This is a continuation of a recent prayer alert, in light of a strong response. You can read this prayer alert here.
Prayer ministries have already translated and distributed it widely in Chinese, Korean, Japanese, and Russian. Major global prayer networks are feeling called to encourage this praise-and-decree strategy on July 12th.
It seems the Holy Spirit is assembling a “global alignment” for this “global assignment”. I believe this unity of the Body of Messiah across many nations will be very key to seeing a great setback to those who would serve “the spirit of Babel”, to build an agenda opposed to the Lord’s choice of Jerusalem as the footstool of His government upon the earth.
Many have written to ask, “who are the five kings?” They refer to this phrase in that prayer alert:
“It is time to exercise Your authority in Me and put Your feet upon the neck of the five kings serving the spirit of Babel.”
I did not want to give my own interpretation to that phrase that I received in this call to prayer, praise, and proclamation on July 12th, 2022. But I have continued to pray about it.
I asked the Holy Spirit whether these five kings are certain international leaders; or are they cities, nations or continents? I finally felt I received an answer in prayer that I should go back to the original scriptural passage that refers to Joshua ordering his military commanders to put their feet upon the necks of the five defeated Amorite Kings in Joshua 10.
These five kings were the kings of Jerusalem, Hebron, Jarmuth, Lachish, and Eglon. They were strongholds, but all five of these strongholds made an alliance to attack Gibeon in an attempt to stop the momentum of Joshua and Israel’s army in taking the land the Lord had commanded them to possess.
In ancient days, each stronghold city worshiped its own “god”, who was really a demonic principality reigning over a specific geographical territory. So, when the judgments of the Lord were carried out, resulting in a defeat for these five earthly kings, it was also a defeat, and a taking away of territory from the five demonic kings, who are principalities.
As I prayed, I felt the Holy Spirit revealed to me that the five kings upon whose necks the Warrior Bride is to put her feet are those five demonic principalities that are seeking to take back their former territory of Jerusalem and the four other key stronghold cities (the region surrounding Jerusalem).
I see three very important things in the Joshua 10 passage about these “five kings”:
First, in the battle at Gibeon, men did their part, but then the Lord did far more when He rained down great hailstones upon these five enemy armies. In Isaiah 28, which so many have been proclaiming in their nations concerning an end to a covenant of death, it speaks of hail being used by the Lord to “wash away the refuge of lies” of evil governmental systems (see Isaiah 28:17).
But just after this, we read in Isaiah 28:21, that the Lord will arise at that time like He did in the valley of Gibeon – referring to the defeat of the five Amorite kings recorded in Joshua 10.
Second, the victory over the five Amorite kings in Joshua 10 was due to a “divine delay” when “the sun stopped in the middle of the sky and delayed going down about a full day” in response to Joshua’s proclamation of more time to fully defeat these five armies.
Third, Joshua was not content with only a partial victory over these five Amorite kings in Joshua 10. Even after the kings were captured, it is recorded in Joshua 10:17-19:
“When Joshua was told that the five kings had been found hiding in the cave at Makkedah, he said, ‘Roll large rocks up to the mouth of the cave and post some men there to guard it. But don’t stop; pursue your enemies! Attack them from the rear and don’t let them reach their cities, for the Lord your God has given them into your hand.’” — Joshua 10:17-19
So let us proclaim, that by the Lord’s grace, we will not stop at a partial victory on July 12-16, but we will go on the offensive and persevere against these spiritual enemies in prayer, praise, and proclamation, until every one of their evil agendas is thwarted!
Let us proclaim Amos 2:9,10:
“Yet I destroyed the Amorites before them, though they were tall as the cedars and strong as the oaks. I destroyed their fruit above and their roots below. I brought you up out of Egypt and led you forty years in the wilderness to give you the land of the Amorites.” — Amos 2:9,10
Read the initial prayer alert that this article is responding to here.
Yes, Yes, Yes,
This feeds into what the Lord is showing me here in the US….what is going on here in the Spirit is in close conjunction and will have direct bearing on what is happening through this world wide response to your prayer call to the July 12-16 time of intense battle.
See here at this link:
what Dutch Sheets is saying and the Battering Ram prayer call he has issued for the toppling of the principalities over the US for the whole of July.
Today the Lord showed me further that this kyros time of delivering the toppling blows to the enemy is like when Elisha instructed the King of Judah to strike the ground with his arrows. He showed me a picture of myself with a walking staff in my hands, striking the ground 12 times with the end of the staff as I prayed in the Spirit for the 12 minutes on July 12th…. I asked… why 12 times Lord when the scriptural example is for only 5-6 times. He said that in this time the number and scope of the enemy has increased world wide to the point that the full weight of God’s authority on earth must be brought to bear against it. 12 being the number of God’s Governmental reign on the earth. In Elisha’s day it would have only taken 5 – 6 to finish the principalities of Syria and bring them under Judah’s feet, but today it will take the full weight of God’s ecclesiastical authority, for the gates of hell will not prevail against us.
Wow….very profound. Great vision and message. Thank you for sharing…more insight to go into battle with.
Thank you so much for this revelation.I also appreciate your ministry to us through Intercessors For Uganda.I also lead cell group under my local church so believe I will be able to help my group better.
May God continue to annoint, protect,renew your youth& strength.
Abundant blessings.Shalom
Praying from Samoa – the ends of the earth back to the gates of Jerusalem!
Praying from Fiji.
Israel…you are forever in our thoughts and prayers.
Declaring who You are Lord: In the beginning God created the heavens the the earth. The earth was unformed and void, darkness was on the face of the deep, and Spirit of God hovered over the surface of the water. Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and God divided the light from the darkness. God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. So there was evening, and there was morning, one day.”(Genesis 1:1)
Lord in the midst of darkness you create light in the world and darkness can not put out the light. In the midst of chaos You Lord are creating order.
The earth is Adonai’s with all that is in it, The world and those who live there; for He set its foundations on the seas and established it on the rivers. (Psalm 24:1-2).
I bless you Israel!
Thank you Rick,
We are planning to pray at 12 on 12/7, and this extra information was needed.
Do you have a link for any Russian translations that you mentioned had been done?
The momentum of sharing this is increasing. I’ve sent it to all the intercessors I could think of, including many who are not familiar with the 17th of Tammuz! So there is a double blessing as His people are wanting to know more of his Ways!
Several of us have made the connection with this weeks’s Torah portion about Balaam! May Mr. Biden speak only what you tell him to. say. Blessings, not curses.
Locking arms and shields with you all for His Glory and Victory!
Only Your Words Lord!
Praying against any evil that way be at plan. May the power of our heavenly father deal heavily with them and show no grace showing them the full might of his judgement amen 🙏
Thank you for this helpful explanation of strategy needed
circulating this to prayer warriors in England.
Blessings from Yorkshire
Lord, we — Your warrior bride in Israel and throughout the nations — stand on Your Word and precious promises. In humble faith we take our seat in heavenly places in Yeshua HaMeshiach at Your right hand.
Thank You for teaching us how to fulfill this sacred ministry of prophetic intercession — how to exercise the authority which you have entrusted to us.
We beseech You: train us day by day that we may attain to the full stature of the perfect man in Yeshua, so that in us — Your warrior bride — Your purpose of the ages may be fulfilled.
We give You all the glory, honor and praise, now and forever!
In the Name above all names Yeshua, Amen!
Prayer gleaned from THE AUTHORITY OF THE BELIEVER, by John A. MacMillan (1873-1956)
Hi Lois, I think you are Lois who I knew years ago in Israel! Are you still in Jerusalem?
It’s Pam here from the UK! Would love to be in touch again!
We are praying for the toppling of these 5 giants – the Ammorite kings – first as they pertain to modern day principalities who are coming against Jerusalem and Israel – and God has called watchmen from around the world to pray with you concerning how it is impacting you there in the land of Israel, but as we stand with you there in Jerusalem to see God’s purposes accomplished on that sacred ground we are also seeing how this world wide cabal has impacted God’s people all over the world, and as they topple in their plans against Israel, they will topple in their plans against the earth.
This is what Dutch Sheets is saying concerning it today, he is speaking into the same scripture God used to reveal to Rick the 5 kings.
Bless You, Lord, for causing the entire world wide Ecclesia to harmonize in concert concerning Your purposes in the earth to pull down the stronghold of satan that has been erected over the whole world…the rebuilders of the tower of babel, the ones teaching Your people to worship Baal – the ones seeking to divide the land You have given to Israel!! Bless Your Holy Name, and the Name of Your Son, Yeshua!!
I also think we need to realize that by the 5 kings meetings/conspiring/congregating together against the Lord and His people and the place of His throne in the earth, that they put a greater target on themselves than what would have otherwise been there. Their connivings and cavortings will unseat them from their hidden place and cause them to be exposed and ripe to be plundered. Things do not turn out as they had planned. Bless You Lord that the kingdom of men will know that You rule amongst them.
I trust the tsunami wave of praise has started since it is now 12:15 on the east coast of Australia and will ultimately crash down upon all those strongholds and plans the enemy has hoped to stand in this hour. Thank you all for putting out this prayer alert. God Bless Israel, the land and its people. Praying for the peace of Jerusalem….and for the grip of the authority of chaos and every death structure to be broken and put under our feet.
Thank you so much for this email and the prayer points, May God arise and
His enemies be scattered in the Mighty name of Jesus Christ. Shalom
I just got 2 pictures for Israel:
The first showed the nation Israel having a warm culture of hospitality. “The glass will always be full of fresh water, even if an enemy sits on our table”
The second was its noon here in Switzerland and the sun stands on its highest point. I have electric sunblinds coming down automatically.
At my prayer time suddenly the sunblinds came down. I have an Olive tree as well on my balcony. And, altough there is a wall on every side this tree stands in the sun!
God revealed me:” My dear, I always have a special care for this land and its people. When they need sun- I make them sun. When they need shadow or shelter- I will give them so to prosper.
Shalom to Israel
So beautiful a picture of God’s great grace on Israel and His covenantal promise to bring to pass all He has said concerning them. The time for their enemies to rule over them will never come again. And their last enemy is being overcome now…. their own religious spirit of rebellious human wisdom. God is able to bring even the most obstinate and hard hearted people back into complete and loving submission to Him! Eyes and ears will be opened and they will see the One Whom They Have Pierced and they will mourn each one in their own homes because of this, but just like your Olive tree is enjoying the sun shining upon it and being nurtured by it, so this return to the Lord will nurture them and the LIGHT OF HIS GLORY will change their mourning into dancing!!! And all Israel will be saved.
He is binding the strongmen of Pharisaical, brood of vipers and scorpion nest/leviathan spirits that have held them in bondage now. The synagogue of Satan is being torn down within the borders of Israel and in the midst of Jerusalem, as well as all over the world. Hallelujah!!! It is through the preaching of the Gospel that this is happening. Don’t stop proclaiming the Glory of God to the next generation, it is changing the world.
Joining in prayers and praise from Ottawa Canada. God Almighty wills to reign over every square inch of His universe (and especially on this planet) in the fulness of grace and truth in Jesus the Christ and His Church by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Yes from Norway, we got your message yesterday.
My grandchild, 7years, and I could praise the Lord (me also fasting) and we dansed before the Lord because the joy filled our hearts as we together whit you all, lifted up his mighty name.
God bless you in Jerusalem♡
orampo por israel
Yesterday as I participated in the 12 minutes of worship and praise to the Lord, declaring the division on the Babel Tower Builders, the shattering of the agenda of the Biden trip, I saw the Lord releasing His Glory to cover the earth… I heard and felt the rumble of the ‘breaking up of the deep’ – I saw myriads of Glory angels standing arrayed in the Glory Armour of the Lord, with the Spears of the Lord in their hands (spears of Phineas) standing in army formation before the throne of God and I heard the words from Psa 24 –> v7 Lift up your heads, O gates; and be lifted up, O everlasting doors; and the King of Glory shall come in. 8 Who is this King of Glory? Jehovah strong and mighty! Jehovah mighty in battle! 9 Lift up your heads, O gates; even lift up, O everlasting doors; and the King of Glory shall come in. 10 Who is this King of Glory? Jehovah of Hosts, He is the King of Glory. Selah. We are the gates …. yet no gate on earth now can resist opening to Him for what He has opened no man can shut!! His love is absolutely irresistible!! Every gate is opening like a flower to the sun before Him!!!! For every eye will see and every ear will hear!! This is now the generation of those seeking Him; they seek Your face, O God of Jacob. Selah. Psa 24:6
There’s no King like our Jesus!! His name is being released over all the earth as the highest NAME unto which everyone must run to to be saved!!! Every knee must bow, every tongue confess that He ALONE is Lord of ALL!!!
This morning 12/13/22 I find this being released on you Tube…. a confirmation: – an excerpt of a recent sermon by Kent Christmas here in the US, but released from Joe Joe Dawson who watches what the Spirit is saying through His prophets.
At the end of my time in Holy Spirit mostly praying and worshiping in tongues, I was experiencing such overflowing joy in the Holy Ghost, and I heard myself saying, ‘O Lord, none of my present sufferings can compare to the Glory that is being revealed in Your sons and daughters’!!! I count it all JOY!!!, I count it all JOY!!!, The super powering JOY OF THE LORD is being released into us through our sufferings!!! Hallelujah!!! Hallelujah!!! The JOY in HOLY GHOST is our STRENGTH, it is not by any kind of energy or strength of man, not by any kind of might or power, but it is ONLY BY MY SPIRIT SAYS THE LORD!!!!
There is no KING but KING JESUS!!
Gloria a DIOS!