still – but all of this going together as one big thing – a deeper message – not just huge breakthroughs in countries and people being the result in different ways – but as everyone being freed from this evil power and a complete revolution of all of this evil and bondage to be removed from the whole world in a moment. I have seen every thing you wrote specifically, but with more depth and detail! It’s so amazing to see other prophets receiving my message – Gods message!! I wish I could meet with you and discuss the details if you dont know them. I am so eager to see this prophecy pass!!! For the time of redemption and peace on earth!!

  10. Thrilled to hear about Uganda and Bolivia and pray that alignment with Kingdom purposes will come to each and every nation at this time.

  11. As I read these messages, and as you spoke, the “KNOWING” in me finally had “WORDS”. All that was shared, unraveled within me & so much.
    This was how Jesus said I would know you…..by your fruit & He said, “what has been written in your heart will be revealed & unraveled through hearing. Then you will find that which is mine.”
    I have enquired of Jesus many times…..
    “where are they? your Intersessors?”
    & am delighted to find you at last.
    Yes, Hoshiana

  12. As I read these messages, and as you spoke, the “KNOWING” in me finally had “WORDS”. All that was shared, unraveled within me & so much more.
    This was how Jesus said I would know you…..by your fruit & He said, “what has been written in your heart will be revealed & unraveled through hearing. Then you will find that which is mine.”
    I have enquired of Jesus many times…..
    “where are they? Your Intersessors?”
    & am delighted to find you at last.
    Yes, Hoshiana

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