A Call to Fast and Pray Aug. 31 – Sept. 2
Many times in the Scriptures, when Satan could not take out a leader being used by the Lord by external physical attack, he then tried to attack that leader in an area of weakness, often using pride to try to bring them down.
Along with large numbers of intercessors, I have been praying against assassinations, airplanes crashes, etc. for two leaders who seem to have a “Cyrus” anointing to help fulfill the purposes of the Lord in our generation, particularly concerning Israel.
I sense an urgency in my spirit that we as intercessors need to humble ourselves before the Lord and pray for a release of the spirit of humility upon President Trump and Prime Minister Netanyahu, two men who are as imperfect as “King Cyrus”, yet whom have been used in significant ways to set back the globalist, spirit of anti-Christ agenda. I believe they are both in very strategic seasons of decisions that will affect how long a “window of mercy” is held open, not only for America and Israel, but also for the shifting of many nations.
Therefore I am encouraging intercessors to join us in a 3-day fast from Saturday, August 31st, to Monday, September 2nd. This is at the start of the serious campaigning before the elections to be held in Israel on September 17th. It also would start at the beginning of the Hebrew month of Elul.
Although this is the last month of the Hebrew civil calendar, in the biblical calendar, it is the sixth month. In Haggai 1:1, on the first day of the sixth month, the word of the Lord came through the prophet Haggai to the leaders to repent, and to finish the task to which the Lord had called them.
Prime Minister Netanyahu
As to Prime Minister Netanyahu, I believe the Lord gave me a word in June concerning him (and also for his wife, Sarah). Just before I got up to share it in Succat Hallel, our friend Avi Mizrachi, a prophetic messianic Jewish pastor and leader in the Land, prayed something quite similar. Here is what I felt the Lord had spoken to me:
Prime Minister Netanyahu is in a time of great breaking and humbling. How he responds will determine whether he wins the September 17th election. Will he become a Saul or a David? Saul responded to breaking by grasping control. David yielded control. Netanyahu is still in the balance. Do not curse him as a Saul, but pray during this season for mercy upon Netanyahu that he may make the right responses, and become a David and not a Saul.
President Trump
As to President Trump, I was stirred by something recently shared by our friend, messianic leader Shira Sorko-Ram, co-founder with her husband, Ari Sorko-Ram, of Maoz Ministries:
“The President retweeted some neurotic radio host who said of Trump, ‘the Jewish people in Israel love him like he’s the king of Israel’ and ‘they love him like he is the second coming of God.’ Yes, President Trump is popular in Israel – very popular. But what the president tweeted is near blasphemy, if not wholly blasphemous. We cannot give up on him but we must recognize that this is very serious for him and for America and for Israel.
We do not want to see him to go from an example of a King Cyrus to a King Nebuchadnezzar. We know what happened to that king when he said, ‘Is not this great Babylon, that I have built… by my mighty power and for the honor of my majesty?’”
I would encourage us all first of all humble ourselves, and then to pray from a spirit of humility, and not judgement, for these two leaders who have been so used to further the Lord’s purposes, for a spirit of humility and the fear of the Lord. And for those from other nations who read this, I encourage you to add the leader of your nation, that they might position themselves to receive the grace of the Lord to lead as they humble themselves under His mighty hand.
“…if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” – 2 Chronicles 7:14 [NKJV]
“But he gives us more grace. That is why Scripture says: ‘God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.’ …Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.” – James 4:6,10 [NIV]
Thank you Mr. Rick for sharing about the prayers and fasting coming up Aug. 31-Sept. 2 >I am so pleased that you let us know about this time. I prayed and fasted the last time when you asked in March. If you might give an example of the best way to fast I would appreciate it. Thank you! One of your partners in His service. Barbara Glasner
Praying Ephesians 1:15 – 23 for President Trump and PM Netanyahu…and filled with wonder at how powerful a prayer this is when the focus is upon governmental leaders. As we believe for a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of the Messiah to touch their hearts, truly we can trust that no demonic spirit will be able to prevent them from experiencing revelation directly from our Messiah and of the Messiah as we come before the throne as the church (the fullness of the Messiah) to our Head (The Messiah). The Father has has put all under His feet!
Along these lines, also praying for the Messiah’s angelic host to minister the Spirit of the Lord including His wisdom, understanding, counsel, might, knowledge, and the awe of the Lord (unto desiring to do what the Messiah and the Father desire to do) in accordance with Isaiah 11:2-3a.
Although the context of these scriptures are for believers as an indwelling inheritance, I believe that we as the church can pray for the blessings of revelation of the glory of Messiah to come to non-believers and immature believers and especially that He would like to do this for President Trump and PM Netanyahu at this specific time.
Hi Barbara! We are blessed to have you fast with us. We welcome people to fast as the Lord leads them. Some of us fast food and only drink water. Others follow fasts listed in the Bible such as the Daniel Fast. Be blessed!
I Believe we are in the last days when everything will be shaken -that the pure fruit to come forth.
As darkness covers the earth the light of YESHUA will get brighter to expose what is hidden.
Evangelical Latin American every day praying for Mr.Netanyahu and Mr.Trump BUT we for sure will pray for them 31 Aug- Sep 3 .HASHEM BLESS ISRAEL AND USA .
Will join in prayer and fasting as able. My heart totally agrees.
Add Yair Bolsonaro of Brasil, Cyril Ramafosa of South Africa and Poutine of Russia who, among others, need our strong support. Shalom
I have just read this alert which is amazing as it “God-incides, not coincides if you understand what I mean, with the UK call to prayer and fasting on Saturday 31st for our leaders and parlous Brexit situation. We are meeting in…a Stadium! Brits will be travelling from all over the country to attend.
This group of intercessors is VERY pro Israel so there are usually Israeli flags and shofars blown. The Lord is certainly calling us all to this important time of prayer and fasting. I will be blowing my Israeli shofar there.
Shalom! Joining the fast all the way from Kenya! May God engrace us to hold in prayer Mr Trunp and Mr Netanyahu, two great men who God has used to bring about godly interruption in the world.
Joining from Put In Bay, Ohio, USA, in this critical call to fast & pray for
PM Netanyahu & President Donald Trump. May their hearts be softened & aligned with His Most Holy Will!
We will be joining you in this prayer and supplication fast! Amen and amen!
I am fasting and praying these three days. I felt like the Lord said to fast and pray each day until noon. The early morning hours are very precious to me and i join my heart and mind to humble ourselves and pray for President Trump and PM Netanyahu.
Just received this email info. We are and will be praying. May Jehovah, El Elyon, hear our prayers. “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” And the peace that passes all understanding will guard your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus. Shalom from Oklahoma.
Thank you to all for joining us in prayer and fasting this weekend! May the Lord give us the grace to finish this fast strong until the end! Shalom to everyone!
Joining from Tampa, Fl, USA. – Micah 6:8 He has made it clear to you, mortal man, what is good and what the LORD is requiring from you— to act with justice, to treasure the LORD’s gracious love, and to walk humbly in the company of your God.
Just finished a 44 hours continues worship and prayer festival in Holland. On Saturday we had a powerful intercession time for Israel and experienced so much joy over the land. We also prayed for world leaders.
Hallelujah! Thank you to all for standing with us in the spirit!