Many of you would have received a report I sent concerning a vision I received on 21 October, and on 4 November, 2014 of “The Temple Mount, A Menacing Dragon, and A Season of Increasing Shakings”.
At the time I had received these visions, Jerusalem was experiencing frequent violent attacks of Muslim violence against Jews in terms of stabbings, vehicles being driven into groups waiting for public transport, etc. Since that time, we have proclaimed “NOT NOW” from the vision, and requested from the Lord a “gag and restraining” order against the incitement to violence being breathed out by the Dragon at that time. We praise the Lord that on 28 December, a local Jerusalem newspaper reported: “According to police data, the number of security incidents in the city has gone down over the past two months. In October, police instituted a special campaign against violence called “Keepers of the Walls” (Shomrei Homot) in which special attention was paid to Jerusalem’s security.”
On 23 December, 2014, I received a further vision in this “series”: I saw a huge, white Dove, which I knew represented the Holy Spirit, and it was circling over the Temple Mount. It had replaced the dragon spirit that I had previously seen circling the Temple Mount, and which was later locked up for a season in a dungeon below the Mount. In this new vision, the circling Dove had oil coming off the tips of its wings, and the oil was spraying out over Jerusalem and Israel. For those who lifted up their lamps, their lamps were filling up with this oil, which I knew was important for them to be prepared for, and able to “see”, in a season later to come. I then saw a rainbow touching the Temple Mount, indicating a continued season of covenant mercies for Jerusalem and Israel. I knew that the main dragon spirit I had seen in October was still chained, gagged, and in its dungeon. However, I then saw little dragons going out to the nations to incite Islamic violence, and to inspire hatred towards the Jewish people and Israel. I had a strong sense the Lord was waiting for intercessors in those nations to stand against these spirits, and to ask the Lord as Judge to give a restraining order against the dragon spirit and its activity in their nation.
In a further confirmation concerning the dragon vision, I received a very encouraging email on November 29th from a surgeon in England who said: “I was forwarded your email regarding your dream by my good friend Brian Mills after I had mentioned a recurring dream to him of being on Temple Mount down in a cave praying for a ‘restraining order’ for a dragon the Lord had imprisoned there and then Praising with Ps 149.”………..
I would now like to share some further understanding concerning these three visions of the Temple Mount and the dragon spirit:
1. Some Insights as to what the “Dragon” in the Visions Represents.
In Hebrew, the word sometimes translated “serpent”, “sea serpent”, or “monster’ in some English Bible versions, would be better translated more literally as “dragon”, since the Hebrew is the word “tanin”, rather than the Hebrew word for snake “nachash”. When the Hebrew word for “serpent” (“nachash”) is joined together with the word “saraph” (Isa 14:29, Isa. 30:6), then it literally means a “fiery, flying serpent or dragon”
A. The Dragon is often related to Egypt and the Pharaoh spirit:
For example, “tanin” (“dragon”) is the word used in Exodus 7:9,10 when Aaron cast down the rod before Pharaoh.
In Ezekiel 29:3, this word “tanin” (‘dragon”) is used for Pharaoh (or the spiritual power controlling him), “Behold, I am against you, O Pharaoh king of Egypt, O great monster (tanin/dragon) who lies in the midst of his rivers, who has said, ‘My River is my own; I have made if for myself.’ But I will put hooks in your jaws…”
B. The dragon of the Book of Revelation hates Israel, and releases lying spirits which convince the nations to gather for war against Israel: Revelation 16:13, 14: “Then I saw three impure spirits that looked like frogs; they came out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet. They are demonic spirits that perform signs, and they go out to the kings of the whole world, to gather them for the battle on the great day of God Almighty.”
2. What Happens in the Spiritual Battle in Jerusalem is often a Precursor to what is Going to be Released in the Nations.
If a major “dragon” principality really was released and then chained in Jerusalem in October, 2014, could it be that other, “lesser dragon” spirits are being released in the nations? I ask this because so often we have noticed that what happens here in Jerusalem occurs just before similar spiritual battles come upon the nations.
In November, I received an email from an American pastor in which he described a dream he had in July, 2014. Here is something he saw in that dream: “So as I was working there I heard this commotion about a quarter mile off and as I looked in that direction I saw a HUGE dragon, I mean a truly ferocious looking dragon leaping up into the air making this loud shrieking call (sounded like the noises made by the dinosaurs on Jurassic Park). But I noticed this dragon was chained to the earth and could not actually fly up or away. As he did this, a hole in the clouds opened up over him. I hollered back to my boss and the others and said, ‘I think you guys need to come see this!” They tried to ignore me and I said again, “You REALLY need to come and see this!” As I said that, thousands of smaller dragons came pouring out of the hole in the clouds onto the earth. They were all vicious and ferocious.”
I believe it is significant that some nations, such as France, almost ignored or justified terror acts in October in Jerusalem (such as driving a car into an innocent group of people), and are now experiencing those same things in their nation.
I felt strongly in the vision I received on 23 December, 2014, that “the main dragon spirit I had seen in October was still chained, gagged, and in its dungeon. However, I then saw little dragons going out to the nations to incite Islamic violence, and to inspire hatred towards the Jewish people and Israel. I had a strong sense the Lord was waiting for intercessors in those nations to stand against these spirits, and to ask the Lord as Judge to give a restraining order against the dragon spirit and its activity in their nation.”
3. I believe the next six months will be a very key time to pray concerning the alignment of our nations concerning Israel.
I will not take time in this article to give a biblical teaching concerning the way in which nations will eventually be judged according to their attitudes and actions towards the Lord’s choice of the Jewish people and Israel as the “firstborn son”. They are called to bring the knowledge of the true God to the nations, to steward His Scriptures, to bring forth the Messiah, and to be the Land to which He will return a second time.
The Lord brought to the attention of my friend, Harald Eckert, that the 70th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz Concentration Camp (27 January, 2015) falls 100 days before the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II (8/9 May, 2015). We and many others have joined with Harald to issue a “Global Call to Prayer” during these 100 days, to confess the sins of our nations towards Israel and the Jewish people, and to cry out to the Lord to turn the hearts of the Gentile Church and national political leaders to rightly align with the Lord’s Word and heart towards Israel and the Jewish people.
I sense an urgency concerning this issue, to intentionally pray into this before the hearts of nations are “set” and “hardened” in a path that would lead to judgment.
1. Let us continue to stand in the “courtroom” of the Judge of all the earth to enforce a continued “gag and restraining order” against the dragon principality which I believe has been chained, gagged, and put in a dungeon for a season. Let us lift up high praise, as in Psalm 149, that will contribute to the continued shackling and imprisonment of this “dragon” spirit.
2. Let us stand in the “courtroom” of the Judge of all the earth to request a “gag and restraining order” against any lesser dragon spirits that have been released in our nation (or nations for which the Lord has called us to intercede), that these spirits would have to stop “incitement towards Islamic violence” and to stop their lies which are seeking to stir up hatred towards Israel and the Jewish people (see Revelation 16:13,14 for the actions of the dragon of which these spirits seem to be fore-runners).
3. Let us, as Daniel (see Daniel chapter 9), confess our sins and the sins of our fathers, and seize this moment to see our nations choose the alignment of becoming a “sheep nation” and not a “goat nation” (see Matthew 25:31-46, especially verse 40 where the word “brothers” is the word used for ethnic “brothers”, the Jewish people into which He was born).
For more information on the “Global Prayer Call” and the conferences in Auschwitz/Krakow and in Jerusalem, refer to the website: