Received by Rick Ridings, February 21, 2012
On February 21, 2012, in one of our watches at Succat Hallel in Jerusalem, I had a vision that I feel reveals one part of the new wave of missions. I saw a huge army of intercessors, worshippers, and harvesters coming from the Far East to help in the houses of prayer in the Middle East.
First I saw them as horses running from Korea, with torches of revival fire. They were able to quickly mobilize in missions, and were the first to arrive into the Middle East in large numbers.
Then I saw elephants coming from Indonesia. They moved more slowly, but when they moved, they made a huge impact! They built bridges to the Middle East of logs (representing strength) and ropes (representing flexibility).
On their way, they also picked up workers from the Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, and India. These elephants were massive, and began to step on and crush devils and enemy strongholds across the Middle East.
Their trunks were like shofars. When they would blow their sound, God’s enemies began to tremble.
Then the elephants began to stomp on the ground, causing spiritual earthquakes and an opening up of the hard ground across the Middle East.
As they continued their journey on to Jerusalem, the elephants brought huge quantities of incense and spices for the worship in Jerusalem. Just as in the time of the Tabernacle and Temple of the Old Testament, when God commanded the priests to offer incense that was composed mostly of expensive spices from what is now Indonesia.
This army that brought such change to the Middle East were especially from three nationalities: the Koreans, the Chinese, and the Indonesians. I believe that God has chosen them especially because they have persevered and overcome in the face on persecution.
When I saw that these three nationalities were by far the largest delegations at the World Prayer Assembly, it was a confirmation of this vision.
May this be the time for the horses, the camels, and the elephants to be released in this new wave from the Far East to the Middle East!
We bless God for this season of visitation in the Middle East. We continue to pray until total deliverance come.