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Our report from the 13th of December, day 434 of the war: Events are unfolding rapidly, especially in Syria, and I want to share a vision and some scriptures the Lord has been giving us here in order to pray for Turkey, Syria, and the Christians in these regions, and over the Kurds in their region, and a future Kurdistan.
A Net Cast Over Turkey
The vision I received on December 10th this week I saw President Erdogan of Turkey was using a cover of darkness. This cover was really dark with no stars in it, just very pitch black.
Erdogan was using this cover of darkness to have his troops and their allies throw a net over the Kurds of Northeastern Syria and Iraq in order to imprison them.
Suddenly, a large spotlight came on. It was like those spotlights at a prison yard when trying to do a prison break. The spotlight shines upon this place, and sirens begin to sound.
Then I saw the Turkish military and their allies who had just thrown the net to try to imprison the Kurds were surprised, and the wind of the Lord came up and blew the net back upon the Turkish military at all of their allies. They were thrown into confusion and began clawing wildly, trying to escape.
Then I saw huge angels standing guard over the borders of a future Kurdistan and a dome of light forming over that future Kurdistan to protect it from attempts to stop its movement toward this stage.
Scripture Concerning Turkey, Israel, and the War
Scripturally, God sets the borders of the nations of the peoples. The Kurds are an ancient people. Many believe they are the ancient Medes.
God sets the borders of peoples, and modern Syria was an arbitrary border drawn after the ending of World War I and the ending of the Turkish caliphate. I saw an earlier vision in which I saw angels involved in establishing borders.
Let us believe the Lord to cause any who would come against His borders and His purposes to fail. Here are some key scriptures we’re proclaiming here at Jerusalem in Succat Hallel:
Psalm 9:15
The Nations have fallen into the pit that they have dug; their feet are caught in the net that they have hidden.
Psalm 35: 7-9
Since they hid their net for me without cause and without cause dug a pit for me, may ruin overtake them by surprise–may the net that they hid entangle them, may they fall into the pit, to their ruin. Then my soul will rejoice in the Lord and delight in His salvation
Psalm 57:6
They spread a net for my feet—I was bowed down in distress. They dug a pit in my path—but they have fallen into it themselves.
Psalm 140: 4-9
Keep me safe, Lord, from the hands of the wicked; protect me from the violent, who devise ways to trip my feet. The arrogant have hidden a snare for me; they have spread out the cords of their net and have set traps for me along my path.
Say to the Lord, “You are my God.” Hear, Lord, my cry for mercy. Sovereign Lord, my strong deliverer, you shield my head in the day of battle.Do not grant the wicked their desires, Lord; do not let their plans succeed.
Those who surround me proudly rear their heads; may the mischief of their lips engulf them.
Israel has been able to destroy at least 87% of all of Syria’s military assets. God is using some of the main groups that have taken over Syria in a great way to possibly attack Iran’s nuclear program.
So God is using this for good. But at the same time, we need to realize that although the mainstream media tries to present these rebels as suddenly having a change of heart and just being such lovely, sweet people, already there are videos coming out of towns they’re taking, and they’re flying Isis flags as they take those towns.
We need to be praying for God’s exposure of anything that would come from Turkey–many of these rebels have been found with Turkish passports or Turkish identity. And there’s been bombing of the Kurds by the Turks, even though this is not reported widely in mainstream media.
But the Lord God Almighty knows, and he can shine His spotlight upon it, and He can cause them to fall into the net they themselves have hidden. So may where they’re saying oh we’re we’re very moderate now, we’re no longer a radical Isis–may this be exposed and may truth come out quickly for the sake of the people of Syria, as well as for the Kurdish people, and especially for all the Christians in the region.
Psalm 140: 9-11
Those who surround me proudly rear their heads; may the mischief of their lips engulf them. May burning coals fall on them; may they be thrown into the fire, into miry pits, never to rise. May slanderers not be established in the land; may disaster hunt down the violent.
Our Prayer Concerning Ankara, Turkey, and Others
So we pray that anyone who would turn to the Lord would turn to the Lord. But for those who are bent on evil and violence, may disaster hunt them down rather than those people hunting down the ones called for God’s purposes in the Middle East.
I believe the Kurds have a strong calling. Their heart is toward Israel. Many Kurds are turning to the Lord. I believe there’s going to be a great move of the Holy Spirit among the Kurds. So, let’s pray for protection over them and over the Christians in that area.
Then one more thing I’d like to share. Many of you who watch this are aware that in 2019, the Lord gave me a vision of lightning coming out of God’s presence. As it says in Psalm 29:7, the word of the Lord went forth like flashes of lightning.
In that vision, I saw lightning strike demonic thrones over Tehran, Iran; Moscow, Russia; and Ankara, Turkey. Then, later on, I also saw it striking Beirut.
In 2019, as we proclaimed this, we literally had a lightning storm outside our window here at Succat Hallel.
Recently, we felt led to proclaim again those verses from Psalm 29 about the Lord’s word going forth as lightning, and we proclaimed again there would be setbacks again over demonic thrones over these places.
And in the events of the last few weeks, it seems quite clear there has been a strong setback of demonic plans coming forth from demonic thrones over Iran and Russia.
Those two were propping up the Assad regime in Syria. They didn’t come to their aid somehow. They were weakened enough that they could not come to the aid of Syria, and Assad’s regime fell.
Also, in Lebanon, there’s been so much victory, as we had proclaimed from Psalm 29 of the Cedars of Lebanon being splintered, thrown into division, and set back by His voice. That seems to be happening.
We need to continue to pray that work continues in Lebanon, that the word of the Lord will go forth like lightning. and we’re proclaiming that from Jerusalem right now.
Lord, also let your word go forth like lightning and strike the demonic thrones over Ankara, Turkey.
Severely set back any demonic plans of a new caliphate of oppression of people in Turkey, in Syria and in Iraq. We pray the Christians there, and the Kurdish people, and other peoples would be free from these demonic plans coming out of this throne of Ankara.
We believe your throne is above every other throne. You are Lord God Almighty.
And we proclaim your sovereignty in this current situation.
In the name of Yeshua, Amen.
Living in the Golan, visiting Jerusalem is lackluster if when I have not visited your Amazing PRAYER CENTER!!
All HIS Best
Dr. Alon Barak
Had Nes, Israel
We in America stand strong with you, at least the remnant does and we need these updates to align with what you, on the ground see ,you are our eyes, our watchman…Shalom Shalom, Shabbat Shalom
wow, I just found this page, thanx to Katharina here in Switzerland, pray for all Christians and families, children and people who cant defend themselves all around the world.
The Glory to יהוה forever.
Praise the Lord, ye people, praise Him
Wounded souls His comfort know.
Those who fear Him find His mercies,
Peace for pain and joy for woe.
Humble hearts are high exhalted,
Human pride and power laid low.
Praise the Lord, ye people, praise Him.
so good. Glory to God,in Yeshua.