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Today, it’s August 6th, day 304 of the war with Hamas, and we’re very thankful that we made it through the night without a major missile or drone, attack barrage. Somebody said you can’t have victory on every side without a battle on every side. And that’s certainly true for Israel right now. So we thank you so much for your prayers.
I wanted to share a few two things that have come out in the watches in the last couple of days here that I think are important for us to pray into with the threats Iran is making at this time toward Israel.
Dividing Satan’s Kingdom Through Praise
Number one, yesterday, the Lord spoke very strongly about dividing Satan’s Kingdom through praise.
Yeshua, when He talks about a Kingdom divided against itself cannot stand, actually talks about Satan’s Kingdom. Of course, He’s warning We better stay in unity. But He was giving us, I believe, a strategy in prayer there.
And he said, If Satan is divided against himself, then he cannot stand. If a kingdom is divided against itself, it cannot stand.
How do we see division brought about by the Kingdom of God?
That’s made, I think, quite clear in 2 Chronicles 20, when Israel was facing an impossible situation.
Time after time in the Old Testament scriptures, Israel looks like it’s going to be wiped out. They cry out to the Lord, and the Lord speaks through a prophet and tells them to send singers of the tribe of Judah before the army.
And here Jesophat tells them they are to praise the Lord, saying, give thanks to the Lord for his mercies endure forever. And as they’re doing that, God divides their enemies. God Throws the enemy into confusion.
He ambushes them, and they end up fighting each other. And Israel doesn’t even have to fight in that particular story. Now, in other ones, they do. But in that one, they didn’t even have to fight. They just took three days to take all the plunder and the spoils.
But the key here is that through praise, the enemy was divided.
So the Lord had spoke to us strongly yesterday to pray to break off fear and intimidation and not pray out of those things But to praise the Lord.
So I encourage you to enter into praise and declare there that the Lord himself will arise and scatter, which can mean to divide his enemies, that they begin to fight each other instead of fighting us.
Spiders and Webs
And then a second thing that the Lord reminded us of yesterday was what we’ve been praying and sharing with you for many months.
In this article on God removing systemic evil, I share a vision where the Lord showed very clearly that there are evil spiders who spin evil webs, systems of evil.
So it’s not enough just to deal with a spider. We have to deal also with the systems of evil, with the spider webs that they create.
And so in this vision, angels were bringing bowls with the blood of the lamb and instructing us to take just one drop of the blood of the lamb, put on an evil spider, and that evil spider had to either repent or be removed from power; however, God chooses to do that.
And then the lion of Judah arose with razor-sharp claws and began clawing apart the evil systems, the spider webs that they had fabricated.
Now, we’ve shared in the past how at the time the Lord gave that vision.
Soon after that, we were in Carmel assembly and had people from many nations, and we claimed over the nations that were present, including Sudan, because there were Sudanese refugees there.
We claimed over the nations that were present that the blood of the Lamb would be put upon evil ruler spiders and that the Lion of Judah would begin to tear apart evil systems.
They were practicing 2 Chronicles 7:14, humbling themselves, praying, seeking God’s face for their nation, and we declared that God would answer and tear apart these evil systems.
The amazing thing was, and I’ve never had this happen before, but the day after the New York Times headline said, Sudan’s evil spider is removed from his web. It was a 30-year dictator.
Sudan was the number two terrorist nation state in the world. They put all their money into terror and weapons, much like Hamas, and their people were extremely poor because all the money was being used toward terrorism and weapons.
That dictator was overthrown with a bloodless coup the next day. It was an amazing miracle. But I’m bringing that up also because Sudan is very, very strategic right now, and I don’t hear anyone mentioning Sudan.
Sudan is right across from Saudi Arabia Peninsula, where the Houthis are sending forth missiles and trying to disrupt sea traffic from Yemen.
Sudan would have been part of that if Sudan had not changed, if the evil spider had not been removed.
They actually normalized relationships with Israel. And recently in this last week or two, there was an assassination attempt on the Sudanese general who made peace with Israel.
And then yesterday, there were news reports of Russia coming in and arming those who would try to overthrow this good general who made peace with Israel. If Russia does that, then, and they succeed against him, then we’ll have a new spider and a new spiderweb in Sudan. And because
Sudan is right on that important Red Sea, and it is so strategic right now. So we need to be praying that there will be no new spiders or spiderwebs in Sudan. Pray that God, as He miraculously protected this general who made peace with Israel and who rules Sudan right now, will keep him in power and give him the strength to push back this opposition that Russia is funding and supporting to try to overthrow him.
The Word of the Lord Striking Demonic Thrones
So that brings us then to another vision that the Lord gave that some of you have been praying into. That was a vision a few years ago. I believe it was 2019, where I saw on the Temple Mount, the Lord appeared covered with dark clouds.
And out of the clouds came flashes of lightning, and the lightning bolts were very sudden. Psalm 29 says, The word of the Lord goes forth like a lightning. So he was sending forth his word, and I saw the lightning strike a demonic throne over Tehran, Iran, over Moscow, Russia, and over Ankara, Turkey.
Now, right now, Russia and Turkey are not much in the news. But if they were to throw their weight completely with Iran, it could be quite difficult for Israel. So we need to keep proclaiming that the word of the Lord will go forth as lightning when it struck these demonic thrones over Tehran, Iran, Moscow, Russia, and Ankara, Turkey.
The word of the Lord did not destroy them, but it shook them heavily, and their plans were set back severely. So I believe God is allowing them for certain end-time scenarios, but right now, they need to be set back, and we need to proclaim the word of the Lord, that the word of the Lord goes forth as lightning against these demonic thrones.
Now, in 2019, when we actually did that here in Succat Hallel, as we proclaimed, “Let the word of the Lord go forth as lightning toward Tehran” and “Let the word of the Lord go forth like lightning toward Moscow, lightning toward Ankara,” lightning was outside the window. Now we have a thunderstorm maybe two or three times in a whole year here because we’re at the edge of the desert.
And then that night, the Lord added Beirut, and we claimed it toward Hezbollah and Beirut as well, because Psalm 29 also says that He will splinter the cedars of Lebanon.
These cedars are huge trees, and similarly, Hezbollah thinks they’re very strong and can’t be stopped. But the Lord can splinter them with his word.
So let’s keep proclaiming that the word of the Lord will go forth as lightning to set back demonic thrones in Tehran, Iran; Moscow, Russia; Ankara, Turkey; and Beirut, Lebanon.
Zechariah 8:18-19: The Time of Difficult Straits
Another thing I want to mention–and we already put out a prayer alert on this– is that we are in a three-week period known as the dire straits or the difficult straits time.
A strait is where a ship has a difficult time maneuvering in a small area with a lot of rocks. That is from the 17th of Tammuz to the ninth of Av.
Now, the ninth of Av is when the temple was destroyed in Jerusalem by the Babylonians and by the Romans. It was the exact day, actually, of the destruction of the temple.
And so this is a fasting day for religious Jews to mourn the fact that the sins of the people opened the door for the temple to be destroyed. But I want to read this to you from Zechariah 8 verses 18 and 19.
“Again, the word of the Lord Almighty came to me. This is what the Lord Almighty says, The fast of the fourth, fifth, seventh, and 10th months. Now, the fourth month is Tammuz, the fifth month is Av, which is right now. The fifth month, these fasts will become joyful and glad occasions and happy festivals for Judah. Therefore love truth and Shalom.”
So God is going to intervene on the ninth of Av in such a great way that they will no longer mourn over Israel and the destruction of the temple because God will have intervened in some great way.
The question is, could it be that whatever Iran has planned will be on the ninth of Av, which would be sundown the 12th of August to sundown on the 13th of August?
We don’t know, but we do know that’s a time when Satan loves to attack Israel. And certainly, he’s stirring up what’s happening in Iran right now.
So no matter when Iran comes, God will gain the victory. But it might be that God on Tisha B’Av, from the August 12th sundown to August 13th sundown, would allow Iran to attack but the attack would be foiled in such a supernatural way, that all Israel would see that God protected them.
And also that Iran would see that God protected Israel.
Jeremiah 49:34-39: Pursue by Sword and Restore Elam
And I encourage you to proclaim Jeremiah 49 during this time over Iran, over Persia. This is a scripture that we claimed yesterday about Elam, which was the provincial capital of Iran.
It would be like what district of Columbia, DC is in America, and then Washington is the capital. So Shushan was the capital. That’s where Queen Esther, that whole story takes place. And Elam was the capital province.
In Jeremiah 49, verses 34-39, it says:
“This is the word of the Lord that came to Jeremiah the prophet concerning Elam, early in the reign of Zedekiah king of Judah: This is what the Lord Almighty says: ‘See, I will break the bow of Elam, (In other words, Iran’s military might.) I will break the mainstay of their might. I will bring against Elam the four winds from the four quarters of the heavens. I will scatter them to the four winds. There will not be a nation where Elam’s exiles do not go. I will shatter Elam before their foes, before those who seek their lives. I will bring disaster upon them, even my fierce anger, declares the Lord.”
Now, he’s talking especially about the rulers. God loves the people of Iran, of Elam, and He wants them to be set free from these evil rulers.
So He says in this next verse, I will pursue them with a sword until I have made an end of them. He said, I will set my throne in Elam and destroy her king and officials, declares the Lord.
So God is speaking specifically about the Iranian regime. He’s saying, I will destroy her king.
I believe that’s the demonic king, and her officials are those who serve that demonic king, the Ayatollah, and the regime in Iran.
This may be the time where we see this scripture fulfilled in a mighty way. I will pursue them with the sword until I’ve made an end of them. I will set up my throne in Elam and destroy her kings and officials, declares the Lord.
And yet He ends with his love for Elam, for Persia. Yet I will restore the fortunes of Elam in days to come, declares the Lord.
So God loves the people of Iran. He loves the people of Persia. He wants them to be set free from this evil spider and the evil spiderwebs, just as he loves Lebanon and loves Yemen and and Gaza, and wants all of them to come against evil spiders and evil spider webs.
So let’s continue to pray during this very key season that the blood of Yeshua will be put upon each.
Our Prayer: Show the Greatness of Your Name
In fact, we pray that right now. We just proclaim, let the blood of Yeshua be put upon the evil rulers of Hamas in Gaza, of Hezbollah in Lebanon, of the Houthis in Yemen and upon the Iranian regime in Iran.
We put the blood of Yeshuah, the blood of the Lamb, upon each of the spiders in those places and a new spider that would try to arise in Sudan.
And we put the blood of the Lamb over those existing spiders and a new spider that would try to get into place in Sudan. And we command that they will either repent or they will be removed from power, whatever God sees fit.
And so Lord, we believe you will arise as the lion of Judah and begin with your claws to to separate these systems of evil that have not only oppressed Israel or tried to wipe out the people of Israel as in the days of Haman, but have oppressed their own people.
We pray for Israel’s sake. We pray for the sake of these nations and peoples. And most of all, we pray for your name’s sake. Show the greatness of your great name.
Let all Israel see that you, the God of Israel, have risen to protect your people. And let the surrounding nations see that the God of Israel, not a false moon God from Saudi Arabia, the God of Israel who made the moon and stars, is the true and living God.
In the name of Yeshua. Amen.
Is it possible to Translation the prayer update in german, belassen my english is Not very good.
Thank you!
Big bless!
I hope this helps?
Unser Gebet: Zeige die Größe deines Namens Tatsächlich beten wir gerade jetzt. Wir verkünden einfach: Lasst das Blut Jeschuas über die bösen Herrscher der Hamas in Gaza, der Hisbollah im Libanon, der Huthis im Jemen und des iranischen Regimes im Iran gegossen werden. Wir gaben das Blut Jeschuas, das Blut des Lammes, auf jede der Spinnen an diesen Orten und eine neue Spinne, die versuchen würde, im Sudan aufzuerstehen. Und wir gaben das Blut des Lammes über diese bestehenden Spinnen und eine neue Spinne, die versuchen würde, sich im Sudan einzunisten. Und wir befehlen, dass sie entweder bereuen oder von der Macht entfernt werden, was immer Gott für richtig hält.
Und so, Herr, glauben wir, dass Du als Löwe von Juda auferstehen und mit Deinen Klauen beginnen wirst, diese Systeme des Bösen zu trennen, die nicht nur Israel unterdrückt haben oder versucht haben, das Volk Israel auszulöschen, wie in den Tagen Hamans, sondern auch ihr eigenes Volk unterdrückt haben. Wir beten um Israels willen. Wir beten für diese Nationen und Völker. Und vor allem beten wir um deines Namens willen. Zeigen Sie die Größe Ihres großen Namens. Lass ganz Israel sehen, dass du, der Gott Israels, auferstanden bist, um dein Volk zu beschützen. Und lasst die umliegenden Nationen sehen, dass der Gott Israels, nicht ein falscher Mondgott aus Saudi-Arabien, der Gott Israels, der den Mond und die Sterne geschaffen hat, der wahre und lebendige Gott ist. Im Namen Jeschuas. Amen.
God has spoken of leaving Russia And China on hold for now so the people still hear the Word. Salvation becomes fact. AMEN
Thank you for the prayer alerts. We join you in prayer for Israel and the word of the Lord goes forth like lightning against Israel’s enemies (Hamas, Hizbollah, Houthis, Iran evil regime). God bless you all.
We thank you encouraging us to unit with you in our watches for Israël as you update us it‘s present situation. We stand with you in ongoing prayer.
Prayerhouse Geneva
Thank you for guiding me along the way to pray for Israel and the Middle East.
God faithfully fulfills his covenant to Israel. I worship and praise the faithful God, the God of righteousness and justice, and the holy God.
I pray for Israel, the Middle East, the United States, South Korea, North Korea, and Europe.
In Korea