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Thank you so much for the ways you’ve kept up your prayers for Israel during this very crucial time in her history. I’d like to share four things that will hopefully give some prophetic direction for prayer.
Prayer #1: Pray for No Counterfeit Peace in the Israel War
First, you’ve probably heard of the efforts to make a ceasefire agreement in Lebanon and Gaza.
With both of those, I think it’s very important to pray that there will be no counterfeit peace. A counterfeit piece is when people make compromises to leave something in place that should actually be uprooted.
Since the beginning of this war, we have felt the Lord spoke very strongly that this is His time to not just prune terror groups like Hamas and Hezbollah and the Iranian regime but to actually uproot them.
God calls us in Jeremiah 1 as prophetic intercessors to hear the word of the Lord proclaim His word in such a way that God uproots systems of evil and nations and plants His kingdom in its place.
Jeremiah 1:9-10
Then the Lord reached out his hand and touched my mouth and said to me, “I have put my words in your mouth. See, today I appoint you over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant.”
There are more than 60,000 Israelis who’ve been out of their homes in the Northern part of the country for over a year now and cannot return home until Hezbollah is dealt with decisively.
Last week, I was with two brothers from Lebanon who shared with us, and they said, please encourage people to keep praying for the full uprooting and the full destruction of Hezbollah.
They said we have been in a prison in Lebanon for 20 years, and Hezbollah has taken our prosperous country and destroyed it economically and in every other way they could. They said it’s like we’ve been in prison, so please encourage people to pray that Israel will finish the job.
We’re so thankful they’re finally dealing with Hezbollah. Please pray that no counterfeit peace happens, but let us believe the Lord together for a full uprooting now so they can no longer build back.
Prayer #2: Pray to Uproot Israel’s Deep State
Second, we need to apply these prayers to uprooting systems of evil, sometimes called the deep state. We have it here in Israel, too. It’s not just in America; it’s in every nation probably.
I encourage you especially to think about what God is exposing on the systems of evil concerning deep states in Israel and America right now.
In Israel, they’re trying to overthrow Prime Minister Netanyahu. I believe it’s because he’s called to be like Winston Churchill and not Chamberlain.
Chamberlain created a counterfeit peace, a false peace, and then things went very much further than they would have had to go if he had been decisive like Churchill. Nazism could not just be compromised and negotiated with. Nazism had to be rooted out.
So, this is a time to pray that the deep state and its plans will not prosper and will not succeed.
Here are some scriptures we’re proclaiming at Succat Hallel.
Malachi 4:1
“Surely the day is coming; it will burn like a furnace. All the arrogant and every evildoer will be stubble, and the day that is coming will set them on fire,” says the LORD Almighty. “Not a root or a branch will be left to them.”
Lord, we agree together with your Word. Let it be in for these deep state systems of evil and for the terror groups like Hamas and Hezbollah, even in the Iranian regime.
Matthew 15:13
[Jesus] replied, “Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be pulled up by the roots.
So we agree together Lord, with your Word, that these systems of evil and these evil dor groups will not just be pruned but will be uprooted in the name of Yeshua.
Prayer #3: Prayers for Israel as it deals with the Hague
Then I’m sure you’re all very aware of the international criminal court and their ridiculous warrants put out for the arrest of Prime Minister Netanyahu and former Defense Minister Gallant and equating their defensive actions with Hamas.
So they’re trying to make a moral equivalence between Hamas, which invaded Israel and started the war through barbaric acts like raping and pillaging, taking all these hostages, killing parents in front of children, children in front of parents, etc.
It’s unbelievable that they can try to make a moral equivalence between all of that and the elected leadership of Israel, who is simply defending their country, which was invaded.
This takes away from The credibility of the international criminal court, and it’s interesting that the head of that court is a Muslim man who is being investigated right now for sexual wrongdoing.
Yet he dares to come and make a moral judgment on the elected leadership of Israel defending themselves.
So a few months ago, we were in the Hague in the building of the International Criminal Court and in the city, many people came from many nations to pray for this whole situation.
As we were praying, the Lord gave me this scripture, and we proclaimed it strongly there:
Matthew 7:24
“Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.”
The “rock” here is obviously Yeshua Himself but also the truth which is built upon Him and His word. That truth will stand in the midst of great storms and shakings.
So we declared that as the shakings would increase in the UN system, in the International Criminal Court, and the International Court of Justice that anything built on sand would begin to crumble and fall according to His Word.
As we shared this with the leadership who lives there in the Hague, they said actually the building called The International Peace Palace where the International Criminal Court and the International Court of Justice is built on sand. It’s literally built on sand. So we felt this was such a confirmation.
I encourage you to pray that this whole UN system would crumble and fall apart. We’re praising God for the nations standing up now and saying that they’re withdrawing from the membership in the international criminal court because this is a travesty of justice, entirely political and not true judicial action.
Prayer #4: Pray for a Great Harvest and No World Wars
One last prayer I believe we all need to be praying for, and we’ve shared this for a long time now, is that there will not be a premature World War III.
I shared 10 years ago already that during a time of great harvest, Satan would try to stop this harvest by escalating regional conflicts into a premature World War, and I shared that we needed to pray over each regional conflict to contain and restrain them so that they would not go beyond the borders which God allowed.
So, Lord, we agree together from Jerusalem. We proclaim the times and the seasons are in your hands and no matter what evildoers may do to provoke a World War III, we declare it will become short by the grace of God.
We pray what is happening now in Ukraine and Russia will not develop into a full-scale nuclear war or world war. We pray what is happening here in the Middle East will not develop into a full- scale world war. We pray that what’s happening in Taiwan also would not escalate into a premature world war.
On all of these, we proclaim that the purposes of God would be fully completed.
In the Middle East, we pray for the uprooting of evil terror systems, and God let whatever needs to be finished be finished. But at the same time, we also pray these things would not create a premature World War.
We agree together that there will be a great worldwide harvest and a planting of the kingdom of God in the nations of the earth.
We bless you from Jerusalem and thank you again for your prayers.
Shalom Rick and Patricia and Succath Hallel intercessors, thanks very much Rick for these prayers. We continue to stand with you in prayers and intercession for Israel and God’s promises for His beloved people Israel. Much love and blessings,
Thank you so much for the prayers for Israel in this New Year 2025. Thank you for including the scriptures from God’s word.
Praise God He hears our prayers and we can trust Him because He is true to His word.
God’s blessings, His goodness and love
Kerry Lee Angel
Western Australia 🇦🇺
Thank you Rick and Patrica and all at Succat hallel for your prayers and for leading us all to pray God’s heart for Israel and surrounding nations. After I read it through, I believe the Lord gave me a picture to release for your discernment. Where may I send that to in confidence. Blessings
As I read through Rick’s word on how to pray for the nations and 2 places around Israel and the concern of a false peace, I had a picture which I submit now for your discernment and ask that you delete it if it does not resonate with you.
I saw the Lord as the Gardener of our souls as I’ve seen Him before. He was standing beside a large garden bed and I had the sense that he’d weeded it and was coming back to inspect it. The bed to me represented the two places in your region you’d spoken about. The bed on inspection had pockets of mostly individual weeds that had again, popped up all over. Then I saw that the bed was an unusual shape like a hexagon but more angles and was now bordered with heavy black plastic that came up over the sides of the bed. As I watched the Lord picked up this weeding apparatus and sprayed the whole area and each weed as it received the spray, shrivelled and died cleanly, leaving no trace of it behind. Thank you Father, for your power to deliver, heal and restore. Thank you Lord have your way in the nations of the earth for your glory, honour and praise, in Yeshua’s name. One verse was highlighted straightaway, Micah; 4:4 bless you Succathallel.
I so agree with this teaching and humbly add to your “Pray(er) to Uproot Israel’s Deep State.” I pray this not only for Israel but for America as well.
Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! Romans 11:33
Can you penetrate God’s depths? Can you find out Shaddai’s limits? Job 11: 7
Before God, nothing created is hidden, but all things are naked and open to the eyes of him to whom we must render an account. Hebrews 4:13
Dear Lord and God Almighty, we cannot fathom the depth of Your wisdom and knowledge…they are beyond limit. These individuals who are called the “deep state” are known to You, intimately. Please bring them into account and uproot their mission. I pray they will all become irrelevant in Your hands and do so in the name of Yeshua. Amen
Also I am praying for hostages 1Kings 8: 46-53.
May they be calling out to You Lord 🙏