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25 thoughts on “The Season of the Threshing Floor and the Coronavirus Plague”

  1. David & I feel so privileged to be connected to all of you in the Land of the LIVING. We pray for you often. The KING continue to be made manifest in all involved with this Ministry.

    1. Povo do Eterno, povo de Yeshua de joelhos em oração e súplicas .
      Momento de frutificação!!
      Levar o Evangelho a todos : parentes, amigos e inimigos!!
      Vamos orar!!

  2. Elizabeth Taylor

    Beautiful Word, thank you so much for sharing with us all. I look forward to these messages .
    Much blessing to you both and your family. (I had the great privilege of going on a prayer
    walk with you , and attending Succot Hallel when I was volunteering in Jerusalem 2005-2008).

    1. Gud velsigne dere RIKELIG i dette viktige bønnearbeid dere fronter i Det Hellige Land! Gud hører bønn og troner på vår lovsang ❤️ Fortsatt god påske…Peshua.
      Shalom! Ber sammen med dere i Jesu Kristi Navn ❤️

  3. Abba, Thank you for this work of puryfying us. I need this.
    If You will use us for bread or seed, it is in your hand.

  4. Christina M Chauvin

    I am in Plattsburgh, NY—been to Israel a few times since 2014 even with you guys to pray ?—>All is good so far and even in the mist of all trial and tribulations do wanna truly trust our Father God the Creator thru the Name of Yeshua our Messiah (the Miracle Maker) —and I am believing that all this is happening so that people who have this disease know there is no healing thru drs then thru prayer get “miracles from our Savior/Creator??? then grow into the knowledge of Who He fully is ?? all through out the entire earth..
    I am now looking at returning n in 10/31/2020-> 11/12/2020 if possible with corporate prayer..

  5. Charla E Thompson

    We are believing for the harvest in Wales. In lockdown but not locked out of the care of God. Drawing closer to Him, and yes, God is requiring we put all on the altar.

    1. My wife and I were in Llanglollen Oct of 2018 and had an overwhelming call to pray as we walked along the canal for Wales. This lockdown is also helping me to see with my eyes (I Kings 19:18) “Yet I have reserved 7,000…” as we are not alone, but as the Body all over the earth, must come together in the unity of the Spirit so that all might come to repentance. Our prayes are in agreement with you and the harvest in Wales. Richmond, Virginia, USA

  6. This is being confirmed by the prophetic community all over. We give thanks for you. The world is on pause and when it begins to move forward again we believe it will be the beginning of the most extraordinary season the world has ever experienced. We continue to pray for the coming harvest that expands as this present move of God continues to expand His Kingdom.

  7. Thank you Lord for our times are in Your hands. When you have purified us we shall come forth as silver. Let your will be done!

  8. Yes, glorious is His name. May He find us utterly surrendered, just as wheat is sifted. Since leaving Succat Hallel July 1st, I’ve settled into one of the most challenging series of tests of my life. Now I’m gladly embracing the transformation they are bringing. What was intended for my destruction He is making into good. So, at peace now, alone in the home He has given me for the time being, I’ve discovered that I’ve scarcely understood stillness before Him at age 67. Life habits are being forcibly changed for the better. The wind of His Spirit is is whipping through my dreams and literally in this gloriously clear late afternoon. Praise His name! Praise the name of Yeshua!

  9. His mercy endures forever! Amen
    ABBA, we depend totally on You, yes! We yield ourselves to You!
    We depend only on the GOOD LORD, who is full of compassion, full of wisdom and whose Name is Mercy and not on chariots Nor on horses! Isa:28:28,29!

  10. Thanks dear Rick and Patricia for encouraging us. May ours lives bring glory to Him that is worthy of all.

  11. Amazing how, when one reads Isaiah, new revelation comes!
    In this time we are told to go inside and close the door and wait for Yah’s wrath to pass! During this time we can pray and praise Him and read more into His Word and know that we are greatly blessed to be part of this experience because we can actually see His power and might! Hallelu-Yah ♡

  12. Thankyou so much for this word. So timely! Today is Nissan 9. The day that Jesus arrived in Bethany and Mary anointed His feet with oil to prepare for His burial. He poured herself out at his feet. John 12 v 3. Oh that we would understand the time and season that we are in. Like the Sons of Ischacar??

  13. Waiting on you in this harvest time.
    Your will be done on Earth as it is in heaven. You are good God worthy of praise mighty to save

  14. I’ve been on the Threshing Floor for a number of years, it has been quite painful.
    The Lord told me the first of the week, (March 30, 2020) it was time to count the cost and now I receive this Prophetic Word about the Threshing Floor and how David paid full price for the Threshing Floor – I thank my God for His loving kindness in Yeshua and for His Blood Sacrifice for me and for all who are reading this. When He went to Gethsemane, the place of crushing, and went on to Calvary laying down His life that we might live in Him and through Him to serve wherever, whenever and however He desires. I have counted the cost once again and find it is worth everything to know Him in the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings as I am being conformed to His death. Phil. 3:11. I asked Him to tell me when I caused Him to suffer and He did whether in thought, deed, or words. This is how I know the threshing floor.
    And now? He sits enthroned in my heart, 1Corin. 6:19,20 Our bodies are a temple for the Holy Spirit who lives inside of us, whom. we received from God. We don’t belong to ourselves; we were bought at a price and are to use our bodies to glorify God. 2Corin. 6:16b For we are the temple of the living God…
    I am His to do His bidding. I’m so thankful He has given me a dear husband who understands. He has seen the change. We have been married 41 years, We are both in our early 80s.

    But first, he paid the full price for the threshing floor and he said,
    “…I will not sacrifice to the Lord my God burnt offerings that cost me nothing.” – 2 Samuel 24:24b [NIV]ng floor

  15. Bärbel Ackermann-Tewes

    it is so wonderful to know that there is a golden net of love HOLY SPIRIT binding us together all over the world in the midst of any storm. JESUS is KING thanks ABBA

  16. Gielie Furstenberg

    Good day Rick. I saw a snippet on the Jewish channel over the Easter celebrations about the resurrection Sunday service that your team led at the garden tomb April 2020 . I went to the check it out and I want to say to you it was probable the most precious service I ever watched wrt the resurrected Sunday in my life time. Your anointed songs touched my heart that I felt I can watch it still a 1000 times over and tell the hole world to do the same. The songs your team choose were spot on and have now so much more meaning.
    After watching the service I was curious the see more regarding your worship team and songs and is available on the internet and then found out that your ministry revolve around 24 hour prayer & praise and that inspired me even more., as that is also my passion. On top of that I saw that you move in the prophetic and listened to some of your interpretations and current event in the world and I find it very encouraging listening to you as I sense it fresh from the heart of God,
    I just felt a connection, I do not believe and listen to any strange voice as Jesus said He is our TRUE SHEPHARD of His flock and a stranger I will not follow, especially in the last days.
    I want to encourage you with the great work you are busy with and pray that your voice will be a voice of truth and encouragement to the Kingdom of God. I will indeed follow you on the prayer directions and also pray for your self & team to stand strong in the LORD .
    LOVE you with the love of the LORD – MARANATHA , From Gielie & Maria, SOUTH AFRICA.

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