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6 thoughts on “Uplifting Family Hope When Sheltering from the Coronavirus”

  1. Elisabeth Lerchbaum

    thank you very much for your wise words of encouragement. Years before I heard a Cassette from Rick Ridings again and again. It brought joy and Peace and good advise. shalom, Elisabeth from Munich, Germany

  2. Anna Maria O’Cock

    Thank you for sharing this word! This is so beautiful and I too believe He is restoring our families at this time. Praise God!

  3. Thank you so much! We have been praying the same prayers! Salvation to homes and turning from false replacements of homes “alternative lifestyles” back to home in THE LORD’s arms. Eyes and hearts to come back home to their one true LOVE – to realize they found their home resting in the open arms of JESUS our LORD. That they hide away and deeply come alive in their new discovery of lovr with I AM. That they live out this verse being one with their LOVE – HE WHO DWELLS IN THE SECRET PLACE OF TGE MOST HIGH SHALL ABIDE UNDER THE SHADOW OF THE ALMIGHTY. I WILL SAY OG TGE LORD HE IS MY REFUGE AND MY STRENGTH IN HIM WILL I TRUST. and S of S – all would meet HIM in deep love dripping with love for HIM! HE would be the APPLE OF THE EYE to all and the JOY and SONG to every heart!

    Out of this will bring a revival to America, but during this we be in deep prayer for Isreal’s eues to be open to JESUS! As gentiles, we are indebted to Isreal for the Salvation given to us. We are responsible to bring the light back. To go back to the (S of S) “tree where your mother birthed you” USA to Isreal. When our love is back to a flame and fulfill the gentiles love for JESUS, WE need to “throw the bouquet” from our wedding – back to Isreal. This is our responsibility! To proclaim JESUS in the streets of OUR LORD in our HUSBAND’S home where HIS mother birthed HIM – HIS heart’s habitation. This is a burden of prayer to prepare this to come forth during this awakening period of the sleeping bride. THANK YOU LORD JESUS!!!! ….didn’t spell check or grammar check this because the phone screen is small to eye. Please forgive typos – Thank you

  4. Petra Strassner

    Thank you so much, Rick and Patricia, for staying in contact with GODs heart! Thank you for blessing and encouraging our families!
    The Almighty loves our small units, our couples, our families, our good worthy relationships, HE loves our brothers and sisters, HE loves our land and our nations, HE loves Israel.
    HE would like to make us strong spiritual units, partners, families, worthy unions and communities, nations corresponding to John 10,10. JESUS is our good Shepherd, who detects the darkness in our lives, relationships, families,
    governments and administrations. HE brings light , love and justice in our personal lives, couples, families, relationships and communities. We, alone, are not able to live such love! JESUS blesses us and offers us plentifulness in our (spiritual) lives.
    My desire is to pray to bring more light, joy, truth, love and justice in our families, in our surroundings and nations. More true love towards Israel and more love in Israel towards the nations. May JESUS help us to receive and to live the divine SHALOM in our families and relationships!
    Thank YOU JESUS!

  5. Rodney & Nancee Fox

    Thank you so much for this very timely word, as always. We keep you and your great work in our prayers.

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