On May 4th, 2020 I received the following vision of governmental glory: Above the Temple Mount, I saw Jesus as the Son of Man crowned with all authority. He was radiant with great light. He was wearing His kingly robes, and the long train of His robe was rich purple trimmed in white and gold.
He took the earth in His hands. He then placed it in a threshing basket and tossed it very high (similar to the visions of threshing nations I had in October 2016). Some thrones of evil were shaken and fell. When the globe landed, He gently laid down the basket with the globe in it to await future shakings.
![A globe with a background of clouds, signifying a vision of Christ's government in the world](https://succathallel.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/SH-Content-Images-20.jpg)
He then spread the train of His robe over the globe. Some thrones of evil were allowed to remain in place for a future purpose. However, the train of His robe brought darkness and confusion over those remaining evil thrones.
I then saw in the sky, in large letters over His throne, the word “restrain”. (As I prayed afterward, I felt this was an order to restrain and hold back demonic powers of anarchy, anti-Christ, Red Dragon, and World War.) The train of His robe restrained these evil powers from being able to fully carry out their diabolical plans at this time.
A Vision of Governments Protected
In contrast, the train of His robe protected and covered the intercessors and those in government or media positions who were aligning more fully with Jesus as the Chief Cornerstone “laid in Zion”. Then He began to reveal to them His governmental glory as it had been revealed in Isaiah chapter 6.
In this revelation of His glory, they laid down their self-righteousness and self-reliance. In His light, they saw light. They received solutions to counsel government leaders to help them bring light and change into dark, difficult situations.
Jesus, Restrainer and Protector in This Vision of Governments
The definition of “restrain” is, “to prevent (someone or something) from doing something; to keep under control or within limits.” The Cambridge Dictionary defines it as, “to control the actions or behavior of someone by force, especially in order to stop them from doing something, or to limit the growth or force of something.”
In legal terms, a restraining order is, “a court order intended to protect you from further harm from someone who has hurt you. It works to keep the abuser away from you, to stop harassing you, or keep the abuser from the scene of the violence, which may include your home, place of work, or apartment.”
May this vision of Christ’s eternal government restraining evil and protecting those who follow Him give you peace.
Glorious reminder. Thank you for posting.
Thank you so much for sharing this with us.
Here is the prayer I have bern given to pray for last two weeks. Your vision has so encourages me in Jesus. Thank you for your obedience to our Lord for His honor.
How excellent are You our Father God Who has called this nation to be Your fulcrum!
You are the God of order over all the nations , movement is happening for Your glory. You are the only God that has been or ever will be ,You are the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ and Your government is on Jesus’s shoulders. Horizontal Justice and vertical Righteousness and where they intersect is the essence of the cross. There the aroma of the cross is to go to the 4 corners of America then to the world, the zeal of the Lord will accomplish this!
I shout to the heavens Father,
Justice you have turned back and are to continue to cover the district of Columbia, all govt buildings and God’s appointed people, the 50 states and God’s seeking children.
Righteousness you have come nearer and will continue to in the same areas as Justice has turned back, and Truth you are standing in the streets and will contine to as Justice and Rigjteousness prevail all for God’s glory and endtime purpose and You Lord ate lifting this nation up as Your fulcrum by the zeal of the Lord in the midst of the storm. You are using what the devil would use for evil, You are using for good and to proclaim Your higher endtime purposes to reveal.Your order as you are clearing Your threshing floor !
All is prayed in Jesus powerful name as He is upholding, maintaining and propelling Your universe to Your honor. Amen
Blessingss honour glory & power belong to our God who sits upon the throne, and unto the lamb . Righteousness & justice are the foundation of His throne. He will be exalted in the heavens above and on the earth below. He will fulfil all that He has promised. He is faithful in all His words & gracious in all His deeds. We, His people, bow down & worship Him the one true God , as we see strongholds come down and every high thing that exalts itself against the Lord most high. demolished in the name above all names Yeshua HaMachiach.Praise the Lord for His prophets who guide & direct His people to pray more effectively to bring His purposes & plans to fruition.. Many thanks .Shalom.
Thank you. I have copied your prayer with others that I will pray daily.
Pastor pray for me to get stronger In faith and trust in God
May your faith be encouraged and strengthened! Amen!
Pastor pray for my girlfriend come back to me Maureen
Indeed let all oppression be restrained in Jesus name. I have longed for freedom for a long time
I pray that the Lord will put a restraining order upon the Government of Kaduna State and all evil leaders who are involved in the killing of innocent children, mothers and even men in Nigeria especially Southern Kaduna, because they are Christians.May a restraining yoke come upon everyone trying to use violence to Islamize Southern Nigeria in the victorious name of YESHUA HAMASHIYA!
Dear Rick, yes, this words gives me peace and strength ! Thanks to the Almighty, Loving GOD !
June 4, 2020 I saw the kings-shoes of Jesus on the Temple Mout. The shoes were beautifully decorated with gold and precious stones. Then I saw Jesus as King stay on the Temple Mount. More and more appears the royal dress till the whole Jesus as King is visible.
It’s meaning , that the royale rule of Jesus is becoming more and more visible ?
Shalom Christina
Many thanks for this. Will study and pray over today. Every blessing to you in the name of Yeshua. Ian.
Thank you for sharing God’s heart , vision and authority of Yeshua and we believe in the authority that Jesus gave to His Body of believers on this earth as He is Lord of lords and the King of kings. A few days back I was led by the Spirit of God to get out the book “ Issuing Divine Restraining Orders from the Courts of Heaven. By Dr. Francis Myles. And I was amazed at the goodness of Our God to revealed to me new revelation knowledge regarding divine restraining orders from Heaven. Thank you so much again for teaching and helping us to know our authority in our spheres of authority . We thank Our Heavenly Father for His Word and Yeshua who is the Word for giving us His authority. God blessed you and your family superabundantly.
I have been praying God would stretch forth His Mighty Right Hand and remove the evil,and that He would subdue it.Also for governors and president.
Great encouragement to perserve in prayer and intercession for His Governmental authority to come into all spheres of earthly government under The Banner of The Lamb
There was so much darkness and confusion! I even dyed my hair from white to red to black! The symbolisms of what I wore on my head. They were so confused too! They kept some thrones of evil for future purposes, but the rest of their places of power were in complete confusion. Where we began to restrain them, very demonic powers, the anarchy, the anti Christ, the dragon, the war – wow those were exactly the things that were restrained in that time too! Jesus protected and aligned me more fully. He did specifically go over the cornerstone as well. I laid it all down, and I almost died! But now am at a spot where my peace for now is what Christ has already done.