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Today, I want to share with you what I’m calling redrawing the map of the Middle East. This involves and is informed by what the Lord is doing right now and some of the shifts and changes taking place in the world.
With all that is happening, I really believe with all my heart that God is redrawing the map in this region. This is a time of tremendous shifting, a time of tremendous changes.
I mentioned this in September, that there would be sudden surprises that would bring down evil rulers and destroy whole systems of evil.
And, as this was going to be a time of God dealing with systems of evil. It will not be easy.
Uprooting: Jeremiah 1
A storm exposes the roots of a tree, but a huge storm uproots the tree. I think we’re in for a huge storm. But it’s a good storm because, in the end, it’s the Lord’s storm, and he’s shaking everything that can be shaken so that the things that cannot be shaken remain.
How many of you have felt some shaking in the last months?
I’m feeling a lot of shaking, but that’s so good because it means everything around us is being shaken so that only unshakable things in His kingdom will remain.
Everything else will be shaken: every other throne, every other system, every other government will come to nothing.
His throne will be right across from the throne of the son of David. The Lord says in Psalm 2
I have installed my king on Zion, my holy mountain.
He not only appointed the king but also appointed where and when He would be on that holy mountain.
So, I believe this is important as we pray.
We can say, Lord, what are you doing right now? We don’t just want to try to figure out end-time prophecy. We need to wait on the Lord and say, “Lord, what are you doing now?” as we worship and as we pray.
God can take us up into the third heaven, where we are seated in heavenly places with Him, but our mind and our emotions and everything else need to be where our spirit is already seated in the third heaven.
So, the first heaven in the Bible is what we see around us. It’s circumstances, it’s news, it’s all the things that are happening that we perceive with our senses.
The second heaven is the spiritual realm where angels and demons fight, and all these spiritual battles go on. We see this in Daniel 9 and 10, for example.
But then there’s a third heaven in the Bible. The third heaven is the highest heaven. It’s the throne of God, where God rules and is throned forever. He tells us that we’re seated with Yeshua there.
So in Jeremiah 1, when God says I’m going to put you over Nations and over kingdoms, Jeremiah says, how is this going to happen, Lord?
And the Lord says, “I will put my words in your mouth and then you will speak, and then He says you will uproot and you will plant, you will tear down and you will build.
A lot of intercessors have learned a lot about uprooting, but maybe not as much about planting.
Planting: Matthew 13:24-30
I’ve been saying, Lord, I don’t want just to uproot evil. What do we plant in its place?
We don’t want to just tear down strongholds. What needs to be in its place? If an individual has a demon, and it’s cast out, and the person’s not filled up with the Holy Spirit, with Yeshua, with Jesus, seven more can come in.
So in prayer for nations and cities, it’s not just tearing down strongholds, it’s not just uprooting, but it’s also, Lord, how do we plant, how do we build in prayer, what you want to build?
There’ll be nothing perfect until Yeshua returns, but He will have a glorious church when He comes back, without spot, without wrinkle, a church that is overcoming, not just hiding in a corner, but shining with His glory, bringing salt and light, shifting cities and shifting nations.
So at the same time, in the end times, when we see great darkness growing, the Bible talks very clearly about a great light growing.
The wheat and the tares grow up together. See for example Matthew 13:24-30.
“Tare” is a word for weeds. And Jesus said, let the two grow up together. An enemy came in and planted the weeds. But at a certain point, it will become clear which is the wheat and which is the tares. But it won’t be clear until they’re mature.
So now when it’s clear who the weeds are and what the weeds are, we will have come to maturity.
The word used for that particular weed is interesting. It’s a type of weed that looks just like wheat when it’s little. That’s why it’s hard to root out; it looks like wheat.
But as the wheat grows, it grows up straight and tall, and at a certain point, it just bows down low. It’s like it humbles itself. But the weeds grow up straight and tall, and they just grow taller and taller, kind of arrogantly.
So, in the parable, it’s very easy to see in the end because the weeds are very arrogant and very proud, and the wheat is very humble. The wheat has humbled itself before the Lord, under the hand of the Lord, and He is going to have a mature body that is walking in humility, in truth, in righteousness, and in His glory.
And we’re going to see influences upon some cities and nations because of this. Let’s call them sheep nations and goat nations.
I believe there are sheep and goat cities and states for those from America. I believe there will be sheep and goat provinces for those of you from China. And we believe the Lord will begin to shift these nations and cities as we pray for our place.
God says, “If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and turn from their wicked ways.”
He didn’t say if the politicians do all this. He said If my people do this. If they humble themselves and pray, seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, I’ll hear from heaven and forgive their sin. And I will heal their land.
So when He comes back, it’s not just going to be all dark with the enemy ruling. There are also going to be cities, states, provinces, nations, and peoples that will be healed and become sheep people unto the Lord.
How to Pray for God’s Working in the Middle East
So right now, He’s working with nations in this region. And what I want to share tonight is specifically how we should pray for the ways He’s working in this region.
The Lord Establishes the Nations: Acts 17, Isaiah 40
Point number one: the Lord God of Israel establishes the boundaries and the times of nations. It’s not determined by the United Nations.
Isaiah 40 says
The nations are like a drop in the bucket.
I have one friend who calls the United Nations the United Nothing because of this.
All the nations can all go together and scream and rage and yell and do whatever they want to do. They can pass millions of resolutions.
But He who sits in heaven is the one who rules, and He has the last word, and He is the one who establishes boundaries and times of nations.
So there are moments in history where boundaries begin to change according to God’s purposes, and in the Scriptures, in Acts chapter 17, we read this:
From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands. God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us.
This shows that God has times and seasons when boundaries suddenly begin to change, and He does this so people will seek Him.
There’s something that takes place as people come into the boundaries of the Lord. He begins moving in that place, and they begin to seek the Lord, and He begins to be found by them.
For instance, many of you know the Lord gave me a vision several years ago of Him coming like a mighty tsunami from the dateline back in the Pacific all the way back to Jerusalem.
And in certain countries along that pathway, since that volcano erupted–which was a confirmation of this–right at the dateline and set off an underwater tsunami, some of those nations are radically beginning to experience a shift to the Lord.
Recently, I saw an article in Papua New Guinea, where we were invited to recently. They had 300,000 people baptized in one day–300,000!
So there are certain moments when God begins to shift and turn and move and people begin to seek Him. And they begin to see Him do something extraordinary in their city, their state, their province, their nation.
And we wait on the Lord. We wait for Him to come by the power of His Holy Spirit as He did on the day of Shavuot here in this city, and it affected all the nations. That’s why we’re here again; we’re waiting for another outpouring of his Holy Spirit.
So He sets the times, He sets the boundaries, and He does it so that people will seek Him.
The Nation’s Boundaries are Tied to Israel’s Inheritance: Deut 32:8-9
My next point is built on Deuteronomy 32:8 and 9
When the Most High gave the nations their inheritance, when he divided all mankind, he set up boundaries for the peoples according to the number of the sons of Israel. For the LORD’s portion is his people, Jacob his allotted inheritance.
So somehow, what He is doing in this land and what He’s doing to the Jewish people is something that affects the boundaries of the nations.
From the very beginning, He knew He was going to have a nation and a people through whom He would work to bring forth the Messiah, to bring forth the Bible, to bring all of us to the knowledge of the one true God.
And because the nation’s boundaries and inheritance are somehow tied into Israel’s inheritance, and Israel is operating in its inheritance, so we want to pray for Israel to come into all that God has planned for them.
According to Romans 11, when they come alive again, are grafted back in and come out into spiritual restoration, what will it be but life from the dead for the whole world?
So if we think we see the move of God in Papua right now, what will happen when there’s a mighty move of God here in Israel? This will affect all the nations and be the last great harvest before the Lord returns.
In the Middle East and Africa especially, many modern conflicts come from colonial powers, when England was ruling colonies or Portugal or Spain or France or Germany. Many modern conflicts arise today from these arbitrary colonial borders that put historically warring tribes and peoples into the same modern nation-state or divide other tribes and peoples, who were one tribe, into two modern nation-states.
So you see these big problems, like what happened in Rwanda, of people put together that were traditionally warring people and forced into the same nation yet their tribe is part of another modern nation-state.
We need to realize when the Bible talks about nations, it’s not talking about our modern nation-states as much as it’s talking about peoples because the word in the Greek for nations is ethnos. It’s the word from which we get ethnic.
And so God is saying He created the peoples. He created people groups. He created, first of all, a family, and then from a family, a tribe. And once you’re a tribe, after a while, you become a people, which is a group of tribes that are knit together by certain common factors.
But the bottom line is that God loves every ethnos, every people group in the whole world. He created each one, and each one has special gifts. We see this here in Succat Hallel, with people coming in from all the nations.
Every time I come in, and there’s a different group, there’s something very special about that nation and their worship.
There’s Chinese worship going up, Spanish worship going up, Indonesian, Hebrew, Arabic, and all the different nations and groups and peoples. There’s just certain giftings that are there.
For example, I’ve noticed that upon the Koreans, there’s what I call a breakthrough anointing in prayer. They come, and they start praying, and I’ll come in sometimes, and the Koreans are all like machine guns going off in tongues.
But you just sense there’s something happening, you know, breaking through.
One time, we were having big problems for the youth conference of Jewish and Arab young people coming together. The kids from Bethlehem were not being allowed by the authorities to come, and I said, “We need the Koreans.”
So I called the Koreans, and I said could you pray for a breakthrough? We need a breakthrough so these kids can come to this.
So they’re all praying in tongues, and then suddenly, they all stopped at the same time. They said it’s done.
And not long after that, I got a call from the pastor of Bethlehem, and he said we had a miracle.
He said the Israeli man who I know and like, and he likes me, and he always gives us the permits for the kids because he knows our youth are not terrorists but good kids; he’s on vacation. And he said the guy who was there didn’t feel like he had the authority to give these permits for the kids.
So he said at a certain time, the Jewish man over the border, a very high military official who was on vacation, called the pastor and said, Pastor, I’m on vacation, but do you need something from me?
And he said, well, yeah I didn’t want to disturb you. I knew you were on vacation. He said, well I just had this feeling you needed something, and he said, well, we need the permit for the kids. And he says, okay, give me ten minutes.
Ten minutes later he comes back, and says okay, it’s taken care of.
So that’s one example. Here’s another: In the early days, a lot of the Jewish and Arab pastors were coming together, and that isn’t an easy thing for pastors in any country or city to come together in unity. But because of the whole history of Jews and Arabs, it was even more challenging.
During a certain time when these pastors came together, there were also many Chinese in the room. The Chinese were surrounding us, and they just began weeping. Chinese Christians have a gift of weeping and birthing.
They just began to weep, and suddenly, something began to shift and change, and certain pastors shared certain things. That just opened it all up to forgiveness, and love, and healing, and then, in the end, all these pastors were coming together hugging with tears in their eyes.
I’ve also come in sometimes, and some of the Africans are here, and there are a lot of drums in the room going. It’s a sound of spiritual warfare at these moments, anointed by the Holy Spirit. Again, it’s a breakthrough type of thing that begins to happen.
It’s just so wonderful to see all the giftings of the different nations.
The French will come, and they will sing all these love songs about the bride and about Yeshua and his love for the bride. They’re singing all these love songs.
You know, it’s just so amazing to watch the variety.
At the end of Revelation, it says even in the New Jerusalem, all the kings will bring honor and glory to their people where there’s no sin, and there’s no darkness. But every nation will have been refined, purified, and able to bring a beautiful sacrifice.
Each one has something of the honor and glory that no other nation has. Do you understand what I’m saying? I can hear some of the Americans saying, well, I’m about fifteen ethnic groups; what about me?
For those of us who are mixed blood, God gives the Heritage the honor of each of those nations within them. I believe. He can begin to show you what His glory is and what His honor is for years and years.
I would have these visions that a friend of mine, Steve Carpenter, calls HD Vision or high-definition visions. They’re always so detailed. And I thought, well, Lord, I don’t understand this gift. Why? Because they always seem to come true.
Then, when I was around Native Americans a lot, I began to realize many of them have visions all the time too.
I’m part native American, and it’s just a common thing when they’re redeemed that they can see into the spiritual realm, into what God is doing, and it’s a gift of vision. And so there are different things in all these different people groups.
God made tribes. God made ethnic groups, and when they come to the Lord, they have special gifts from the Lord in their ethnic groups that blesses the kingdom. But the empire spirit is a different spirit, and it tries to build evil systems of control.
And the larger the empire, the more they are proud of themselves. But look at the empires and the evil they have done. Think of the evil that the Babylonians did or that the Greeks did or Alexander, the Romans, the times of Nero.
Even Hitler was intent on building an empire.
There’s something about the empire spirit that wants to stop true ethnic identity, so there’s something very powerful when we pray for a group to come into their inheritance and to be who God made them to be.
Right now, we are in a wartime season of shifting boundaries.
The times remind me of when I ministered in old Yugoslavia right after the war there, and then we brought together people that were Serbian, Croatian, and Bosnian. There was so much pain in all the things that happened: the raping, the killing, and the murder of families, and other terrible things.
But they came into a place of spiritual unity afterward. Christians began to forgive one another, and they began to pray together. God arranged that these very different people groups would no longer be one Yugoslavia, but they would become their own nations.
He changed the boundaries, and since then, they have gotten along fine. Today, you have Serbians going to Croatia for vacation, Croatians going to Serbia for vacations. Things began to change when people were in their own ethnic grouping rather than artificially forced together.
We need a finisher anointing
Now you’ll see where I’m going with all of this. This is a time when we need the finisher anointing for intercessors and wartime governmental leaders.
About a year ago, we were at a gathering together with several prophetic people in America, and Cindy Jacobs said the Lord spoke to her. “God has told me we need to pray that we will have a wartime president, a president who knows how to lead in a time of wars.” And this has become very important to me. It’s important that there be the right kind of lead leader in a time of war.
It’s very important. We need to realize there needs to be a finisher anointing because of what God is doing: God is unraveling, God is pulling apart systems of evil in the world in different countries and in different regions.
Let’s talk about the Middle East and what God is doing here right now.
At the beginning of October 7th, the Lord spoke to us, and He said, I am not just exposing roots but uprooting. And He said, I want you to press on and keep praying until Hamas is no longer just exposed, but they’re actually uprooted.
He said I don’t want you to stop short. Pray that Israel will not stop short. He said you need to pray that the governmental leader, Prime Minister Netanyahu, will stand up against the world’s pressure calling him to stop, and he’ll say no, we’re not going to stop short of victory.
Can you imagine in World War II if the leaders of the West had stopped short, because, well, a lot of people are being killed by bombs in Germany right now? The Nazis, we’ve got to understand and feel sorry for these poor Nazis and what made them like this.
No, this was a system of evil, and if the Western power had not destroyed not the Nazis–not the people of Germany, the Nazis of Germany, a political governmental system of evil–if they had not taken down Hitler, then eventually Hitler would have won.
It wasn’t like you could just compromise and have a ceasefire. Hitler was not into ceasefires. He was into total victory, and the only way he could be taken care of was to totally uproot him.
But then love could pour into the German people and help the German people to rebuild a country free from the Nazis. Do you hear what I’m saying?
So some people think, are you loving Gaza enough? Yes, I love Gaza so much that I’ve prayed for years that Hamas will be uprooted out of Gaza. Do you hear what I’m saying? We love God. God loves Gaza, and he wants it to be free.
But it’s a war, and there need to be leaders who will not let those pressures make them stop short. That has happened in the past with Hamas. They would attack, send missiles, do all kinds of terrorist actions, and then, Israel would begin to respond.
The nations would say, okay, it has to be proportionate. You stop now, and let’s do a ceasefire. And what did that do? All it did was prune the plant.
What happens when you prune a plant? It grows stronger. It grows bigger. So every time, we would lose precious soldiers in these wars, and yet the nations would force Israel to stop. Then Hamas would build more tunnels, and Iran would supply them with more rockets and more weapons.
I felt the Lord said at the beginning, this time I want you to pray for wartime leaders in Israel and in the nations that they will not make Israel stop short and just prune Hamas, and just prune Hezbollah, but that they will uproot them because God loves the people of Gaza.
Did you hear that? It’s not just for Israel that he’s doing this. He’s also doing it for the people of Gaza to be set free from that evil system.
A few weeks ago, we were with some Lebanese leaders. They were having bombings almost every night in Beirut where they lived, and they told us, “Do not stop praying. Pray that Israel will finish. We have lived as slaves of Hezbollah for over 20 years, and they ruined our country. We had a beautiful, prosperous country, and they’ve destroyed it, and they said our only hope right now is that Israel will set us free.”
This is what they were saying, even though they were suffering in the midst of all of this.
As ethnic boundaries are reestablished and as God is restoring peoples, there must first be an unraveling and pulling apart of evil systems that stand in the way.
So we need a Rees Howells type of anointing. If you haven’t read it, read the book Rees Howells: Intercessor. It’s powerful. You know, they were doing all these things we’re talking about. They were used in World War II to stop Hitler and to birth the modern state of Israel.
We need a Rees Howells anointing on the intercessors to pray from a third-heaven perspective. We need to pray for a Churchill anointing, for a political statesman who will persevere against all odds to defeat systems of evil.
Now, Churchill, he stood up to the Nazis. He stood up to Hitler, whereas the man before him, Chamberlain, who was his prime minister, kept saying, oh, they want peace. And I’ll go do another conference, and we’ll sign another ceasefire. Then they’ll take one more country, and then we’ll have another conference and another ceasefire.
This went on and on with Chamberlain, believing the lies of the enemy, and over time, Hitler became very strong and powerful. If he’d been stopped a lot earlier, it would have been a lot easier.
Churchill was not a perfect man. He’s not someone you would want as an elder in your church, but God used Winston Churchill because there was this bulldog in him, refusing to stop, never giving up. And they kept on until they saw Hitler defeated.
This is what we need now and what we need to believe in God to bring about.
As imperfect as Prime Minister Netanyahu is–I am certainly not trying to say everything he does is right or perfect–I believe God put him in this place at this time to stand up to Hamas and Hezbollah.
It has just come out this week that the major turning point in Lebanon with Hezbollah was the attack through the exploding pagers and the killing of Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah.
With both of those things, Prime Minister Netanyahu’s top defense minister and generals were counseling him, saying we can’t do this. The whole world will turn against us. This is going way too far.
And praise God that he stood up and went for what would really work. And there were minimal civilian casualties with the pagers and with Nasrallah. But I believe we’re beginning to see some border changes with Lebanon. I believe what’s happened with this area along Mount Hermon in the Golan is not the end of all we will see.
Borders are Shifting as Evil Systems Unravel: Job 5:12-16, 8:13-15
I had a vision years ago: I saw in it border angels that were stretching the borders of Israel into Southern Lebanon. I don’t know how far it will be at this time, but definitely something is changing.
We need to pray there will be new borders. Do you hear what I’m saying? We need to pray we will have a buffer that is a Hamas-free buffer zone, that is a Hezbollah-free zone. But more than just a buffer zone, we need to see Hezbollah and Hamas uprooted, and we need to see the Iranian regime uprooted.
This is a time for these systems of evil to be taken out. But first, there has to be an unraveling of these evil systems.
I want to share a vision the Lord gave to me some time ago, but this Fall, it just exploded on me, this vision, and I felt the Lord say I was to share it.
It was a vision of a queen spider, and she was sitting on a flying carpet. This flying carpet was made of spiderwebs that were woven together, different systems of evil, and they were woven together so tight that it became like a rug, like a carpet.
So there was this carpet, and she was on it. It was flying, and she was in the air. And the crown on her head said: Babylon. She was just looking all proud and puffed up, like, I’m the queen. I’m ruling over these systems of evil. I’m flying high; nobody can take me down.
Then someone snuck up behind her. It was the lion of Judah, and he was very quiet this time. He didn’t roar. He just took one of his claws–Lions have razor-sharp claws if you look it up. They’re razor sharp, sharper than titanium razors–and she’s flying high, not noticing anything.
He started on the west, and he put this claw in the carpet. And it began to unravel and to fall apart. Then he went from the west to the east, and in the east, he just went again. The claw began to pull, and all that the spider had taken so much time weaving began to unravel and fall apart.
Then he did it to the north, and then he did it to the south, and so, from every direction, it started unraveling. That’s why it’s so important there are intercessors from the west, from the east, from the north, and from the south that are praying for the unraveling of evil systems.
I’d like us to just proclaim this scripture in Job 5:12-16:
He thwarts the plans of the crafty, so that their hands achieve no success. He catches the wise in their craftiness, and the schemes of the wily are swept away. Darkness comes upon them in the daytime; at noon they grope as in the night.
Then, next in Job 8:13-15:
Such is the destiny of all who forget God; so perishes the hope of the godless. What they trust in is fragile; what they rely on is a spider’s web.
Hallelujah, He’s destroying spider webs right now. He’s unraveling them, and so we need to persevere in prayer. This is not a time to say, well, we’ve seen some victories, let’s sit back and enjoy it now.
It’s not a time to say we’ve seen some battles and I’m too tired to fight anymore. No, this is a time to persevere, to receive the grace of God, the strength of God, to keep declaring that He’s unraveling these spider webs, that He’s unraveling these systems of evil.
He’s setting back Babylon from what it would try to do ahead of its time. He’s setting it back, and it’s in order that there might be a mighty move of the Holy Spirit.
One example of what I’m talking about right now is the Kurdish people in the Middle East versus the Ottoman Empire.
Now, the Ottomans were the people of Turkey, and they ruled for 400 years here in Israel.
Israel was occupied, not by the Jews. It was occupied by Islam, and for 400 years, they ruled here. And, at the end of World War I, there was an amazing thing, like the cavalry charge that should never have worked, and these horses went right into the guns, and the Turks were defeated, and the Ottoman Empire fell apart. Praise God!
But it’s like it’s trying to rise again now in Turkey.
Our good friends in Turkey have told us they’ve seen signs on every side that this Ottoman Empire spirit is trying to rise again out of Turkey.
So who are the Kurds? The Kurds are an ethnic people who most believe are the ancient Medes as seen in the Bible. The Kurdish people live in the north corner of Iran and Iraq, the northeast corner of Syria, and the very southern part of Turkey.
And again, they divided up everything after the Ottoman Empire fell apart, and they put the Kurds with people in Iraq, where people like Saddam Hussein could commit genocide against them. They were put together with people like Assad in Syria, who would use chemical weapons on them. The Kurds just keep getting it from every side, and there’s something very special about them.
Two Visions on the Importance of the Kurds: Psalm 9:15, 35:7-9
Here again, in terms of praying from a third-heaven perspective, I want to share two visions about the Kurds that I hope will encourage us how to pray.
The first one I saw in 2014, but I felt the Lord saying recently now it’s time. Sometimes, He gives me visions years before, and then He’ll say now’s the time for that vision. In this vision, it was a new season for the Middle East, defined by the redrawing of borders. I saw angels being released, and they were being sent to reset borders according to their original ethnic calling.
I saw these border Angels going in a focused way to the Kurdish autonomous area of present-day Iraq. They started pulling on and protecting borders. Then I saw in Iraq what looked like a big artificial lake being created, like a crater.
There were angels with bulldozers, and they were just digging. It was like a lake, but there was no water, and it was in all of this Kurdish area. Then I saw an altar began to arise to the Lord, and stone after stone was put on this altar. And as the altar rose, the prayer rose, the worship rose.
And suddenly, it started to rain, and it rained until it filled up that whole lake, and then, it began to overflow into Iran, into Syria, into Turkey. It began to overflow.
Now, I shared this vision with a friend who has a house of prayer right in the middle of the Kurdish area of Iraq. He said, “Oh, this is so encouraging. I believe we’re going to see a revival with the Kurds here.”
So we’ve been there and we’ve encouraged them and prayed for them, and it’s begun to multiply. God’s begun to add to it. The last time I was there about a year and a half ago, Patricia and I laid hands on an Iraqi couple who were going to Mosul, ancient Nineveh, which had been the capital of Isis, and were beginning a house of prayer there.
So it’s been a long slow building, but it’s still building. And I feel like the Lord said it’s getting very close to the time for the rain, and I believe God wants to send the rain on the Kurdish people. When He does, it will overflow.
The future Kurdistan will be one of the great centers of revival in the Middle East. It will be one of the great centers of an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the Middle East. These people who have been so persecuted, who have been so destroyed at times by leaders in Iraq, Iran, Turkey, and Syria, God is going to come on them.
And the amazing thing is when you get to know a Kurdish person and talk with them, they just love Israel. They have something in their hearts where they love Israel. So you can imagine when they become a believer in Jesus, then they’re going to love Israel even more.
There’s something God’s getting them ready to plant. When we talk about uproot and plant, we want to uproot things like ISIS, Al Qaeda, Hezbollah, Hamas, and the Iranian regime, but we want to plant things like this revival and move of the Holy Spirit among the Kurdish people.
But for that to come fully, I believe something has to change in terms of the borders. So we need to be praying, God, send the border angels toward the Kurdish people. Lord, give them a unity together; give them courage when they’re so tired of battling for decades and decades.
They’re the ones who defeated ISIS. Did you know that? It was the Kurds. The Kurdish brave soldiers were the ones who defeated ISIS, and some of those who fled away now are popping up again in Syria, and they’re coming toward the Kurdish people.
That’s why we need to pray,
Father, we pray tonight for protection over the Kurdish people, especially of Northeast Syria, who are being targeted by evil former members of ISIS and former members of al-Qaeda who are still of the same kind of DNA and want to destroy the Syrian Christians of Northeast Syria and the Kurdish people of Northeast Syria.
And we say, “No! In the name of Jesus, in the name of Yeshua, you will not.” We believe you, God. Let mighty angels go around the Kurdish people. This is so key for Israel that they have an ally right in the middle of the Middle East, especially in this whole Northern Area where there are so many that are against Israel.
We pray you will raise up the Kurdish people. Send the rains. Let the waters overflow, Lord. Bless the altars there. Let there be a mighty move of God Among the Kurdis.
We pray, Lord, that the steps will be taken toward a nation of Kurdistan, toward them having their own country for their ethnic group, being able to be together and freely being able to open full relations with Israel so they can trade back and forth with us, and have Israelis coming and going from there.
God, we pray that’ll happen where we’ve been uprooting in prayer together with you. Let there be a Kurdish move of God. We pray that the Kurds would become a mighty government already, just that little corner of Syria where, for a while, they have had self-rule. It’s basically been autonomous because it was a civil war.
They already recognized the rights of women, the rights of Christians, and the rights of Muslims. If they want to live with them in peace, they’ll live in peace with them. But they’re not going to put up with terrorism, and they’ve established a stable government, a stable economy.
If anybody should be rewarded with a nation-state right now, it’s not the terrorists like Hamas. It’s the Kurdish people who have proven appropriate and competent self-governance, and so God, we pray uh for your border angels to be sent there.
Then this next vision I saw just a couple weeks ago, on the 10th of December. In this vision, I saw President Erdogan of Turkey, and he was using the cover of darkness. It was night, but no moon, no stars, just totally dark.
And he was using the darkness to do something, and he was giving nets to his army, and he was saying, “Throw these nets over the Kurdish people in Northeast Syria. Capture them. Take them for our empire.
There was this desire for the Ottoman Empire again, and he wanted to take this small group of people, the Kurdish people, and throw nets upon them. I saw that as he began to move toward that goal, suddenly, a spotlight like a spotlight in a prison when they’re trying to break out of prison came on Erdogan and his army.
This net was in the air about to fall on the Kurdish people, and the Holy Spirit Wind of God came up and blew the net back on Erdogan’s troops, and they were caught in the net that they were trying to throw.
So I believe Satan knows that if the Kurdish begin to increase in strength, if they’re kept free, if they begin to have their own country, they’re going to become a strong country, and I believe they’ll see a mighty move of God with millions of Muslims coming to Jesus.
It could so easily be a mighty move of God there in Kurdistan so that it would block Turkey on this Empire Spirit.
We proclaim Psalm 9 and verse 15, specifically, covered by the blood of Yeshua. We proclaim this over Turkey, President Erdogan, and all who have this Ottoman Empire Spirit that would try to destroy the Kurdish people and the Assyrian Christians of Northeast Syria.
Psalm 9:15 says:
The nations have fallen into the pit they have dug; their feet are caught in the net they have hidden.
Also, Psalm 35: 7-9:
Since they hid their net for me without cause and without cause dug a pit for me. May ruin overtake them by surprise— may the net they hid entangle them, may they fall into the pit, to their ruin. Then my soul will rejoice in the LORD and delight in his salvation.
Hallelujah! Our God is a God who causes those who throw the net to be caught in their own net unless they repent, and we declare that tonight over President Erdogan. We declare that his support of ISIS and Al-Qaeda and former ISIS and former Al-Qaeda.
We declare he will not successfully use the cover of darkness to capture the Kurdish people, but we declare he will be exposed. The light will be turned on.
Lord, we pray tonight as President Trump is coming in, we pray that your light will be turned on for him concerning the Kurdish people. Lord, would you cause the right voices to be around him? I know some that are Lord.
We pray anointing upon them. We pray that what they say will be heard above the many other voices. We pray that President Erdogan will be exposed in this desire for a modern Ottoman caliphate Empire of Islam ruling the Middle East, just like the same kind of spirit in Iran.
Now, we say no to this spirit in Turkey. Let the regime of Turkey not rise up, but let it be exposed, let the spotlight come, let the sirens come on, let it be exposed. We pray in the mighty name of Yeshua, Amen.
Israel’s War is with Hamas: Isaiah 19
Then the last thing I want to mention is Israel’s war since October 7th, 2023, is not against the people of Gaza, Lebanon, Yemen, or Iran. It’s really important Israel is not at war with Gaza. Israel is at war with Hamas, an evil terrorist system.
Israel is not at war with the people of Lebanon. Israel is at war with the evil demonic system rule of Hezbollah. Israel is not against the people of Iran. They love the people of Iran, but they are fighting against their evil demonic rulers, the head of the snake and the head of the octopus.
And we agree together tonight, let the head of the octopus and the head of the snake be cut off soon. Lord, let there be a final falling apart and crumbling of this wicked Iranian regime that has so oppressed the people of Iran.
Bring freedom to your people.
We were on a call, I think, about three weeks ago with a group of Iranian ex-Muslims, and they said to us, always in the past, they said,
“No, don’t pray the regime will come down. The church is growing so fast because of the persecution. We’re seeing so many Muslims come to the Lord, and the persecution has been good for us. It’s hard, but it’s purified us. We’re seeing thousands and thousands of Muslims coming to the Lord. Don’t pray that the Iranian regime fall.
But this time, I felt like I was to tell them that I feel like God is telling us to pray for the regime to fall, and they said, “We agree with you.”
They said, “We want to go as missionaries to Gaza, and we want to win the Gazans to the Lord.” So they said, “Pray that Hamas is uprooted, so we can go to Gaza, and pray that our Iranian regime falls, so we can go as missionaries and see a mighty harvest in Gaza.”
What a strong people in the Lord! There is a principle here.
In 1948, during the War of Independence, there was a supernatural and quick victory over five standing armies here. You have a brand new little country with no trained army and no trained air force.
The five standing armies have an air force, a navy, soldiers, and tanks to come against Israel. But it was a very quick, relatively quick victory for Israel.
In 1948, that same year in the church–in the Gentile Church–there was a supernatural harvest that began in the nations. Ministries like Billy Graham began seeing thousands and then millions coming to the Lord.
This move in the nations that happened in 1948 paralleled again in 1967. During The Six-Day War, the reunification of Jerusalem, the charismatic and Jesus movements began breaking down denominational walls in countries where there were strong denominational walls, and the whole Jesus movement came forth in 1973.
The war there also was a quick Victory. 1973 was the peak of the Jesus movement worldwide with millions and millions of hippies coming to the Lord. Also, the modern Messianic Jewish movement was birthed primarily from 1967 to 1973, especially in 1973. Almost all the Jewish messianic leaders were hippies who came to the Lord out of the Jesus movement.
So every time there’s something major in Israel, something major happens in the nations. So this time I said, Lord, I don’t understand what is happening. This time, it was a quick victory.
But I felt like the Lord saying, this war against Hamas is a long war to uproot evil Terror regimes. It will have sudden surprise victories, but it’s still going to be a long, hard war.
Here we are fifteen months now into this war, and I felt like He said that the same thing is happening in the gentile church worldwide. They are in a long spiritual war to contend with and to unravel systems of evil in the nations.
But they’ll have some sudden surprise victories, hallelujah! Some of you are from countries where you can relate to this, where there have been some sudden surprise victories after a long long spiritual battle.
I believe we’re going to see in many nations, in many cities, in many states, many provinces, where we’ve been contending with systems of evil–and we’re saying Lion of Judah arise against these systems of evil and tear them apart–that we’re going to see a sudden collapse of major systems of evil that will surprise us.
Everyone was shocked when suddenly, in just such a short time, Assad was gone. This evil ruler had done so many evil things for so long in Syria. Suddenly, the Russians and the Iranians who were helping him ran off like scared little puppies. They just ran away from the battle, and he was gone.
Now, we have to keep praying that something worse won’t come, but at the same time, that was a real victory. It was a sudden, surprising victory, a destruction of a system of evil.
Now there’s another system of evil trying to come up, so we need to stand against those spiders and their spider webs. We need to say to them, no, you’re not going to capture the Kurds. You’re not going to kill them. You’re not going to drive out the Assyrian Christians and the Kurds.
But they will stand up and be strong. And they are going to be protected by the Lord. Nations will intervene, and your systems of evil will not be established like they were under Assad. So we keep standing in their way.
Then the last thing I want to mention here is the sudden, surprising uprooting of evil terror leaders.
This was something I shared at the All Nations Convocation three weeks before October 7th in 2023. I said this is a time to believe that sudden storms will uproot evil leaders and systems.
Isaiah 28 talks about systems of evil being exposed and washed away. I believe that’s what’s happening. We are in a hard season but a good season. It’s a season where God, the light of Judah, is arising and tearing apart systems of evil.
He’s beginning to not just expose evil leaders but uproot evil leaders. We’re seeing a surprising uprooting of evil Terror leaders just in this last season. The wicked dictator of Syria has been uprooted, for example.
So, God, we thank you. We thank you, Lord, that you are at work. It is a long, hard war. It’s not just quick and easy, not so quick as it was in The Six-Day War and other times, but we thank you that you are at work in our world. You are at work on behalf of Israel, uprooting instead of pruning.
We thank you that you’re uprooting evil leaders, these cruel spiders. You are removing them from power, and we thank you for what you’re doing. Lord, we believe you now to give us grace to keep on.
We receive that Rees Howells anointing to persevere like he did until Hitler was destroyed until Nazism was destroyed, and Germany could be rebuilt on a different foundation.
Give us the grace to hold in there. Let us keep worshiping, praying, and praising you Lord. We know we don’t do it in our own mind or power. It’s not because we’re this amazing thing, or we just depend on your Holy Spirit.
But just as Jeremiah was just a young guy, and you said I will use you, I will put my words in your mouth, and you will uproot, and you will plant, and you will tear down, and you will build up nations, Lord, we believe you for the anointing of the Holy Spirit tonight in this room upon all of us and through YouTube on those that will be watching this.
We agree for the anointing of the Holy Spirit to uproot, not just to pray, but to uproot, and the anointing of the Holy Spirit to plant, the anointing to tear down evil strongholds and to build up the kingdom of God in those places.
We praise you, Lord. We bless you, Lord, that you are almighty God, and we thank you that you have the Middle East in your hands.
Again in Isaiah 19, which is a very powerful scripture, it says that Assyria–and Assyria means the whole ancient Assyrian Empire, not just the modern nation-state of Syria, but almost the whole of the Upper Middle East apart from the Saudi Arabian Peninsula–will become the work of my hands.
So we thank you for that, Lord. We bless you, Lord, that your hands are working. Thank You Lord and bless you Lord.
In Yeshua’s name, Amen.
This word has made clearer to me what God is doing in the Middle East and the importance of praying that it would continue to be totally effected and affected until His plan has happened for the bringing down of evil in that area so that people will no longer be under these Evil regimes that have held power and wrought terror on the innocent people there. I pray that Netanyahou would continue to weed out the evil terrorist regimes until they are completely beaten and that world leaders will get the insight and understanding that it must be completed once and for all and stop trying to stop what God is doing to free his people from terror!
I pray that Mighty God would have his way and that those that are against Him are exposed and dealt with quickly, effectiently and completely so that they can never rise against Him and the people again. Amen
AMEN and AMEN!!!
One of my prayer partners in my ministry sent me Rick Ridings’ word. Thank you so much for your sharing this word with the world’s intercessors. How all of this resonated in our spirits! Much of what Rick shared has been what we’ve been seeing in our times of daily prayer for Israel. We’ve been praying for shifting of borders, total removal of Hamas, Hezbollah; the crushing of the “octopus’s head” in and through Iran. I also have been praying for Turkey, sensing a desire to rise up to “rebuild” the Ottoman Empire. May that never happen!