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It’s the first of Nisan on the Hebrew calendar. It’s day 186 of the war. Today, I want to share with you something amazing from Zechariah 9:5-8:
Gaza will lose her king/ and Ashkelon will be deserted./ A mongrel people will occupy Ashdod/and I will put an end to the pride of the Philistines./ I will take the blood from their mouths, the forbidden food from between their teeth./ Those who are left will belong to our God and become a clan in Judah,
During this month of Nisan, we celebrate the Passover. It’s the month that God commanded for the Passover to be celebrated, to remember how God miraculously delivered the children of Israel from under the hand of Pharaoh.
As we were praying about that this morning here in Succat Hallel, I felt so strongly about Gaza. There’s a Pharaoh-like spirit that has ruled over Gaza.
Pray Zechariah 9:5-8
Many of you have been proclaiming with us the above scripture from Zechariah 9:5-8 that Gaza will lose her king and that those who are left in Gaza will become like a clan in the tribe of Judah. We need to continue to proclaim that.
I felt especially that during this time of Nisan, the scripture from Psalm 125 that says, The scepter of the wicked shall not remain over the land allotted to the righteous, and according to Zechariah 9, Gaza is allotted to Judah.
But even the people who are left there in Gaza can join themselves to the tribe of Judah. And the way that will happen is through a massive move into Gaza, when this Pharaoh spirit is broken and the gates are opened so that laborers of the harvest can go in.
Pray that God Prepares Laborers
We pray again this morning, too, that laborers will be prepared. We pray that people in ministry bringing humanitarian and monetary aid together with the gospel will share the light and the life of Yeshua because people need that more than physical aid. They need spiritual aid. They need the Kingdom of God. They need the salvation that comes only through the name of Jesus, through the name of Yashua in Arabic.
We encourage you during this month of Nisan to believe the Lord together with us, that the Pharaoh spirit will be exposed. Believe that this spiritual Pharaoh will be overthrown once and for all in Gaza, and that there will be a mighty open door and laborers prepared to go in and minister healing from this trauma.
Pray for God to Do Great Things in Gaza
Pray that they will minister the light and the truth that breaks the power of lies and deception and that there would be just an obvious great work of God in Gaza through dreams, through visions, through visitations, but also through the labors for the harvest that would be thrust forth into there.
And that’s one of the best things you could pray for Israel at this time because that would change a lot for Israel if Gaza were not only to be taken care of militarily but also spiritually.
So thank you for your prayers that are continuing to work effectively and believe with us during this month of Nisan that we will see that Pharaoh spirit broken and a great harvest in Gaza.
We bless you from Jerusalem and hope you have a happy Passover this month of Nisan.
I agree BaShem Yeshua
When Israel evacuated Gaza from the Israelis I felt very disturbed in my spirit and I felt that they were opening the door to terrorists.
That festival on Simcha Torah opened the door also as they had a promiscuity tent, the goddess Shiva and a buddah. Time to be sanctified and we agree for ALL pharoahs to be eliminated but we the people must repent. We have the same problem in California and the USA. Open doors to severe trouble. Father I repent 2 Chronicles 7
! “They need spiritual aid. They need the Kingdom of God. They need the salvation …through the name of Yashua…”.
! The Pharisees asked when the kingdom of God will come and Jesus answered them, “The kingdom of God is not coming with something observable; no one will say, ‘Look here! ’ or ‘There! ’ For you see, the kingdom of God is among you.”
Luke 17:20-21
! “Jesus was inaugurating the kingdom as He changed the hearts of men, one at a time.”
Dear Lord, I pray countless from Gaza will become citizens in Your Kingdom today, one heart at a time. I ask this in the Mighty Name of Yashua. Amen
Why aren’t the messianic jews and christians evangelising and sharing the gospel with their countrymen in israel at this time? Surely the harvest is ripe for the picking because people’s hearts are failing them for what is happening in israel and around the world.
Hi Kim. Shalom.
These past months in particular, Messianic Jews in Israel have had the privilege of sharing the good news in beautiful and unprecedented ways.
Thanks for your prayers for the many laborers.
Amazing! What a confirmation today of what I had heard about Pharaoh’s spirit: On May 4, 24 the Lord said to me, “Pray in tongues one hour every day. He didn’t tell me why or how many days. So I began to pray in tongues, in portions up to an hour a day. On May 6, 24 the Lord said, “I have made you Elohim over Pharaoh. Ex 7:1 Now I know the reason for the instruction to me to pray in tongues. What an encouragement to stand up against Pharaoh in prayer. Praise the LORD Yeshua!
Declare Yeshua to be the King and the uprooting of the Pharoah in Gaza will be overthrown . Mighty open door of healing and deliverance of the trauma. All the residue of Hamas will be like a nightmare that is forgotten and the dream of deliverance will take place and the Bride of Yeshua will come forth strong and free in Yeshua’s name Amen Sing like Miriam the horse and rider fell into the sea
What is wrong with you people? You’ve all been brainwashed! Israel is destroying the PEOPLE of Gaza and you condone it. Soon there will be nothing left to save. You can’t blame everything on “spirits” when there are evil people in the world who are murdering, starving, torturing, and orphaning INNOCENTS. What Israel is doing is called genocide. It is not a matter of opinion. It is a fact. Don’t sit idly by while this happens in your country. Don’t say you want the best for the people of Gaza while allowing them to be slaughtered. Wake up!!!
Aziza, shalom. Our hearts our broken. It’s hard to explain. There is so much suffering at this time. If you are American, you need to first acknowledge that the IDF has limited civilian casualties to one tenth of hose in U.S. foreign wars. Please reach out to your member of congress and demand the return of Israeli hostages. This will put an end to this conflict. Also, as a dad, I would encourage you to give careful thought to your ways as it concerns who you allow to shape your thoughts and opinions. You are obviously a person of character and principle. Blessings.